- 0
sent the wrong message
#544 opened by McAZero - 13
Crash 1.19.3-8.3.0 at Multiplayer
#540 opened by T-Niijima - 1
Crash on Start with new Update 1.19.2
#541 opened by suerion - 2
Abilities config is set to true on serverconfig but doesnt work (1.19)
#542 opened by CeZerTyui - 1
I put backpack on back and can no longer access
#543 opened by Mickymoo9 - 4
language update zh_cn.json for 1.19.2
#553 opened by YivanLiu - 3
Crash when right clicking on backpack.
#545 opened by KostromDan - 2
HUD doesn't render when RPG-HUD is installed
#546 opened by MrRedstoneA1 - 4
not work on servers,
#547 opened by Agartha95 - 4
Shulker enabling option in config file
#548 opened by doks91 - 9
Backpack rolls back to old inventory
#549 opened by Myddrim - 2
Equipped backpack will not drop upon death by creeper explosion
#550 opened by KingBones314 - 0
[1.19.2] Crash on right click with a sleeping bag
#551 opened by Zahkriiven - 3
Items Lost
#552 opened by serkanyersen - 1
Craft Dupli 1.19.2 Fabric
#559 opened by GrisKillPR - 2
I cant open backpack inventory in fabric modpack
#560 opened by krjencik - 1
[1.16.5]Traveler's Backpack clashes with Pixelmon
#561 opened by yuankun1 - 3
¿Cómo Mantengo la mochila al morir? (Pregunta)
#555 opened by Mburgoso - 6
Crafting module sometimes breaks and crafts brown dye for every item when an extra NBT tag is stored into the backpack
#556 opened by Frontear - 2
Refmap error on 1.19.2 -- cannot launch
#557 opened by itsdinkd - 20
Consistent Crashes 1.19.2
#558 opened by pokesmells - 1
[Crash] Crash when doing something?
#554 opened by Catomax262 - 1
#562 opened by pokesmells - 8
Textures are in the wrong place and not sure what's causing it.
#563 opened by saditude - 3
Crash Description: Rendering entity in world
#564 opened by alejandrogiraldoq - 1
Crash with FTB Chunks with latest version.
#567 opened by pokesmells - 3
CRASH placing sleeping bag
#565 opened by FlipperCargo368 - 20
my backpakc Disappear's : FORGE: 118.2
#566 opened by Gismov2 - 1
Problem when someone change mode to auto sort/lock
#568 opened by AviationTwelve - 2
Backpack stuck on character, cannot access, cannot remove.
#569 opened by jsftv - 4
Make crafting slots inaccessible unless you manualy put items in it
#570 opened by beefufo - 1
#571 opened by breeece - 5
Back pack bug
#573 opened by SirDante94 - 4
Dupe Glitch
#572 opened by ereese99 - 1
#584 opened by time-of-flowers - 1
backpack ability not working
#574 opened by nutellaramen - 1
backpack in backpack
#575 opened by DanielJack31 - 1
Add a new config option to drop the backpack like any other item on death.
#578 opened by schmensch - 1
Slot reserving not ignoring NBT
#579 opened by jeytee84 - 2
Upgrade to support Fabric 1.19.4
#576 opened by lospejos - 3
Create Structure deletes backpack when dying.
#577 opened by schmensch - 1
Abilities editing
#580 opened by aruss69xd - 1
Supplementaries mod compatability bug. Liquid milk error!
#581 opened by MAGGen-hub - 1
there is no way to destroy the backpack item
#582 opened by kikijede - 3
[Fabric 1.18.2] No backpack abilities work at all. (Tested Blaze/Dragon, both did nothing)
#583 opened by Credit-Score - 2
Shift clicking an item into a memory slot from inventory crashes the game
#585 opened by Frontear - 3
If the backpack is worn at death, a crash occurs
#586 opened by ReactorNefg - 1
Crash when swimming with Dragon Traveler's Backpack equipped
#587 opened by Lgmrszd - 1
Request to have the tanks and tools on screen to be hidden or moveable.
#588 opened by AbandonedPlayer - 1
Mod not showing for 1.19.4
#589 opened by Ruecookie