213,290 Mods
Sandstorm Particle Engine
73 DownloadsSnowstorm based particle engine but for minecraft java edition but for fabric but serverside using polymer
Craft Chain Armor [Mod]
73 DownloadsThis mod adds a craft for the chainmail armor
Expendable expenses
73 DownloadsMoney, and things to show of you got money!
Munkeys World Boss
73 DownloadsSetup a WORLD BOSS on your server or your singleplayer world! Super configurable!
Dimension Link
73 DownloadsCreate portal link between dimensions to make custom world sets.
Random Tweaks
73 DownloadsA collection of random tweaks
Dynamic FOV Offset
73 DownloadsAllows you have a different FOV in first- and third-person by specifying an offset for each
Ghost's Simplicity
73 DownloadsA lot of small changes and additions to make the world more vibrant and playstyles more varied.
72 DownloadsCommon materials shared between the Misericorde series
72 DownloadsAn epic utility to zoom in and out on Minecraft.
72 DownloadsRemoves the totem popup when you use it
Bamboo Sign Editor
72 DownloadsModify the text and commands of the signs in the game!
Don't use this block!
72 DownloadsDon't allow players to open GUI's of blocks like Anvils, Enchanting Tables, or Brewing Stands
Preset Dimensions
72 DownloadsBare-bones modpack dev helper mod for copying pre-prepared dimensions into the dimension folder of newly created worlds.
Default Potion Tweaks
72 DownloadsChanges the behavior of certain vanilla potion effects, as well as allowing greater control over their specific values
Comparties Reborn
72 DownloadsEnhance RPG Parties with additional protection for party players and their pets, and improved its compatibility with Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks!
Custom Potions
72 DownloadsAllows adding custom potions and potion recipes through datapacks
Who Took My Stuff
71 DownloadsMinecraft mod that logs removal of items from chests. Events are written to a chestevents.log file in the logs directory.
71 DownloadsMinecraft mod that highlights inventory items similar to the one hovered over.
Personal Space (Crowd Control)
71 DownloadsGradually hide players who get too close. Fully configurable!