- 1
How to reload Semi-Auto Crossbow on Minecraft 1.12 version
#221 opened by RFScout - 2
Can't load up world
#219 opened by PoofFrags - 2
RPG-Hud can't render blood meter
#220 opened by thetalorian - 1
Config changes not being applied
#222 opened by Yorkforce - 2
Use JSON for WeaponTable recipes
#223 opened by maxanier - 1
Generate more structures for loot and (boss) mobs
#225 opened by maxanier - 2
[1.12][1.3.1] Blood Dupe (via Forestry, Thermal Dynamics)
#226 opened by Alaberti - 6
[1.12.1] Sleep system like Morpheus
#227 opened by Alaberti - 5
[mod compat]Apple skin doesn't correctly show hunger debug information for vampires
#228 opened by Twisted-Code - 7
Graphical Bug W/ bat
#229 opened by VenomiXeD - 9
Can't fly in bat mode - Totem Essentials
#230 opened by soulsrocks13 - 2
Cant Find Vampires
#231 opened by IvanNSBS - 6
Severe Error
#233 opened by tamem313a - 2
Vampire AI bite target priorities
#232 opened by Twisted-Code - 7
#236 opened by maxanier - 4
[1.10] Causes crash due to conflict with real terrain generation mod and Vampirism
#234 opened by demfels - 3
Inescapable Coffin after teleporting
#235 opened by dukeofodd - 1
Small problem with Project E Body stone
#237 opened by Caopr - 3
No Vampires spawning while using Biome Bundle and Open Terrain Generator
#238 opened by Scytheas - 6
Rework villages. Allow players to take over villages (hunter/vampire)
#241 opened by maxanier - 2
Integrate InterModMessages
#239 opened by maxanier - 0
Implement 1.12's advancements
#240 opened by maxanier - 2
General Improvements
#242 opened by maxanier - 2
Vampire Hunters not being mad at you for being a Vampire.
#245 opened by KingEdward9830 - 0
Rework creature blood (calculation)
#243 opened by maxanier - 1
Stats collection
#246 opened by maxanier - 2
Blood Potions only work in Creative
#247 opened by KingEdward9830 - 3
Vampirism and RTG integration crash
#248 opened by touhouzun - 4
Add Twilight Forest Mobs to default_blood_values.txt
#250 opened by flamechair - 2
Vampire mobs can suck blood through fences
#249 opened by flamechair - 0
Allow binding actions to keys
#251 opened by maxanier - 1
More blood for higher level vampires
#252 opened by maxanier - 4
Fix exploit
#253 opened by maxanier - 1
Check language file capitalization
#255 opened by maxanier - 8
Animals turn into vampires randomly! O.o?
#257 opened by Plaah007 - 1
Sleep Percentage doesn't take effect
#256 opened by flamechair - 0
Vampire can fly through water in bat mode
#258 opened by flamechair - 1
Newest 1.12.2 vs of Vamp and Vamp Integration not excepting each other.
#259 opened by Daihok41 - 2
Alpha-version system does not handle year changes
#260 opened by maxanier - 7
Apply cooldown mechanic to bat flight mode
#262 opened by flamechair - 0
Vampire should be able to transform into demonic shapes
#261 opened by sbcmadn1 - 3
sundamage_weakness_minlevel doesn't obey config changes
#263 opened by flamechair - 6
Vampires can only teleport when pointing at the top face of a block
#265 opened by flamechair - 2
Russian translate
#264 opened by McKoZa - 0
Vampire trying to punch you
#267 opened by Sheppard22 - 0
Potential issue with Sponge and Nucleus
#269 opened by maxanier - 6
Game crashes in LAN multiplayer
#268 opened by leoamaro01 - 1
How can I change villages properties
#270 opened by felexz - 1
Toroquest incompatablity. (Vampire Hunter Trainers don't spawn.)
#272 opened by MLMII - 3
Vamp Books are not in chest?
#271 opened by bzald