- 0
[Bug]: preventToolDestruction flag not protecting tools from breaking
#32 opened by laforcem - 0
[Bug]: Vein Mining book can't be applied at all
#33 opened by toffi3 - 1
#34 opened by LeoraKnight - 9
[Bug]: Game Crashes While Loading A World
#35 opened by bowsmin12 - 1
Infinite loop when attaching a capability based on enchantability
#36 opened by Patrigan - 0
Crash with Quark + Quark Oddities
#1 opened by VoiidInVaiin - 0
Crash With Quark
#2 opened by VoiidInVaiin - 2
Server only usage
#3 opened by tombl - 2
possibly enchantless - suggestion
#5 opened by superon - 9
[Suggestion] Add a keybind for VeinMining activation. (config option for sneak or keybind.)
#7 opened by Gbergz - 1
[Suggestion] Tetra compatibility
#8 opened by Omni35 - 7
#9 opened by aGingerThing - 3
[suggestion] examples.
#10 opened by aGingerThing - 0
VeinMining Duplicates Connected Drawers
#11 opened by callmejay758 - 1
Redstone ore can't be vein mined if effective tool is required.
#12 opened by Weedoof - 1
Vein Mining as a Tinkers' modifier
#13 opened by TheIllusiveC4 - 2
It wont activate for me. 1.16.4
#14 opened by RepoDraghon - 3
[Suggestion] Quark compatability
#15 opened by DSchougaard - 0
Suggestion: Add a config option to restrict to specific tools
#16 opened by Foozey - 2
Suggestion: Make the config file be common instead of server-side
#17 opened by Foozey - 1
suggestion (to help with OTHER mod compatibilitys)
#18 opened by iGreenDogs - 5
Changes won't save.
#19 opened by Gohirro - 4
Config file keeps getting overriden
#20 opened by revdave33 - 7
Restrict VeinMining to only ores
#21 opened by DeJayDev - 10
Activation Type Won't Change
#22 opened by AquaLawng - 4
Config doesnt save
#23 opened by OneWithWind - 8
Better Minecraft 1.16.5 versin
#24 opened by Kabrasaki - 0
Vein mining not working in Better Minecraft (Fabric) 1.17
#25 opened by HowardRoark2016 - 1
vein minerbroken better minecraft
#26 opened by kiandrewh - 1
Can't add #forge:ores or it crashes my game.
#27 opened by imeangay - 1
stop working sometimes
#28 opened by Skorpan2006 - 14
Configuration in mod setting doesn't work on Multiplayer
#29 opened by Kullich - 1
.json5 config file missing
#30 opened by EnvoFN - 0
[Suggestion] Add possible values for rarity to config text
#31 opened by CplPibald