- 0
#110 opened by questionboys - 8
Shut down async tasks on reload
#109 opened by xPaw - 4
Add 'authors' in plugin.yml
#108 opened by xPaw - 3
/stack Doesn't work in Nightly Build
#93 opened by Beaverbeliever - 0
#89 opened by sk89q - 2
//size now needs parameters?
#88 opened by rakiru - 1
Additional command line switches for some region based commands.
#87 opened by streppa - 1
Commands get executed twice
#85 opened by MichaelRoosz - 1
Copy & Move Stairs
#84 opened by DJ411 - 0
Errors with 297
#83 opened by drampelt - 0
Support new block types in SSP
#82 opened by sk89q - 0
Chunk pre-generator
#81 opened by sk89q - 2
Script does not exist (adds an additional period between script name and .js)
#80 opened by braincreation - 3
Allow Chunk deletion from coordinates instead of wand locations
#79 opened by uncovery - 2
Support for BigBrother
#78 opened by J0s3f - 0
Improve the block data flip routine
#77 opened by sk89q - 1
- 2
/stack breaks crafting with whatever item was stacked.
#75 opened by earthiverse - 2
//butcher doesn't kill ghasts
#74 opened by rakiru - 2
Ovoid wand and new way to make spheres and ovoids
#73 opened by Gallion - 1
/distr Info shows up in worldedit.log
#72 opened by Beaverbeliever - 1
Using /jumpto and /thru with object when interacting
#71 opened by Pluckerpluck - 2
//replace ignores block data
#70 opened by hakusaro - 1
CraftScripts: Optionally allow loading different extensions or change extension
#69 opened by hakusaro - 1
New command to alter the axis used by some other commands
#68 opened by Tenebrous - 4
Weird //set #clipboard issue, torches rotate etc
#67 opened by Tenebrous - 1
Polygonal selection
#66 opened by HerrRiz - 2
Show current selection cuboid temporarily
#65 opened by Tenebrous - 1
Selection-bounded block changing
#64 opened by sk89q - 5
Hemisphere generation
#63 opened by sk89q - 3
Prevent using items that are not blocks with generation commands
#62 opened by Gallion - 2
Perhaps make the use of single-slash and double-slash consistent
#60 opened by Tenebrous - 2
#59 opened by drampelt - 1
Have the wand work from a distance
#58 opened by sk89q - 1
Add //inset and //outset commands to adjust the selection
#57 opened by sk89q - 1
#56 opened by mattekure - 2
Snapshots: Support easily moving to an earlier/later backup without typing in the full name
#55 opened by Tenebrous - 1
Snapshots: Make the commands consistant
#54 opened by Tenebrous - 2
Snapshots: Support incremental backups
#53 opened by Tenebrous - 3
Add a function to regenerate landscape
#52 opened by Gallion - 1
Config Schematic Folder
#51 opened by MoveCraft - 2
Script Timeout Config Setting Doesn't Work
#50 opened by MoveCraft - 1
printable reference sheet draw.js
#48 opened by mattekure - 2
#47 opened by fugue2005 - 8
Horizontal Cylinder
#46 opened by mattekure - 7
Load saved WorldGuard region in WorldEdit
#45 opened by keypunch - 1
Compass right-click != /jumpto
#44 opened by uncovery - 1
paste-function that ignores copied air
#43 opened by uncovery - 2
Feature-Request - wool color
#41 opened by Daenks - 1
#39 opened by fouram