- 3
problems with saving schematics
#1298 opened by MapperChan - 6
Console Worldedit
#1299 opened by Steev93 - 2
Error in console when restoring
#1300 opened by MrKiller01 - 0
Tab completing percentages removes the percentage string from most recent material
#1302 opened by NJDaeger - 2
Evaluating "while(0);" produces NullPointerException
#1303 opened by j-tai - 1
Run another script from a script
#1307 opened by Harchvertelol - 2
Save the binded tools
#1305 opened by Ziassan - 7
Save the binded tools
#1306 opened by Ziassan - 1
Exception when tab completinging with leading space
#1309 opened by mdsimmo - 14
Error with commands Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: key must be lowercase
#1310 opened by Skiller9090 - 0
Easier access to platform actor in CraftScripts
#1311 opened by octylFractal - 1
Issue with "/br smooth".
#1314 opened by TorSkiZ - 4
Paper anti-xray doesn't update blocks neighboring worldedits
#1315 opened by TorSkiZ - 0
Support newer JavaScript features in CraftScripts
#1316 opened by octylFractal - 2
CraftScript import io package
#1317 opened by SteelAlloy - 1
Bug with Blocks with inventory.
#1312 opened by MaxWarsNicht - 4
//Regen freezes server after second attempt to regen witch hut during QWH testing. no crash log.
#1313 opened by usafphoenix - 4
- 1
WorldEdit Files 7.0.1 Not Showing Up
#1319 opened by BuggyAl - 3
[Bug] Commands like //thaw do not work.
#1321 opened by Kingdomall - 1
Bukkit Blocks set incorrectly when replaced
#1320 opened by harry0198 - 2
Biome brush
#1322 opened by octylFractal - 2
Categories ignore material blacklist
#1323 opened by MegaNarwhal - 1
Max Blocks Changed only 32000
#1324 opened by real1lover - 4
Allow copying of region corner coordinates from //size to clipboard
#1329 opened by Shadow82828 - 2
Worldedit bug (Java error code) when adding an additional pludin
#1330 opened by fryxeel - 9
Loading schematic from api (doors/blocks mods)
#1331 opened by michalk2k04 - 6
16x16x16 Chunk of blocks randomly appearing while working with Redstone
#1326 opened by CiaranGruber - 4
//setbiome not working properly inside biome mask
#1328 opened by Shadow82828 - 1
//setbiome not respecting the set area
#1334 opened by PGMvlaar - 8
Exception while undo
#1332 opened by dwknippers - 3
Diamond sword bug with /navwand and I can't disable it.
#1333 opened by Macintosh-Fan - 1
ERROR Could not pass event PlayerMoveEvent to WorldGuard v7.0.2-SNAPSHOT;bf2593e
#1336 opened by SiebeBaree - 1
- 1
Allow block tags with the disallowed-blocks option
#1340 opened by JasonHorkles - 0
Show compatibility even when only installed ServerSide
#1343 opened by Darkere - 1
Area calculations should not overflow
#1344 opened by octylFractal - 1
CJK characters garbled
#1342 opened by LeonXu98 - 1
InvocationTargetException on server start-up
#1345 opened by SlimeDog - 3
Command Blocks in a Region
#1346 opened by BeastModeNinja - 0
Wandering Villagers are including when butchering
#1347 opened by Zefferis - 6
Add BukkitAdapter.adapt method that returns a Bukkit BlockState
#1348 opened by Intelli - 1
Missing Commands
#1349 opened by TheDeanarino - 1
WorldEdit doesn't recognize some blocks.
#1351 opened by ClioBus72 - 3
Server crash when using /snow with a parameter
#1352 opened by jasperdrescher - 0
[API] UnsupportedOperationException when pasting with fast mode
#1354 opened by Eredrim - 2
WorldEdit (worldedit) encountered an error during the common_setup event phase
#1355 opened by paxjah - 1
extreme server problems
#1356 opened by Blueeyestar - 12
//undo (Number) breaks if number is higher than actions done
#1357 opened by lSherozl - 0
Add support for 3D biomes
#1358 opened by me4502