The Sims 4
32,834 Mods
Traducción al español | Archery Skill By JaneSimsten
548 DownloadsTraducción al español de Archery Skill By JaneSimsten | Spanish translation of Archery Skill By JaneSimsten
More Punishment - Dream Home Decorator Tweaks
519 DownloadsIncreases the list of interactions that can result in gig cancellation due to inappropriate behaviour.
Dream Home Decorator Tweaks
509 DownloadsWill let your Sims discover less dislikes during gigs.
[CitL] No More City Living Festivals
382 DownloadsDisables all the festivals that come with City Living.
Unidad de Contención Salvaje/Feral Containment Unit x SpinningPlumbobs TRADUCCION AL ESPAÑOL
316 DownloadsSpanish Translation Unidad de Contención Salvaje
Buffs - Death of Sim Reaction Tweaks
270 DownloadsShortened sad moodlets for death of not so important Sims.
Family Gathering Wear Formal (Wedding Party Outfit Fix)
266 DownloadsSims will wear their assigned formal attire for a family gatherings.
[CotL] No More Village Fairs
238 DownloadsRemoves all the village fairs from Cottage Living.
Nerd Festival Situation Outfits Begone! (Version 2)
228 DownloadsGeek Con module of my complete situation outfits disabler mod.
[SE] No Snowy Escape Festivals
214 DownloadsDisables the Snow, Light and Youth Festivals from Snowy Escape.
More Snowy Escape Grand Meals
207 DownloadsChanges healthy omelet to a grand meal so that your Sims will have more choices when fulfilling that holiday tradition.
Fun Loving Community - NAP Overhaul
189 DownloadsStops Sims from ruining relationships through obsessively giving fake news while the Fun Loving Community NAP is active + more.
High School Years - More Betrothed Outfits
180 DownloadsMore random outfit choices for Base Game weddings
Fashion Marketplace Situation Outfits Begone!
180 DownloadsNo random outfits at thrift shops (High School Years).
Juiced Community - NAP Overhaul
167 DownloadsStops Sims from constantly being dazed while the juiced community NAP ist active.
Have Wedding - Conversation Tweak
167 DownloadsPrevents the plan/have wedding interaction from always showing up first in the pie menu
Grand Meal Holiday Tradition Tweak
155 DownloadsThe holiday goal grand meal will be fulfilled when a Sim starts eating, he doesn't need to finish the meal.
Village Fair Situation Outfits Begone!
148 DownloadsDisables the special randomly assigned outfits for during village fair.
Golden Years Mod adeepindigo - German Translation
139 DownloadsGolden Years Mod adeepindigo - German Translation
QP Chinese New Year Event
136 DownloadsCustom Event Mod