- 2
"Add note" over a Quest-Area is doing nothing
#72 opened by avecsr - 1
Instance Map not showing
#71 opened by avecsr - 3
Warehouse integration into profession's window.
#70 opened by wtfaatp - 3
Warehouse asking for guild bank to be scanned.
#69 opened by wtfaatp - 3
German Translation
#68 opened by avecsr - 14
Auto scale icon stays fully opaque
#67 opened by dalesnail - 8
NxQuest error at login.
#66 opened by breakone9r - 2
Map not getting transparent when not mouseover
#65 opened by avecsr - 6
Quest not postable
#64 opened by avecsr - 6
QuestLog opens first after two times click
#63 opened by avecsr - 4
Watch all quests does nothing
#62 opened by dlecina - 2
Warehouse does not show reagents.
#61 opened by cylismaori - 2
Round minimap indoors and outdoors
#60 opened by ArcaneDraco - 5
Nodes not showing???
#59 opened by Kolakhan - 1
Lua error on login
#58 opened by Klinkster - 1
New features for Quest module
#57 opened by Mackiavelly - 5
Map issues with closing and resizing..
#56 opened by wtfaatp - 4
Warsong Supplies - Ashenvale - Objectives labeled incorrectly
#55 opened by dalesnail - 8
In party quest reporting issue
#54 opened by dalesnail - 2
LUA Errors on Login
#53 opened by Klinkster - 5
settings->map->setting map
#52 opened by Mackiavelly - 13
Minimap and Map zoomed out to continent level
#51 opened by Rezanow - 7
Party members only show when hovering over zone
#50 opened by Rhendak - 8
Carbonite doesn't check current quest progress on quest givers
#49 opened by Rhendak - 3
Minimap automatically docked
#48 opened by Rhendak - 2
Functionality with Classic Codex
#47 opened by Paranic89 - 3
Many quests with mob drops as criteria are not displaying map info
#46 opened by pistolwhip-dev - 1
No option to show treasure
#45 opened by Jon-Murray - 1
Mouse Hover zone problems - Can't mouse objectives in Tarren Mill
#44 opened by crestcere - 1
#43 opened by Andoido1 - 4
[Curse/Twitch] Carbonite classic couldn't found under twitch client
#42 opened by crestcere - 1
[Quest] Sacred Fire (Part 2 of 2) Quest objective doesn't show in carbonite map
#41 opened by crestcere - 1
#40 opened by dalesnail - 1
Quest track list didn't update real-time sometimes
#39 opened by kenhwong - 3
Quest announce keep silent in party
#38 opened by kenhwong - 7
Errors when playing with another Carbonite user + active quest tracking of other groupmembers
#37 opened by kensonxa - 5
Gathermate2 Module missing
#36 opened by CodeGuro - 5
Crash to desktop.
#35 opened by wtfaatp - 3
Crash to desktop when asking a guard for directions.
#34 opened by mwd637 - 4
New Global Error At Login - Possible Addon Conflict (Bagon addon)
#33 opened by jerj - 6
Quest module. When I cliked to move it..
#32 opened by wtfaatp - 1
Auberdine boat labeled incorrectly.
#31 opened by Swash1972 - 3
Gathering Icons
#30 opened by Swash1972 - 4
Question to Alliance Players
#29 opened by IrcDirk - 4
Import or Show Available Quests
#28 opened by Rootkit- - 2
Lightheaded + Carbonite
#27 opened by Rootkit- - 6
Paths to Trainers.
#26 opened by sgtNeXuS - 0
More error code spewage...
#25 opened by wtfaatp - 1
Error after someone joins party..
#24 opened by wtfaatp - 0
Options > Quest Module > Databases: Does not respect threshold option
#23 opened by tookinaboot