- 0
Sennarth Heroic Call Spiderlings timer
#1063 opened by Molkree - 0
Primal Council Heroic timers
#1064 opened by Molkree - 0
Heroic Sarkareth timer errors
#1071 opened by jungheeMW - 0
Heroic Vault of the Incarnates timer errors
#1086 opened by jungheeMW - 5
Pull timers are semi-broken in 10.2.7
#1075 opened by brittyazel - 1
Nymue (heroic) Soak error
#1076 opened by jungheeMW - 2
Range checker disabled in classic
#1077 opened by rainecheck - 0
Return type of RegisterAddonMessagePrefix changed
#1078 opened by littleylv - 3
Lua Error in Azure Vaults: Script ran too long PlaySoundFile()
#1083 opened by brittyazel - 6
Auto logging toggle doesn't work in raids.
#1098 opened by deNoor - 0
Heroic Aberrus timer errors
#1100 opened by jungheeMW - 1
Don't output on trial accounts
#1111 opened by p3lim - 1
Bug in Cata Heroic Dungeon Grim Batol First Boss
#1101 opened by crossfactioninstancedpvp - 0
Classic Cata - DBM-Core.lua:7402 Error
#1104 opened by evilgodly - 5
Lua Error
#1105 opened by Carnage2024 - 8
Can't disable blowhorn sound in Pandaria Remix (voice pack not always working)
#1106 opened by brittyazel - 12
Classic Cata - DBM-Core.lua:7426 Error
#1108 opened by evilgodly - 0
Heroic Amirdrassil timer error
#1109 opened by jungheeMW - 2
Change language of written out warning messsages
#1110 opened by Trasher29 - 1
Feature request for auto logging improvements
#1120 opened by jungheeMW - 0
LFR Vault of the Incarnates timer errors
#1130 opened by jungheeMW - 1
Weird LFR Igira (Amirdrassil) error
#1136 opened by jungheeMW - 3
Why it doesn't work for Chinese wlk?
#1137 opened by qq61966100 - 0
LFR Broodkeeper Diurna timer error
#1149 opened by jungheeMW - 0
LFR Vault of the Incarnates - Primal Council timer errors
#1152 opened by jungheeMW - 0
Feature requests for LFR Vault of the Incarnates
#1153 opened by jungheeMW - 2
jaina fight dazalor DBM CheckDispelFilter must provide dispel type
#1154 opened by 4t0msk - 1
Some minor GUI bugs
#1179 opened by jungheeMW - 9
no sound countdown on pull timer
#1159 opened by artazika - 0
Change default option for void form chat messages
#1160 opened by jungheeMW - 0
Low priority: Dead images in Curseforge links
#1167 opened by jungheeMW - 1
Ability to add shadow offsets to the outlines of statusbar names/timers
#1173 opened by telias82 - 1
Typing /dbm test stop produces LUA error if DBM-Tests are not enabled
#1174 opened by jungheeMW - 12
Possible Bug - timer bar is unchecked but still showing on encounters - Cata Classic
#1175 opened by telias82 - 2
Request: Make slider values be editable via text box, not just the sliders
#1177 opened by telias82 - 8
11.0.2 bug in chinese Wrath client
#1178 opened by Yemenghuan - 2
Lua Error during Jaina Proudmoore mythic fight
#1182 opened by anthrowill - 3
UnitName error triggered by DBM-Raids-Dragonflight/VaultoftheIncarnates/KurogGrimtotem.lua
#1187 opened by Farmbuyer - 1
Unused/outdated localizations in DBM-GUI
#1191 opened by emmericp - 1
DBM-Core/Libs/LibCustomGlow-1.0-20/LibCustomGlow-1.0.lua:932: attempt to index local 'r' (a nil value)
#1227 opened by R-Adrian - 0
Massive Lua Erros with DBM Nameplates
#1228 opened by Nemesis2354 - 5
Annoying fanfare sound is played whenever i land skyflying
#1215 opened by pugzzyy - 7
Tooltip hidden
#1217 opened by Totoroe - 2
#1247 opened by Addonman - 7
Nerub-ar Palace - The Silken Court - Tank Swap
#1248 opened by janeczkoc1 - 4
Test import failure
#1231 opened by MysticalOS - 1
Not uploading to Curseforge anymore?
#1235 opened by CruelDrool - 3
LUA error in the Dawnbreaker dungeon when the boss casts her ability
#1236 opened by Mrhgb - 2
Experimental Dosage on Broodwister Ovi'nax
#1245 opened by Athliara - 2
test button
#1246 opened by amaxcz