- 0
10.2 Lua Error
#35 opened by wheatbread - 0
fix collection frame to be movable without BetterWardrobe addon
#1 opened by nezroy - 1
update protected panel keybind override to close all panels out of combat
#2 opened by nezroy - 3
Appearance and collections panel becomes unresponsive with Auctionator installed.
#3 opened by DeeRez - 1
need a settings/options panel
#4 opened by nezroy - 2
allow scaling windows
#5 opened by nezroy - 1
persist position (and eventually scale) in variable rather than layout
#6 opened by nezroy - 0
map ESC to close windows one at a time in reverse order
#7 opened by nezroy - 1
fix or restrict gossip and quest frame sharing
#8 opened by nezroy - 0
prevent bags from auto-closing after merchant/AH
#9 opened by nezroy - 0
move "non-window" frames such as party/unit frames, talking head, etc.
#10 opened by nezroy - 0
add a keybind to swap to next open window/panel (e.g. windows TABbing)
#11 opened by nezroy - 1
Allow moving of CollectionsJournal
#12 opened by syndenbock - 1
Certain window positions reset between character sessions
#13 opened by sebid - 3
Certain windows appear unmovable
#14 opened by sebid - 2
moving Guild & Communities broken in 10.0.0
#15 opened by nezroy - 1
allow users to individually disable which windows DeModal controls
#16 opened by nezroy - 1
moving Mail window is broken in 10.0.0
#17 opened by nezroy - 0
Allow ready check window to be moveable
#18 opened by Rynocat - 0
Please let the 'Options' frame be moveable.
#19 opened by duckfeets - 0
Some windows get incorrect default scale
#20 opened by nezroy - 1
Add a window lock to prevent further moving
#21 opened by nezroy - 0
recrafting closes professional window
#22 opened by jisamcom - 0
Collections frame unmovable and triggers error
#23 opened by chiefcastor - 0
Feature Requests
#24 opened by Rezy942 - 3
Bug report: quest log frame resets position to top center when opening full-screen world map
#25 opened by Rezy942 - 1
DeModal + TradeSkillmaster (TSM) opens TSM and Blizz Vendor Window at once
#26 opened by Shiyoda - 1
Demodal may need update
#27 opened by stingray66 - 1
Allow movable guild frame
#28 opened by Rezy942 - 3
Can't move the mailbox from center of screen
#29 opened by Istehz - 5
Huge issue with NPC gear upgrade window randomly opening AH window
#30 opened by Rezy942 - 1
Mail Window Bugged #15, #17 still bugged
#32 opened by Juelanda23 - 0
Movable Keystone Frame Position Not Saved
#31 opened by Jdaddy0007 - 0
Issue with dungeon queue window
#33 opened by Xorag - 0
Error with profession book
#34 opened by MaryniaMiccayla - 0
Clique Addon
#36 opened by Jdaddy0007 - 2
11.0.2 Lua Error
#37 opened by carlos5152 - 0
Demodal blocked - Trying to use actionbars error
#38 opened by ThisIsFineCopium - 3
Due to DeModal affecting the Spellbook frame on retail blocked actions happen for other addons
#39 opened by plusmouse - 1
Mail frame closes when trying to move
#40 opened by lt4753 - 0
Using ESC to close Profession window opens Game Menu
#41 opened by James1o1o - 0
WoW Classic Sod 1.15.4 DeModal no longer functioning
#42 opened by yakucode - 0
Talent window seems to latch onto cursor location when opening in a weird way.
#43 opened by 1creamofoysters