- 1
[ENH] Macro Manager
#1452 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG] Right Clicking on a Macro in the GSE Macro Area WITHOUT having GSE Manage Macros Selected produced the LUA error
#1479 opened by LarryThiessen - 5
[BUG] GSE Macro Area Replacing / Reverting / Duplicating Deleted GSE Macros - Deleting Newly IN-GAME Macros
#1476 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] Export > UNCHECKING Format export for WLM Foru = Listed LUA ERROR
#1475 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[ENH] Rename Export for WLM to Export Human Readable
#1477 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] GUIMacroFrame nil reference
#1478 opened by Gaupandarian - 0
[BUG] New Combined editor renders inconsistently
#1453 opened by lloskka - 1
[BUG] Alpha v10 SAVE > Delete > Send > Options buttons disappeared **When I moved a Block in a Macro**
#1454 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[ENH] Audit and remove unnecessary strings from Localisation
#1455 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
v10.3 Receiving LUA Error when Change Name and Clicking SAVE
#1456 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
#1458 opened by lloskka - 0
v10.c LUA Error when attempting to Change/Delete ICON
#1457 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] v11 Cant SAVE a New Sequence Produced LUA Error when Clicking SAVE
#1461 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
Lua Error when creating new sequence in Alpha10c
#1459 opened by Smokenoaken - 5
[BUG] Left Side Menu w/ New / Import other options disappear when deleting a macro version
#1460 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
#1462 opened by Borland1891 - 10
[BUG] Deleted Versions of Macros RETURN on Macro Swapping / Reload / Relog / Restarts
#1463 opened by LarryThiessen - 2
[BUG] LUA error on startup GSE/API/Storage.lua:593: bad argument #1 to 'sub' (string expected, got boolean) [string "=[C]"]: in
#1464 opened by giform - 0
[BUG] Variable Renames are not being reflected in the Variable editor
#1465 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[ENH] AutoFill for Spells and Drop Down for UNIT
#1468 opened by LarryThiessen - 2
[ENH] Change to Bottom Window SAVE Text
#1467 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[BUG] LUA Error when clicking/unclicking - Macro Manage with GSE
#1469 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[BUG] Transmission and Compiled Template Windows not appearing
#1470 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] Remove backwards compatability for Classic's.
#1471 opened by TimothyLuke - 8
[BUG] I still having same LUA ERROR
#1474 opened by Gaupandarian - 1
[BUG] Monk Beta Macro LUA ERROR
#1472 opened by Gaupandarian - 10
#1473 opened by Gaupandarian - 0
[BUG] Unmanaged Macros are not exporting correctly.
#1480 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] Macros are not translating.
#1481 opened by TimothyLuke - 4
[BUG] Trying to Export GSE Sequence Codein latest Build
#1482 opened by LarryThiessen - 3
[ENH] Mute annoying fizzle and click sounds
#1483 opened by ardCOR3 - 7
[ENH] Improve the UI
#1485 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG] Received the Listed LUA when trying to save a Keybind
#1484 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[BUG] /gse Debug needs to be updated for macrotext inclusion
#1486 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
[ENH] Make SAVE Button in the Sequence Editor change states depending on if a sequence has pending changes
#1487 opened by Smokenoaken - 0
[BUG] Creating a sequence with a block of macro type adds a Unit of Target
#1488 opened by Kostazu - 0
[ENH] Provide Import Path in TWW for GSE 3.1 Sequences.
#1489 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG] ALL GSE Macro Blocks missing - same with Spell / Toy / Items
#1500 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] Fresh Install - SpellCache not initialising
#1501 opened by LarryThiessen - 13
[BUG] SpellCache is not populating for new accounts.
#1502 opened by Melissa3920 - 0
[ENH] Migrate from 3.1.69 to 3.2.00 for TWW
#1490 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
[ENH] Rebind Original Vehicle and Mount Keybindings when entering a vehicle or using a mount
#1491 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[BUG] GSE KeyBind not scaling leaving Sequence names overlapped hard to read
#1492 opened by LarryThiessen - 1
[BUG] /gse not working throwing LUA errors
#1493 opened by Rykeen-sargeras - 2
[ENH] Make Raw Edit work with Multi-Line Macrotext
#1495 opened by Smokenoaken - 2
Sequence Debugger gives me a lua error[BUG]
#1496 opened by Melissa3920 - 0
[ENH] Add a “What Changed” frame for login for TWW.
#1497 opened by TimothyLuke - 24
[BUG] Condition Resets Not working when using GSE Sequence but works from In Game Macro
#1498 opened by LarryThiessen - 0
[ENH] Add GSE Discord to About
#1499 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
[BUG] unable to swap between macro and macrotext in same sequence
#1503 opened by TimothyLuke