- 2
Getting **_Lua Error_**
#1089 opened by todd532002 - 0
Weird FPS drop and then crash
#1080 opened by Zen-Karma - 1
I have also notice when i change profiles in Evlui the gse debugger pops up every time !
#1082 opened by Timf63 - 4
[BUG]debugger. pops up when i change profiles in Evlui , thought I already mention this in here . sry if this is double !
#1083 opened by Timf63 - 1
[BUG] Macro variable (~~KeyRelease~~) didn't work in some conditions
#1084 opened by giform - 2
[BUG]debugger is popping open when i change specs
#1086 opened by Timf63 - 5
[ENH] Character specific timing settings
#1087 opened by Bud-the-CHUD - 1
[BUG] GSE is corrupting text justification of other add-ons (+ fix)
#1092 opened by tflo - 17
#showtooltip Does not work
#1090 opened by drakgoku - 3
[BUG] #showtooltip Does not work
#1091 opened by drakgoku - 2
Incorrect TOC version [BUG]
#1100 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 4
[ENH] Allow comments in Function() style variables
#1102 opened by DrakeAedus - 1
[BUG] just happen on warrior
#1095 opened by Spydereagle - 0
[ENH] Optimise Load in time
#1098 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] Add extra gameplay settings for individual characters
#1097 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
[ENH] 9.2 and Classic 14.0.2 Updates
#1103 opened by TimothyLuke - 0
Lua Error
#1105 opened by Chommies - 0
Strange Error while updating macro
#1108 opened by anomadeus - 8
[Enh] Can be laggy when joining a group and not playing with an English client
#1107 opened by bladesz123 - 2
[ENH] I hope to add a shortcut key switching module function
#1110 opened by Yangge885 - 1
[BUG] - Demon Hunter - Demon's Bite not cast and spell id not auto-changed from Demon Blades
#1112 opened by denisciumbargi - 5
Saving Scenario and Party
#1111 opened by Palonblade - 15
[BUG] Survival Hunter Macro stopped casting random spells
#1113 opened by denisciumbargi - 1
[BUG]GSE_LDB toc file has incorrect version number for TBC
#1122 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 1
[BUG] ALL classic TOC files have the wrong version number
#1124 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 0
[ENH] Make GUI Load on Demand
#1114 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] Localization errors on startup in V3.0.62
#1116 opened by SLOKnightfall - 2
attempt to call field 'GUIShowViewer
#1118 opened by Lyricai13 - 5
[BUG] String Variables not processing comments
#1120 opened by 26209 - 2
[BUG] When shrinking the edit box too small the Delete Version button is sitting on top of the Sequence Label.
#1125 opened by Spoony36 - 0
[ENH] Update GSE for 9.2.5
#1127 opened by TimothyLuke - 4
just a heads up possible security issue
#1133 opened by haug1 - 1
GSE Freezing [Retail]
#1131 opened by wastedvoodoo - 2
#1137 opened by Dracorosa - 1
[ENH] Allow access to loop index value with action blocks
#1134 opened by TimothyLuke - 5
[ENH] Arguments passed to Variable Functions
#1139 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
[BUG] Non-removable invulnerable macro in sequence menu
#1140 opened by hustlerwrld - 0
[ENH] Wrath Updates and changes
#1141 opened by TimothyLuke - 6
[BUG] LUA Error
#1147 opened by fireman644 - 6
[?] Latest Version does not Load/install
#1148 opened by maphex - 0
[ENH] remove legacy imports to simplify the code base
#1146 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] GSE 3.1.01 imports are not loading in WotLK Classic for Death Knights
#1153 opened by UJackwagon - 2
[BUG] Pop-up saying GSE is out of date, despite having the most recent version installed
#1152 opened by StrykerJC - 11
#1150 opened by BuddyDGreeson - 0
[ENH] Add Talent Update Button
#1161 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
[BUG] Unable to save downranked spell in sequences
#1154 opened by holim - 0
[ENH] Use Talented to add Talent information to Classic/TBC/WotLK Macros
#1156 opened by TimothyLuke - 1
[BUG] Unable to WrapScript in 10
#1159 opened by TimothyLuke - 2
[BUG] Unable to execute macrotext in Dragonflight
#1160 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
[BUG] Processing Loop Variables caused LUA Error with Repeat Blocks
#1162 opened by sringo22