- 6
[REC] Shaman DPS stuck on casted ability/buff
#3014 opened by firagano - 5
Getting LUA error with Elemental Shaman
#3015 opened by Mike160770 - 6
[REC] Vanish cooldown is not being tracked
#3016 opened by vititex - 3
[BUG] Latest updated broke the only version of SpellFlashCore that's able to scan macros.
#3018 opened by LupinePariah - 10
[OUWTLAW ] Addon not taking ''Deft Maneuvers'' in consideration on 5+ targets
#3019 opened by rogueplayeryes - 7
Demonology Warlock rotation seems to be off, it seems to hold on to demonic cores, and it recommends tyrant before grimoire felguard after the initial opener.
#3020 opened by Adamvxx - 3
[BUG] Assassination rogue snapshots every second
#3021 opened by kcaulkins - 1
[BUG] Warrior Rotations Not Updating Beyond CDs
#3007 opened by JWattRealEstate - 1
[FEATURE] New Toggle/Display for Healing Spells (Enhancement)
#3008 opened by Geistergurke - 2
[BUG] Warrior Rotation STILL Not Updating - On Newest Version
#3010 opened by JWattRealEstate - 2
Protection warrior priorities frozen
#3011 opened by PaulBab1 - 1
[BUG] Warrior, Hekili rotation not updating when target within melee range
#3012 opened by paul-stork - 2
Warrior Rotation doesnt work.(Rotation Freezed in Combat )
#3009 opened by Alim2310 - 1
[REC] Holy Priest recommending holy fire/Empyreal Blaze/Chastise while spells on cooldown
#3040 opened by JL907 - 1
[BUG] Hekili not Loading when logging into holy priest spec
#3039 opened by JL907 - 6
[Outlaw] BtE Suggestion happening outside of Subterfuge Window
#3022 opened by Tastix - 4
[FEATURE] TARGET additional state to check if target is in meele range
#3023 opened by mgmaxgra - 3
[REC] Rising Sun Kick recommended (multiple times in a row) when not available
#3024 opened by BuurmanDeBuurman - 2
[REC] Assassination Rogue. When clearing AOE packs and then some of the mobs die the addon fails and stops suggesting spells.
#3025 opened by Fuxxic - 0
[Havoc DH] Using Chaos Strike for range checking doesn't work during Metamorphasis.
#3026 opened by PoroKingWin - 7
[REC] Nymue's Unraveling Spindle is not being recommended on the opener for Warlocks ( Don't know about other classes )
#3027 opened by Niquity - 5
[REC] [Survival Hunter] Range checking does not work for Butchery & Carve
#3028 opened by PoroKingWin - 6
[REC] MW Monk - Ancient Teachings Buff Maintenance
#3029 opened by FistweavingHero - 4
[REC] [Havoc DH] Incorrect Check for Unbound Chaos Buff Affecting Fel Rush/Immo/Inertia Interaction
#3030 opened by Elehiggle - 1
Issue on Havoc opener - wrong opener and the hunt is not suggested
#3031 opened by N30Exca - 10
BM Opener is incorrect with AoE talents
#3033 opened by syrifgit - 3
BM Opener is incorrect with AoE talents
#3034 opened by syrifgit - 4
Vanish / BtE not recommended Vanish not on cd
#3035 opened by AA16064 - 1
[Balance] Unable to get Barkskin to show in recommendations
#3036 opened by notwiththem - 2
Nymue's Unraveling Spindle full cast duration
#3037 opened by rnbenz1 - 1
[REC] Potion recommendation is not included in recommendations
#3038 opened by burntorangejedi - 0
#3042 opened by S1lverone - 2
[REC] Vivify fills up all future casts when vivacious vivification buff is up
#3043 opened by oversoe - 4
[REC] Buff tea_of_plenty is untrackable for Mistweaver
#3044 opened by oversoe - 1
[REC] Provide a short, descriptive title of you Recommendation issue
#3045 opened by S1lverone - 1
[REC] Outlaw - addon rec using on-use trinkets while in stealth which breaks stealth granting no subterfuge
#3046 opened by aycheff - 1
[REC] Purge is not beeing recommended (Elemental Shaman)
#3047 opened by Scatrat - 6
Elemental shaman AoE - wrong rotation - less or no Lava beam during Ascendance
#3048 opened by S1lverone - 2
[REC] Can't track buff Flow State on Preservation Evoker
#3049 opened by oversoe - 5
[REC] OUTLAW - Roll the Bones being recommend while in stealth window (without the chance of them falling off)
#3050 opened by aycheff - 3
[BUG] Assassination rogue funnel aoe -> target does not stay checked
#3052 opened by RogueBeard - 2
BM Hunter - Recommend [Spirit Mend]
#3051 opened by GigaToons - 3
[REC] Prev_gcd doesn't work for Preservation Evoker
#3055 opened by oversoe - 9
Protection Paladin rotation are recommending HAmmer of Wrath when it's not available
#3053 opened by FlemmingLarsen - 7
[Frost mage] when using both use trinkets Balefire Branch and Belor'relos Suncaller , never recomend using Balefire Branch
#3054 opened by Doom4g3 - 0
Demon Specc priority not found :(
#3056 opened by fmariowow - 3
[FEATURE] Allow toggling separate cooldowns/defensives using WA events
#3057 opened by dubudevs - 2
[BUG] Hekili freezes when talented "Cycle of Life" and "Emerald Blossom" is next in rotation (PRESERVATION EVOKER)
#3058 opened by oversoe - 0
Arcane mage prio not recommending some spells
#3059 opened by Akr0n - 1
[FEATURE] Arcane Explosion for Arcane Mage is never cast because it is always out of range
#3060 opened by Deathshiver