- 4
Restoration Druid Wrong Rotation
#3666 opened by Redstoner875 - 6
Vengeance DH Fel Desolation/Fel Devastation Hangs on Fel Devastation
#3665 opened by thykk3r - 0
[FEATURE] Auto-import captions from APL profile
#3664 opened by johnnylam88 - 11
shadow priest void eruption rotation is wrong.
#3663 opened by comproh - 8
Assassination Rogue doesn't use shadowmeld in any condition
#3662 opened by balu100 - 1
[FEATURE] Hero talent abilities are not showing up in abilities tab
#3661 opened by umaru-kitsune - 8
GS being suggested when i have winters chill on target when i expect icelance to be suggested
#3660 opened by Scarecroe - 4
[REC] Balance Druid - cast regrowth when not in combat
#3659 opened by fraerie - 1
Assassination Rogue doesn't use shadowmeld in any condition
#3658 opened by balu100 - 2
Assasination Rogue Wrong Thristle Tea Recommendation
#3657 opened by alelsor - 1
Sunfury Arcane AoE Opener#1
#3656 opened by GitBearded - 2
Sunfury Arcane Single Target Rotation
#3655 opened by GitBearded - 2
Sunfury Arcane Mage opener#2
#3654 opened by GitBearded - 1
Single Target Sunfury Arcane Opener
#3653 opened by GitBearded - 5
After using Reaver's Glaive, addon suggests Soul Cleave instead of Fracture
#3652 opened by REPlatinum - 1
[BUG] "Void blast" icon overwriting "Mind Blast" before void torrent
#3651 opened by L3bulba - 0
[REC] Double use of celestial brew [Brewmaster monk]
#3650 opened by Floapy - 2
[FEATURE] Add Earthen Azerite Surge
#3649 opened by N6REJ - 2
SIN Rogue: Unable to Make Recommendation - Primary #1
#3647 opened by DrWren - 7
[REC] Ravenous Honey Buzzer trinket always shows even after disabling
#3646 opened by jsx228 - 6
Guardian rotation still not recommending heals or some defensives
#3645 opened by gwenskey - 1
Shadow Crash not being recommended for Shadow Priest on AoE
#3644 opened by Hesparax - 1
[Outlaw] No poison recommendations
#3643 opened by metzbot - 3
Darkmoon Deck: Ascension Proc 'Ascendance' confuses rotation into thinking DRE/Ascendance was used
#3642 opened by Spuuwn - 4
[REC] Spellslinger AOE - One Arcane Blast not being recommended during AOE after Touch of the Magi
#3641 opened by ambonif - 3
[REC] Assassination pooling
#3638 opened by Sedveth - 1
[REC] Outlaw rogue recommending BtE outside of subterfuge windows
#3637 opened by BeemMN - 3
[REC] Prot pala dont recommend Word of Glory
#3636 opened by Necrostrike - 1
Assassination Rogue: Potion ("Tempered Potion") and trinket ("Horn of Declaration") not rec'd. Trink not in DB list either.
#3635 opened by Silentzar - 2
[REC] Vengeance Prio in Metamorphosis does not work
#3634 opened by Valhall2660 - 8
[REC] Provide a short, descriptive title of you Recommendation issue
#3633 opened by S1lverone - 3
[REC] Totemic Shaman continues to show Healing Rain (and it's cooldown) instead of Surging Totem
#3631 opened by DrBostorm - 2
Not seeing trinket recommendations
#3630 opened by Ormal1708 - 7
Assassination Rotation suggested to Envenom at 4 CP
#3628 opened by Sedveth - 6
[FEATURE] Add Variable for Buff Blessing of An'she
#3627 opened by holytobi - 4
[REC] Destruction warlock priority list does not contain interrupt recommendation
#3626 opened by vladislav-kibakov - 3
Veng DH - recommending Meta and Fel Desolation While on CD
#3625 opened by Grenmar - 2
[REC] Outlaw Rogue (Opener) - Adrenaline Rush 'Use before Roll the Bones' is not working
#3624 opened by matcollins - 0
[REC] Cataclysm Classic Blood DK
#3623 opened by warcraftclassicgamer - 1
[REC] Ret Templar Hammer of Light is not shown in queue icons
#3622 opened by cremor - 5
[REC] Assassination Rogue - Deathstalker - Darkest Night Falling Off
#3621 opened by Grayfox2325 - 5
Guardian Druid doesn't recommend Frenzied Regeneration or Renewal anymore.
#3618 opened by ReallyMadCow - 8
Templar Prot Paladin not recommending using Hammer Of Light
#3617 opened by Brickasaurus - 2
[REC] The Hunt not properly being recommended, differs from sims.
#3615 opened by bsdgaming - 5
[REC] Demonology Warlock recommends Tyrant right before Charhound (Vilefiend replacement talent)
#3614 opened by jmusick - 1
[REC] WW Monk - Recommendation Failed - Auto generated Snapshot
#3613 opened by Duderocktv - 1
[REC] Assassination Death Stalker Clear The Witnesses
#3612 opened by Sedveth - 1
Hekili not prioritizing maelstrom casts Enhancement Shaman
#3611 opened by Gondhy - 1
Arcane Mage - Recommending Arcane Barrage one 2 stacks of Nether Precision instead of 1
#3610 opened by Dreamin93 - 5
[REC] Assassination Rogue Cold Blood different spell id with Fatebound / Inevitability
#3609 opened by mztikk