- 9
Nameplate Threat/aggro highlighting inverted past version (classic)
#128 opened by TobalJackson - 2
UI Error
#133 opened by Bredn - 1
#134 opened by Apoxiosis - 1
Global Error
#135 opened by Chzconey - 2
Suggestion for Settings
#136 opened by Chzconey - 1
[classic]Error in Alpha.lua
#137 opened by Talimar - 2
NPC Plates
#138 opened by Flyindance7 - 1
Missing localization item "Emulate Target Nameplate" in CurseForge page
#139 opened by SwimmingTiger - 1
LUA errors
#129 opened by VorgaT1339 - 1
health bar width slider not working
#130 opened by eatticks - 2
NeatPlates doesn't work in Groupcontent (Classic WoW)
#131 opened by MadHatter3424 - 15
Friendly NPC vendor text
#132 opened by CrustyCode - 1
[classic] Aurawidgets error
#141 opened by Talimar - 1
Classic Wow - Nothing
#142 opened by Saece - 7
Classic Buffs going into negative seconds
#143 opened by Brum8842 - 1
Error on Classic:
#144 opened by Havenloft - 3
Classic error
#140 opened by sipertruk - 2
Conflict with ClassicCodex:
#147 opened by Havenloft - 1
Target of target
#145 opened by Arthoniuspwns - 2
Scaling?Alignment issues.
#146 opened by dreamscape89 - 2
Classic - Mob health not showing on plates
#148 opened by andrewkrok - 8
instance bug
#149 opened by Laborant89 - 3
Bug On Launch
#150 opened by Chzconey - 2
Rogue DoTs/Finishers
#151 opened by Sythalin - 8
quest indicator missing in 8.2.5
#152 opened by hollo6 - 3
Make it easier to understand who enemies are targeting
#153 opened by TheInternetIsReal - 1
Error in NeatPlatesCore.lua line 1388 CoreEvents:COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
#154 opened by alexqu0822 - 1
When the enemy is too big, the health plate will often be pushed out of the computer screen. Is there a solution? QAQ
#156 opened by Ame1012 - 2
Could you please add an option for changing stratum of neatplates?
#163 opened by Colinelleo - 1
Neutral enemies nameplates stay yellow even after they aggro
#157 opened by hasnogaems - 1
feature request?
#158 opened by mostoxic - 3
Missing nameplates
#159 opened by staviq - 3
Friendly nameplates reverting to blizz defaults inside instances
#160 opened by kakkakk - 2
Alvara level text default setting if class icon is disabled
#161 opened by Jezz1e - 5
Not sure if an issue or not but
#162 opened by lostcause1238 - 6
In Classic version not mark mobs attacking another tank correctly.
#164 opened by hasnogaems - 2
Make target frame to be different style
#165 opened by hasnogaems - 1
Request : Emphasize a "group" of auras
#166 opened by PewpewLlama - 1
Bug: General Spell Filter List Broken
#167 opened by Nukme - 3
Feature Request: Faction Icons
#168 opened by Francy333 - 1
Pet Nameplate working differently
#169 opened by Marangwe - 1
Specs totally wrong
#170 opened by substance59 - 1
/nptank to persist through /reload
#171 opened by hasnogaems - 2
Bug: Profile Settings UI becomes a total mess
#172 opened by Nukme - 2
Neat plates won't open, tons of errors
#173 opened by grospapa - 11
Health bar - level show issue
#176 opened by yah467958 - 9
Threat color isn't working properly
#175 opened by mscott87 - 1
Health bar - Can not choose the target by clicking health bar
#177 opened by Mr-Priest - 2
Infinite Errors: Attempt to call field SetSubText
#178 opened by Accendor - 1
feature request
#179 opened by mostoxic