- 5
Big CDs wrong CD showing
#277 opened by 333silas - 4
Omni CC not showing cooldown numbers
#276 opened by cars11 - 2
First Actionbar being treated differently than the rest
#275 opened by Malagron - 0
Allow Haste to affect "Tenths of seconds" time
#274 opened by glowshroom - 1
text formatting
#273 opened by Translitdk - 1
CD Numbers still stuck
#272 opened by nikradic - 1
Many things are broken with 8.0.7.
#271 opened by Azortharion - 10
Display of CD Numbers on AddOns
#270 opened by ArenfeIdt - 2
Fonts errors within TellMeWhen and 8.0.7 Omnicc
#269 opened by Guoyyxiang - 0
Abilities with charges randomly stop showing cooldown text
#268 opened by alphagamereu - 1
CD text is different since V8.0.1 - Blends in with the CD swirl effect. Very hard to see.
#267 opened by Walkinjunior - 5
Eye Beam CD not displaying correctly
#266 opened by BuurmanDeBuurman - 6
CDs gone from bartender
#265 opened by Damaster101 - 2
Timer Duration (Long Timers)
#264 opened by AlexTighe - 3
Timers randomly not showing
#263 opened by fatfrick - 1
How can I turn off cooldown of "Restoring Charges" number?
#262 opened by HelloMinska - 4
Fel rush first stack
#261 opened by zorixx - 1
Flare and shine finish effects fills entire screen
#260 opened by Niialy - 6
Sometimes shows CD numbers on small buff icons
#259 opened by cremor - 2
LUA error with shadow unit frame
#258 opened by Flarux - 0
Show timers only on mouseover
#257 opened by Tuller - 4
2 countdowns on tidyplates continued
#256 opened by aden928 - 5
No numbers - using Bartender
#255 opened by aggietallboy - 0
Omnicc doubling up on cooldowns on tidy plates continued
#254 opened by Dumptrux - 3
Cds on available consumables
#253 opened by Caza4 - 1
What is going on with this addon?!!
#252 opened by 40P3 - 5
Is intended that a Cooldown object needs a parent?
#251 opened by millanzarreta - 2
Cooldown text not disapearing on icon regions after installing 8.0.3
#250 opened by Translitdk - 2
group filter not working and LUA error when trying to delete a group
#248 opened by hollo6 - 2
numbers too small on multiple charge abilities
#247 opened by hollo6 - 3
Bartender/Omnicc Cooldown timers clash
#246 opened by P3N7Y - 2
Cooldown numbers of previous ability on Hekili icon
#245 opened by cremor - 4
remaining CD incorrecntly shown after being reset by an ability
#244 opened by hollo6 - 7
Incorrect Cooldown/Numbers Showing
#243 opened by AlexTighe - 2
Big numbers on small icons on raid frames
#242 opened by cremor - 5
unwanted numbers on nameplates' buffs
#241 opened by hollo6 - 12
Bugs with threat plates and cc control
#240 opened by Addonman - 0
Final Effect
#239 opened by Brohood93 - 4
Finish Effect not working at all when triggered during global cooldown
#238 opened by sebo001 - 1
8.0.2-beta1 broke display on WA's
#237 opened by Ghaan - 1
8.0.2-Beta1 does not obey text size
#236 opened by Znuff - 8
Revert Cooldown:SetHideCountdownNumbers
#235 opened by Znuff - 11
Latest beta and multiple charge abilities
#234 opened by Axaion - 2
Cooldowns are showing only on the first profile
#233 opened by Znuff - 1
Four errors when logging in
#232 opened by BlueNightSky - 6
OmniCC doesn't show the timer for the first spell [ELVUI TEMPLATE]
#231 opened by Rubyurek - 4
Dominos (ationbar) rules not working
#230 opened by ehern87 - 2
"Activate" finish effect animation issue.
#229 opened by Snichy - 2
Cooldown text not showing on actionbars
#228 opened by extexn - 2
Stack recharge Barbed shot
#227 opened by taraldb