- 1
Enhancement shaman Maelstrom weapon stacks
#684 opened by tpayne57 - 0
AddFunction enhancementprecombatmainactions {} issue
#685 opened by tpayne57 - 4
ERROR: Unknown spell list. On all Characters with 90% of spells
#683 opened by Brizz0l - 0
Hunter Multishot
#686 opened by grilor - 3
SimulationCraft import
#687 opened by auddie2015 - 0
ovale/spellflash Not working only on warrior
#690 opened by Jburden88 - 3
Dwarf priest error when ever he gets trapped.
#688 opened by brallinoth - 5
Error Balance Druid
#692 opened by Teverxama - 0
stop working on pally
#693 opened by grilor - 0
Not working on Monk.
#694 opened by DeeRez - 0
First was bugged on Affli locks but now not working at all
#697 opened by Tonto999 - 1
BM Hunter in SL
#699 opened by Mike160770 - 4
SpellFlash not working
#700 opened by MakoVince - 1
Havoc Demon Hunter and Covenant Abilities
#701 opened by Volgrath - 2
9.0.13 - Abilities with modifiable power requirements no longer working correctly
#706 opened by Ophidon - 2
[9.0.13] Texture() function not working
#703 opened by sirTribble - 4
Unholy Death Knight Rotation
#709 opened by Bloodhaunt74 - 4
GUI/HUD not appearing at log in
#710 opened by Bloodhaunt74 - 0
Demon Hunter sigil file
#712 opened by Volgrath - 0
[9.0.11] Wrong Checkbox order shown
#708 opened by sirTribble - 0
Subtlety Rogue - Shadowstrike
#714 opened by Aghost917 - 7
[9.0.19] BuffPresent() function no longer parses target parameter
#715 opened by sirTribble - 3
[9.0.19] name() function no longer parses target or name parameter (localized text) to compare
#716 opened by sirTribble - 0
[9.0.19] run_action_list's name with underscore breaks APL convert
#721 opened by denis-kam - 2
[9.0.19] Havoc DH showing "pickup" as main attack when idle
#722 opened by kaychriskay - 2
#725 opened by gbrans - 8
[9.0.21] SpellCooldown() function do not work correctly
#723 opened by sirTribble - 0
Ovale Debug panel does not show "Covenants" category
#726 opened by johnnylam88 - 0
Update documentation
#728 opened by Sidoine - 0
#730 opened by thlinard - 20
Unable to download update through CurseForge
#736 opened by RWexelblat - 8
[9.0.23] Offgcd abilities proposed ignoring power cost
#737 opened by sirTribble - 0
[9.0.23] Hotkeys for checkboxes are gone
#738 opened by sirTribble - 0
Support abilities that are sent during channeling
#732 opened by Sidoine - 0
Ovale releases say they are "development version"
#733 opened by johnnylam88 - 3
unable to find runeforge
#735 opened by theanswer910725 - 1
Kyrian Rogue "animacharged" combo points
#741 opened by johnnylam88 - 5
Spells are shown as ready even though they are on cooldown
#739 opened by johnnylam88 - 5
Ovale Demands I Use BFA Necklace
#744 opened by Khanzilla - 1
Ovale 9.0.25 broken?
#745 opened by melina3 - 3
Ovale 9.9.26 dont works with spellflash. 9.0.24 yes, 9.0.25 no and 9.0.26 no.
#747 opened by fameneiros - 5
Icon texture does not update on talent or gear swap
#749 opened by Hemario - 24
#751 opened by cambrum - 5
I have installed the libbuttonglow. I cant do that ovale works.
#748 opened by fameneiros - 2
refactor: refresh logic is spread throughout the codebase
#756 opened by johnnylam88 - 3
Balance Druid told to spam Wrath or Sunfire
#757 opened by Brdrker - 2
Flashing Spells using LibButtonGlow does not work with ElvUI
#758 opened by Chorthee - 3
Importer translates covenant.<name> to iscovenant("<name>")
#760 opened by johnnylam88 - 2
Ovale wanting me to use Heart of Azeroth
#763 opened by DeeRez - 0
Allow more (all?) classes to have totems
#761 opened by johnnylam88