- 0
addons/battle/battle.lua: abilities on lockdown are shown as active
#371 opened by bloerwald - 7
Left and right clicks cause fps drops
#372 opened by Haolong121 - 3
Keep getting help/tutorial box
#374 opened by sauljaffe - 3
I noticed the Map Filter for Pet Tracker overlaps with Plumber Addon. I also used Battle Pet Completionist to test and there was no overlap.
#375 opened by nickyjean01 - 4
Update for 10.2 (new zone)
#373 opened by Mike160770 - 1
LUA Error on Login
#330 opened by ZiNez-Taqa - 9
#325 opened by linda535 - 0
Bug caughrt by bug grabber asson
#326 opened by cgsub - 0
ORIGINAL World Map Menu not accessible -> overlapped by PetTracker's Dropdown Menu?!
#327 opened by fubaWoW - 1
Not working with Kaliels Tracker.
#328 opened by mgouges2 - 1
LUA Error on Starting a Fight by Speaking to Tamer
#329 opened by EvilOrc - 0
LUA Error Using UltraSquirt
#331 opened by IntegraServe - 6
Database for DF
#332 opened by Mike160770 - 7
Fix for the tutorial lua errors (DONT DO IT IF YOU NEED THE TUTORIAL)
#333 opened by Mystream90 - 0
1x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'PetTracker' hat versucht die geschützte Funktion 'GetPlaystyleString()' aufzurufen.
#334 opened by tatatada - 0
Bug in latest release (v10) of addon
#338 opened by Daveo7 - 0
LUA errors after upgrading to latest version
#339 opened by Holt59 - 1
Can't find setup
#335 opened by linda535 - 4
Feature Request: hand over development to someone active
#336 opened by Rezy942 - 1
Update for DF
#337 opened by Kharsis - 2
Bug Report: Rivals tab buggy when using Rematch addon
#341 opened by Rezy942 - 1
Bug Report: tutorial errors in bug sack
#342 opened by Rezy942 - 3
Error message at start
#343 opened by orlith - 0
Lua Error
#344 opened by ImJayc2 - 6
Battle pet tooltips overlap bug
#345 opened by Rezy942 - 0
Request to hide pet tracker below minimap when all pets found rare level 25
#346 opened by Rezy942 - 0
Background of World Menu is cutted after the last normal Menu Item.
#350 opened by Zwixx - 2
Request: Ability to see whether pet is already collected when mousing over minimap icon
#348 opened by MystbornGames - 1
Request: Option to disable showing enemy abilities in battle
#349 opened by hollo6 - 3
Map icon dont dissapear
#347 opened by FlatErik89 - 3
attempt to perform arithmetic on field error
#352 opened by Duststormz - 2
libs/Sushi error with latest version
#351 opened by Gaviin1242 - 5
Request #561723847812: pass addon development to someone who cares
#353 opened by Rezy942 - 0
Tooltip text spill-over in map
#354 opened by Rezy942 - 1
No Rivals / Master for BFA or Shadowlands
#357 opened by Hoenir69 - 1
PetTracker and BetterWardrobe interaction bug in tabs
#355 opened by Rezy942 - 0
World Map Cannot Choose Pets to show
#356 opened by 1FAB - 1
Getting a couple of LUA errors consistantly
#358 opened by sinjinns - 2
LUA error
#359 opened by ChloeMarie - 7
Why the license change
#360 opened by GurliGebis - 0
Option to only consider a wild pet an upgrade if it's Rare quality
#361 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 2
LUA error
#362 opened by Rycia - 5
Sushi causing issues with multiple addons?
#363 opened by ChloeMarie - 0
On screen display of pets captured or not for Zaralek Cavern and Forbidden Reach?
#364 opened by dirkgastaldo - 1
error on loading
#365 opened by morticianoire - 0
Lot of LUA errors
#366 opened by Araldwenn - 3
Overlapped text in AH tooltip for Dragonflight pets
#367 opened by sirzooro - 0
Battle.lua Error
#368 opened by Arkanis81 - 0
nil error when other addons modify the collected tooltip line
#369 opened by Pingumania - 0
Error on logging in
#370 opened by morticianoire