- 0
Great Vault
#817 opened by Hrazmadul - 4
Lua error upon logging in
#816 opened by Windmere98 - 0
New 10.2.5 Mysterious Fragment currency not tracked
#813 opened by tomrus88 - 0
Tracking of available public order charges
#812 opened by Sorion1515 - 0
Enhanced Sorting; Group the 3 weekly Vault fields and current Mythic Keystone and place those 4 fields at or near the top
#811 opened by RaphanW - 1
希望使用/si show 顯示的視窗能分割成兩個
#809 opened by fineend - 7
split tracked quest objectives onto multiple lines
#808 opened by durandal42 - 3
Great Vault progress tracking
#807 opened by durandal42 - 0
Can the number of crests be highlighted based on season maximum and not current vs season maximum?
#806 opened by gotex007 - 1
Adding Show Your Mettle to traker
#805 opened by Hermonii - 0
Reputation Progress display for DF Renown missing Paragon info
#803 opened by mgarbacz - 1
Accidentally changed the background/opacity somehow.
#800 opened by Ukhai - 1
Improving weekly profession to-do tracking
#798 opened by ObviousInRetrospect - 0
Mailbox Expiration Tracking
#797 opened by ObviousInRetrospect - 1
Add yearly Anniversary Bosses
#796 opened by Tigon3rd - 3
Timerifts not recognized since last update
#795 opened by Natheedo - 6
Aurostor kill not recognized correctly
#794 opened by hollo6 - 3
Make renown line a bit more readable.
#790 opened by Snufkin2153 - 0
Currency Ignore / option to disable the "ALT to show all data"
#787 opened by TsukiQT - 1
Dreamsurge Coalescence tracking?
#786 opened by Tobbhert - 4
Add tracking of weekly quest "Show your Mettle" to SavedInstances
#785 opened by Feedy88 - 3
For some weird reason addon shows that low-lvl toons has a daily lockout for random timewalking dungeon if they are uneligible to queue there due to low ilvl
#784 opened by Snufkin2153 - 2
Huolon is missing
#783 opened by Ylaana - 1
Weekly Quest tooltip bug?
#779 opened by LuchoSnz - 8
Addon compartment tooltip doesn't disappear properly
#778 opened by Slackluster - 1
Please add Shaping the Dreamsurge weekly per-character quest
#777 opened by wheatbread - 6
Add tracking for Time Rift completion with Siridormi (npc)
#775 opened by huastekotester - 0
Show mouseover windows right of the windows and not below
#774 opened by Nhilrim - 1
User Quest Progresses break LDB tooltip?
#773 opened by phyber - 0
Font size while holding Alt
#772 opened by Xorag - 2
The reset of the Primal Storms Elementals is weekly, not daily
#771 opened by qertss - 2
## Interface: 100100
#770 opened by EyeSage - 1
Bi-weekly quest reset option
#769 opened by Harmonster - 2
Dilated Time Capsule
#768 opened by Fleymour - 1
Problem with adding custom rares
#767 opened by Bombademar - 15
Raid Skip Info
#766 opened by iXerxes - 2
Quest stuck in weekly tab
#764 opened by zeenk - 1
add/fix german translations
#763 opened by Ahfau77 - 1
Check marks no longer showing
#762 opened by LordofHounds - 0
Missing time rift currency
#761 opened by zeenk - 1
10.1.5 duplicate row for Aberrus
#758 opened by hollo6 - 1
Quest Progresses not work
#757 opened by Enkaf - 1
New weekly quest "Aiding the Accord: Time Rift" not showing up
#756 opened by snackiesmores - 9
Completed Checkmarks Missing?
#755 opened by crusha015 - 3
LibQTip LUA errors since 10.1.3 release
#754 opened by citna - 0
Option for quests to trigger character showing when completed
#753 opened by owlietm - 1
Properly aligned columns?
#751 opened by tflo - 6
Expose Item Level underneath Character name on summary panel
#750 opened by ramsowo - 2
Layout improvement to use the horizontal space more efficiently
#749 opened by tflo - 0
[feedback] Thanks for adding user-defined quests 🙂
#747 opened by tflo