- 5
Pet Talent Window (Hunter) is inoperable
#86 opened by Mitch3llO01 - 5
talents window not opening
#85 opened by mev1995 - 1
[BUG] Missing Translator entry
#84 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
Pet Talents
#83 opened by XcluZiff - 3
Error when attempting to replace an existing glyph with a new glyph
#82 opened by Ragedaug - 1
v220903 broke talent application
#81 opened by Talimar - 2
Errors while trying to import a template from wowhead etc.
#80 opened by AutolycusWolf - 1
Talent tree showing "inconsistent" error and points are all in the wrong spots
#79 opened by omgkielb - 0
Tooltips will not appear until talents are mouseovered a second time
#78 opened by Lethay - 1
glyph error
#77 opened by kakkakk - 1
Wotlk Support - Error in TOC File
#76 opened by ap0yuv - 1
Wrong paladin spell IDs for wrath data.
#75 opened by Venomisto - 1
Template talent color not changing
#74 opened by JB-90 - 1
Wrong spells shown in chat when linking
#73 opened by JB-90 - 2
Talent name not translated
#72 opened by JB-90 - 1
Talent Selection
#71 opened by bradders098 - 12
WOTLK - Death Knight Talent Support
#70 opened by maximus210793 - 7
wotlk - unable to "set role"
#69 opened by sofar - 4
Wotlk - unable to open pet talents (hunter)
#68 opened by sofar - 1
WOTLK Classic Support
#67 opened by maximus210793 - 2
[Suggestion] Talented Classic Lite version
#66 opened by Nillx - 3
Recent WOLTK update appears to cause TBC-Talented saved data corruption
#65 opened by KevinTyrrell - 19
Beta for WOTLK - is it being worked on?
#62 opened by DDnutz - 7
API calls to get talent string and apply talent string
#61 opened by TimothyLuke - 3
Add support for WowUp
#60 opened by jimsimon - 1
TlanetedClassic Data Chinese Localization
#59 opened by maxevil05 - 3
TBC wowhead base URL for ERA/SOM (1.14.1)
#58 opened by Slivo-fr - 3
inccrect version number in latest TBC update
#56 opened by MyTechnoHunter - 0
Feature Request: Save Actionbar Layout
#55 opened by Ironlenny - 0
Talent Pane not even showing up as warrior (and only as warrior)
#54 opened by frenchcharly - 6
1.14 SetBackdrop issue
#53 opened by Slivo-fr - 0
Can't link single talents in chat
#52 opened by jespervos - 3
[Enhancement Request] Progress bar on applying new spec
#51 opened by vertx66 - 14
Talent templates keep disappearing randomly
#50 opened by Yeelbil - 1
Exporting a template from TBC leads to wowhead classic and causes issues
#48 opened by wheatbread - 10
Error while linking talents in chat
#47 opened by akay - 1
TBC talents export links to classic Wowhead
#46 opened by ruudvanstrijp - 11
Tooltips in english on the german client
#45 opened by Fyler74 - 8
v210518 not loading for shaman
#44 opened by luchok - 3
Error on load
#43 opened by Zephryl87 - 2
Spanish localization
#40 opened by anon1231823 - 2
Import from Inspect
#38 opened by Sigma88 - 3
Would you consider making Talented_Data a lib?
#37 opened by tstirrat - 11
Error on Load
#36 opened by roweboy1974 - 1
Templates under different classes cannot share a name
#35 opened by Lethay - 3
Error on Options
#33 opened by Lanzlo - 6
Error on initial opening of UI (/reload fixes issue for that session)
#32 opened by Lanzlo - 2
Error on Login
#31 opened by Lanzlo - 5
The "Confirm Learning" option does not work.
#26 opened by chkmyid - 2
Simplified Chinese localisation
#25 opened by rainyr