- 0
Implement 'Talent Order'
#146 opened by KevinTyrrell - 0
Update 1.15.5 - Classic Era 20th Anniversary
#145 opened by maximus210793 - 1
Talented_Data_zhCN in Classic Era is wrong,not Classic Era Talent translate,is BCC Talent
#143 opened by nedvedsk - 1
Lua Error with Classic Era
#142 opened by Gogo1951 - 3
Classic Era broken
#140 opened by GeorgeChatzigiannis - 0
Conflict with Zygor
#139 opened by jovicdev97 - 1
[Question] - Is there a reason talent tooltips are hard-coded, instead of pulled from game API?
#138 opened by mrchops1024 - 3
1.15.3 - Not showing option to change spec
#136 opened by 4EverCuber - 1
Update on CurseForge Possible?
#135 opened by PicklePriest - 2
Broken w/ SOD P4
#133 opened by pattont - 2
Talented sod tooltips
#130 opened by Typhosy - 1
Github release for WOTLK/Cata
#129 opened by mathwro - 0
Conflicts with GSE
#128 opened by Miss-Willow - 0
Negative Points left
#127 opened by Lazytytan - 2
Dual Spec (1.15)
#125 opened by pattont - 0
Classic Era Update 1.15.1
#124 opened by maximus210793 - 1
Error when trying to change the role on the talent tab
#123 opened by Oninojob - 1
Era version not working in SoD
#122 opened by mirrana - 1
Addon locale is not working. All tooltip strings are shown as english. My WOW era client is koKR.
#121 opened by KwangMyungKim - 0
Slow template application
#120 opened by krabgoda - 0
Export Talents URL
#119 opened by ZekeRyukai - 2
Error when trying to change Role on Talents
#118 opened by Melocide - 0
When I run the plugin, an error occurs. zhCN has not been loaded correctly.
#117 opened by fenhyyy - 3
Classic Era talent tooltips is missing for zhCN language
#116 opened by nedvedsk - 3
Classic Era Preist Discipline wand Specialization error
#115 opened by WadeWolf76 - 8
Classic Era additional bugs
#113 opened by GeorgeChatzigiannis - 4
Talented does not open on Classic Era v230910-era
#112 opened by seathasky - 3
Talented Wrath Pet Spec
#111 opened by Velarax - 1
Classic era not working since new patch
#109 opened by kiwadawg - 6
Classic Era version broken
#108 opened by GeorgeChatzigiannis - 0
Bug when you shift+click a slotted glyph
#106 opened by Gogo1951 - 0
[Question] Changing spec icon
#105 opened by Iowerth - 1
Unable to shift-click glyph to remove it.
#104 opened by oldspices - 0
Feature Request: Talent points remaining in a tree for a target template
#103 opened by theoriginalmre - 0
Talent tooltip description not loading on hover
#102 opened by theoriginalmre - 0
Update TOC files for Talented, Talented_SpecTabs and Talented_GlyphFrame
#101 opened by b-morgan - 0
Can't remove glyph with shift
#100 opened by Iowerth - 3
Pet talent system needs a rework to function correct!
#99 opened by wazerstar - 1
Need to bump AceGUI-3.0 for 3.4.1
#98 opened by ferronn-dev - 3
Classic Era Update
#97 opened by maximus210793 - 30
Broken tooltips
#96 opened by Drevil-Dion - 0
#95 opened by Redphoenix5705 - 0
Wrath Classic Pet Talents
#94 opened by Gogo1951 - 0
Issue with Talented in Classic Era
#93 opened by Gogo1951 - 0
#92 opened by Shrimp6387 - 0
#91 opened by Shrimp6387 - 0
pet talent frames broken
#90 opened by dbmusa11 - 0
Tooltips for talents that grant activated abilities not showing correctly
#89 opened by awildViper - 4
Assigning template freezes
#88 opened by JB-90 - 1
Set target for secondary spec?
#87 opened by mkavalecz