- 1
Fallback options for Font / Bar Texture
#5112 opened by Causese - 1
Mass delete is not deleting all selected WAs
#5113 opened by Causese - 2
Alternate Power option for Cata Classic
#5115 opened by TeaDrinkingDragon - 2
Change bar / element texture as a conditional.
#5105 opened by dgbarrow - 18
Cata Classic WA valor cap conditions
#5106 opened by SultonMRP - 1
Professions in load tab
#5107 opened by SultonMRP - 1
Crashing when ElvUI diasbled
#5109 opened by Tayedaen - 3
Fonction Bug on random character
#5110 opened by aurosh76 - 3
On Init runs on loaded never
#5111 opened by Pewtro - 1
shift-selecting auras in the options doesn't select all auras over a certain threshold
#5136 opened by Nokramx - 0
Max Progress condition not resetting
#5137 opened by Reloe - 4
In the 11.0beta test server, as long as distance judgment is added, the game frame rate will drop to single digits and the game will become unplayable.
#5119 opened by fwater - 3
Don't show soul shard fragments for demo/affliction
#5140 opened by Nokramx - 2
Shift select not selecting offscreen items
#5121 opened by hianick - 0
Display Issue with Colossus Smash vs. Warbreaker Weakaura
#5123 opened by Kabboud - 0
Add StatusBar textures to the Texture Picker
#5125 opened by asaka-wa - 1
Hero Talent Trigger
#5126 opened by keyvi94 - 4
Crash on login
#5131 opened by ikamikaz3 - 5
Talent and hero talent known/unknown load conditions not respected in some cases
#5132 opened by JH0Ni-github - 2
Adopt blizzard's scroll templates
#5134 opened by emptyrivers - 4
Guidelines/process for updating the wiki
#5135 opened by noddycode - 0
GetSpellCost errors during mount cast
#5142 opened by Darwand - 1
LUA Error on TWW Beta Consistently reoccuring or in a loop
#5141 opened by datgeeklife - 1
GetSpellCost on Talent Node Swap
#5143 opened by ronaldshev - 2
Player/Unit Info Power not updating when Combo Points are swapped with Redirect
#5146 opened by Ratlaw - 3
WeakAuras does not load (LibRangeCheck issue)
#5147 opened by Carglass - 0
"Fetch Role Information" does not add `%role` and `%roleIcon` to Display Text
#5149 opened by ryanocf - 0
Name condition missing on Cooldown Progress (Slot) trigger and others
#5154 opened by Mitalie - 0
WeakAuras/BuffTrigger2.lua:2973: attempt to concatenate local 'preamble' (a table value)
#5152 opened by ntowle - 0
Mouseovering "Display text" text fields is sometimes throwing errors on beta
#5156 opened by Zac-oihfdwrrtuinvbcp - 4
`unit` being a player name on alpha does not work as expected
#5157 opened by m33shoq - 4
5.14 Error: script ran too long on first login
#5172 opened by Desik - 11
06/20/24 Retail Update Affecting Existing Auras in strange way
#5173 opened by OldWorldRaiders - 4
Add queued spell cast cost support for %p
#5162 opened by Nokramx - 4
Caster's Target supporting multi units
#5163 opened by Abiecherry - 2
WA options showing "?" icon for some spells
#5164 opened by Nokramx - 0
Add the Glow subelement to Progress Textures
#5165 opened by asaka-wa - 1
Frost mage doesn't work anymore in War Within Beta
#5168 opened by actineon - 14
Lua error in CodeReview
#5169 opened by nvnto - 2
Power trigger combo bars work differently with 5.14.0
#5175 opened by mrbuds - 1
Unit "targettarget" triggers are broken
#5176 opened by glassleo - 1
Command Demon sometimes doesnt show when pet is summoned (probably similar spells affected aswell)
#5179 opened by Nokramx - 4
Item Cooldown Ready Event (Slot) Triggers For *Any* Slot Ready Event
#5180 opened by evanseigler - 4
WA doesn't load under "Battleground" size trigger until I type /WA
#5182 opened by Celeriestix - 1
WeakAuras.CheckTalentForUnit in LibSpecializationWrapper not working on TWW
#5183 opened by Jodsderechte - 5
Not sure from witch update it whose but it started happening in Cataclysam
#5184 opened by TheEye2108 - 3
Private.SetRegion - regionType lua error
#5186 opened by Chrimari-zz - 1
Aura Ignoring Load Condition of Anchored Aura Until Typing /wa and Selecting the Anchor
#5189 opened by Silvereyes1372 - 6
unable to find mixin (ColorMixin) - TWW Bug
#5191 opened by Peter-Day - 1
%tooltip# text option not updating, specifically for Carved Blazikon Wax trinket
#5193 opened by ricktifier