- 1
QOL change for comparing stacks count
#5331 opened by Aishuu87 - 1
WA throwing throwing continous errors and not loading at all
#5328 opened by skjetne - 0
Trigger: Aura/Smart Group - Ignore Hostile
#5327 opened by Luunae - 1
WA LUA error in raid combat
#5326 opened by fraerie - 1
Lua error when opening code editor
#5325 opened by zeenk - 1
Group Finder Custom Extension WA
#5324 opened by coalgiver - 2
Shaman - Hero Talent select on Load
#5323 opened by CeaserH - 2
Global Call 'GetSpellInfo' Error with 11.0.2 update
#5320 opened by Starlynk1 - 0
Allow TSU Tooltips To Show Tooltips via AuraInstanceIDs Too
#5316 opened by ljosberinn - 0
The form list does not update after specialization change without a reload
#5310 opened by wing5wong - 0
lua error when creating new spell trigger
#5308 opened by Boneshockx - 2
What is this green/red button on minimap ??
#5307 opened by Nem597 - 0
Totem trigger for fire elemental no longer works with spellid
#5305 opened by Jodsderechte - 0
Add Load Condition for Rested/Negatable LocationI Ids
#5304 opened by Sebastian-Lamay - 1
Add the font Expressway - heavily used
#5301 opened by khelge - 1
WA anchoring to party frames not working when "Use raid-style party frames" is disabled in Edit Mode.
#5300 opened by nvnto - 1
Class load option
#5299 opened by HiroDrackon - 1
Update Suggestion Skyriding
#5298 opened by january19th - 2
Weapon Enchant triggers' "enchanted" condition check always returns true for Shaman Enchants when filtering by ID
#5297 opened by Guffin7 - 1
[Feature request] Add option for edge animation for spells with charges
#5295 opened by Mistrick - 1
StatusTexture:Hide(); doesn't work on initilisation until I tick and untick Custom checkbox
#5294 opened by Celeriestix - 1
Add texture conditions for Stop Motion region.
#5290 opened by Silvereyes1372 - 1
Hero Talent selector shows wrong trees
#5289 opened by silverwind - 1
Auras won't update
#5287 opened by gmanavarro - 0
Stop Motion Auras not animating properly with the "relative" Duration Setting
#5286 opened by Guffin7 - 2
WeakAuras incorrectly using color api
#5285 opened by Jodsderechte - 4
Druid Trash
#5284 opened by Thalbadar - 1
Avenging Wrath Bugging out and not loading
#5283 opened by LsdPanda - 8
Cooldown Progress (Item) and Cooldown Progress (Slot) occasionally not triggered after login
#5282 opened by Nokramx - 2
Model extends beyond background by 1px right and down
#5281 opened by wing5wong - 0
"Blizzard" textures display incorrectly when overlays are applied
#5280 opened by wing5wong - 1
#5279 opened by Arrowhoof - 6
weak aura soul shard bug
#5278 opened by txdragon - 4
Active Class/Spec trigger not functionning with Mage specs
#5277 opened by Aishuu87 - 1
"Charge gained/lost" with "Gained" and "Lost" triggers error
#5276 opened by linaori - 1
Custom Trigger activation should be a feature in the UI
#5275 opened by akgis32 - 5
Start animation seems to prevent timer text application.
#5274 opened by gotex007 - 0
Updating multiple aura display text causes lua error
#5272 opened by wing5wong - 1
Memory usage increasing by .1-2 MB every second
#5270 opened by drake236 - 1
Trash On Cooldown
#5269 opened by C00kie-M0de - 0
I can't log out when enable WA only
#5268 opened by Clay0109 - 0
Different values for the Class & Specialization trigger
#5263 opened by Aishuu87 - 1
Adding a "Neutral" value for Hostility in Unit Characteristics
#5262 opened by Aishuu87 - 1
"Disabled Spell Known Check" in Cooldown/Charges/Count Trigger no longer provides icon information.
#5259 opened by ph-Phobic - 3
attempt to index local 'factionData' (a nil value)
#5258 opened by Konsafloof - 1
Delay in text-to-speech actions
#5257 opened by th3ufo - 1
soul shard trigger
#5256 opened by scottmeyer5150 - 1
Wa window bugging out
#5255 opened by Jodsderechte - 2
WA 5.15.X weirdness Icon Size
#5254 opened by c0w - 2
Model selector input text shows the wrong model and the model viewer opens a completely different one.
#5253 opened by Pablocgdev