- 0
3D models XYZ placement changing randomly
#2722 opened by benleighton - 2
WeakAuras (don't show when not active) Shadow Priest
#2723 opened by Gavamalas - 6
Weakauras Archive - Causes disconnects
#2720 opened by Marscgm - 1
Automatic Icon not working
#2721 opened by Caza4 - 1
When uiScale is less than 0.64, change the text size in TextEditor to make it easier to read
#2726 opened by JerichoZG - 1
2 crash lightning buffs
#2727 opened by Mynameistakenalready - 3
Missing Aura trigger bugged
#2728 opened by Fr4mby - 1
Fort aura missing wa bugged after recent update.
#2729 opened by YudiH - 1
Icon 134020 missing from selection list (Smoked Desert Dumplings)
#2725 opened by lvangh - 1
Group Custom Anchors Code Editor won't show Code
#2737 opened by GeKo1990 - 0
Rogue Rapture is baseline ability since prepatch
#2738 opened by Dacomos - 0
Open single "Format options" onclick instead of all
#2739 opened by Causese - 1
Script ran too long upon deleting/duplicating dynamic group
#2731 opened by Causese - 0
"Aura is off screen" arrow shows for large dynamic groups that are meant to be off screen.
#2732 opened by Causese - 3
Options not working under 'From Template'
#2733 opened by Shaggy0708 - 0
Some icons started to display question mark in options open
#2734 opened by Translitdk - 1
ability to ADD a custom name to a trigger
#2735 opened by Nivius - 1
I can't seem to open WeakAuras.
#2736 opened by Ephera - 5
Flametongue enchant not being recognized in certain scenarios with Better Wardrobe Tooltips enabled
#2743 opened by linaori - 0
Nil error on Shift-Clicking multiple auras on the Information tab
#2740 opened by amiyuy - 3
save sound handler to icon data
#2741 opened by q513902026 - 6
long-time custom Sound not stop
#2742 opened by q513902026 - 11
Auras located at the top of the screen (y = 539) show as "Aura is Off screen"
#2747 opened by Mawkes - 1
Checkbox for Ticks to act as masks and hide content below
#2745 opened by IngEyn - 0
Script ran too long part 2
#2746 opened by Causese - 6
Hidden Models enabling after teleports
#2748 opened by lorientalas - 1
Move Cooldown to Inner Elements for Strata control
#2749 opened by lorientalas - 0
Problems in Classic version
#2750 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
Trigger tab > Class and Spec trigger
#2751 opened by Ocelots97 - 0
can't import new WA / import string character limit
#2752 opened by Angziety - 0
Aura not loading when creating from a template
#2753 opened by barthony - 1
Conflict with TukUI?
#2755 opened by azeda - 1
TSU tooltip as link
#2756 opened by Translitdk - 6
Add nil check and logical negation to conditions
#2757 opened by 0xjc - 1
Debuff Type
#2758 opened by sergeysh93 - 1
As a rogue, getting this whenever I enter combat on latest release
#2760 opened by mightykong - 1
Allow custom actions to register functions accessible in macros
#2761 opened by liujisi - 2
Hello, today I entered the game and I had the Weak Auras configuration empty, can someone help me please?, I have lost everything, the rest of the addons have also appeared unconfigured but I only care about the auras.
#2762 opened by LunethVendetta - 4
Weakauras do not show up on login/reloadui in 3.1.2-5-gdd58908
#2763 opened by SoLoR1 - 1
Unknown Compression Method
#2764 opened by HysterixTV - 6
Unknown compression method (236)
#2765 opened by HysterixTV - 9
Condemn Cooldown Bug
#2766 opened by Ronln - 1
Align Horizontal nuked my 93 element group - can we get a ctrl-z feature
#2754 opened by captain-git-planet - 0
Template creation
#2768 opened by Dem0n5ive - 1
#2769 opened by Addonman - 2
Merge Zone ID & Zone Group ID
#2770 opened by Causese - 2
Event: UNIT_POWER subfield support
#2767 opened by HildoYe - 0
Cant open wa menu
#2771 opened by hilmir44 - 4
Load condition for Instance ID
#2772 opened by 0xjc - 1
Lost all my Weak Auras out of nowhere
#2774 opened by Triaan88