World of Warcraft
13,830 Mods
ElvUI Profile - Warlock
0 Installs1440p - 0.53 scale
Rogue ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsWA Groups: https://wago.io/Sk3jg2XVX <<<<< Energy Bar / CP WA https://wago.io/BycCWhX4Q <<<<< Assassination Auras
Darkly - Heal UI
0 InstallsCan be used for dps aswell.
Bastruk's ElvUI profile
0 InstallsElvUI Profile designed for Monk or any DPS and Tank spec Works to fit well with Luxthos' class weakauras or my heavily modified one for monk You can check this profile in action on my...
ElvUI Profile for DRUID
0 InstallsDruid (Balance - Restoration - Guardian - Feral)
0 InstallsMy personal ElvUI setup, with unit frames inspired by Naowh's UI. The profile was made with UI scale 0.7 at 1080p. Nameplates are my edit of Dratnos' plater profile. WeakAuras are a modified version of...
ElvUI Setup [NightUI]
0 InstallsElvUI Default Profile for NightUI. Used for Mythic+ and Raiding, so not built for PvP List of Addons Used: ElvUI Shadow and Light (ElvUI Edit) Eltruism (ElvUI Edit) Windtools (ElvUI Edit) BigWigs LittleWigs Details Mythic...
Frantik ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsElvUI Profile for melee DPS. This can work for other specializations as well. Other addons you will need include: ElvUI Addonskins: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/elvui_addonskins ElvUI Shadow & Light: https://www.tukui.org/addons.php?id=38 ElvUI Skullflower: https://www.tukui.org/addons.php?id=63 Addons I use but you...
ElvUI Profile NikoF Mage
0 InstallsI have used this profile with a lot of classes and it has enough button to insert all of your spells :). It helps a lot in optimizing rotation due to the central position of...
DUI Elvui Profile
0 InstallsElvUI Portion of my current UI Accompanying weak auras found here: https://wago.io/xG7Ybo7cs Action bar 5 and 7 can be enable for Elv UI bars instead of weakauras
ElvUI 9.x.x ShadowLands [Paladins - anyspec]
0 InstallsFull New REBuild
Mistweaver Monk elvui
0 InstallsCombat Text Font used: Devlit Name Font used: Action Man Weak Auras used: https://wago.io/HJ0tG5tvM Questions? Whisper me ingame /w Shelinka-Drak'thul (EU Horde)) Add me on Battle.net Shelinka#21727 or text me on Discord Shelinka#0001 Changelog: 9th...
ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsCombat Rogue profile for Wotlk Font: Expressway
Benny's Profile (Healing)
0 InstallsFor the DPS/Tank profile go to: https://wago.io/8qTLbgYCy
Cap's Holy Priest UI - Widescreen
0 InstallsA UI Designed for Holy Priest, Widescreen Formatting. The only additional addon used in the images is "Detail's Damage Meters"
Inphamous's DPS/Tank Profile (for ElvUI)
0 InstallsMy DPS Profile for when I DPS or tank. Will update the screenshot later this week.
Effie's ElvUI - Dragonflight
0 InstallsImportant Installation notes: Install ElvUI and MerathilisUI and run through both setups, enabling every option. Afterwards, import this string into ElvUI. Got any questions? Contact me on Discord: https://discord.gg/NmWfxZG If you like my work and...
Hefoji's ElvUI Import
0 InstallsElvUI Profile
Whiz - ElvUi
0 InstallsElvui Setup Shadow • To get your ElvUI and WeakAuras to look like mine make sure you use AddonSkins and Shadow&Light. •Other Addons: •AdvancedInterfaceOptions •BigWigs/LittleWigs •Details •Exorsus Raid Tools •Gnosis •GottoGoFast •MikScrollingBattleText •MoveAnything •Threat Plates...
Elemental Shaman ElvUI Profile + WeakAuras
0 InstallsUpdated all WAs and ElvUI: 10-02-2020 I do not recommend using this UI without heavy use of WeakAuras. The font I use is Vixar. These are the Elemental Shaman specific WeakAuras that I use: Maelstrom...