World of Warcraft
13,830 Mods
ElvUI Profile ErckuL
0 InstallsI´ll try to update it.
Iffret's Classic ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsIffret's Classic ElvUI profile My Weak Auras can be found here - https://wago.io/i-bqcFEA0
Knochens ElvUI Tank Profile
0 InstallsRunen WeakAura >>> https://wago.io/HJ7IZGOAQ <<< Für die Nameplates benutze ich das Addon Plater Nameplates (Download in der CurseForge app oder auf >>> https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/plater-nameplates <<<) . Ausserdem kann man die ElvTextures und ElvUI_ChatTextures benutzen, um die...
Script ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsAddons used: Elvui Elvui Shadow & Light Elvui Windtools Plater (my plater profile: https://wago.io/AOpxnU1Cj ) Weakaura (my warlock WA profile: https://wago.io/RranuhNcW ) Adibags Details! Damage Meter Masque (Skin: Zoomed) Opie (for infrequent used spells) [ActionBars]...
Chekal's ElvUI Setup
0 InstallsThis is a setup meant for PvE. PvP works too, but I'm mostly a PvE player. I've put a lot of effort into perfecting my UI and hope that you enjoy it as much as...
Variz Aff Lock Elvui v.1
0 InstallsMy Ui in action---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PlyaBzmX8s My WA---> https://wago.io/HknpCoyYz
ElvUI Wolfx93 Warrior
0 InstallsElvUI Profile Shadow and Light BenikUI ElvUI
0 InstallsThis is an UI created with Elv-UI for WoTLK inspired from NaowhUI from retail. Come check from time to time if there is an update. !!!IMPORTANT!!! The UI was done on 1920 x 1080 resolution,...
JiberishUI Info Panel Setup
0 InstallsMust have Elvui, Eltruism, mMedia Tags, JiberishUI (all on Curseforge.com) https://www.patreon.com/JiberishUI 13 PROFILES NOW INCLUDED IN JIBERISHUI! https://youtu.be/gbg9eqejfJw?si=FqFj3GkW7MWUwcBs How to edit your own profile w/ Eltruism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t34UCUhLCFw&t=259s Font (included with Jiberish Installer): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1TZEqdx3x1eC4bN1vVEaJ2wd37Q4xvt/view?usp=drivesdk Replace your...
ALL IN ONE COLLECTION (ElvUI, Details, Castbar, Plates, WIndTools)
0 InstallsThis is my setup in game. The emphasis here is on keeping the middle clear, nothing more planned from the standard UI, class color adherence, and efficiency. Note the collection What do I need for...
Naowh inspired UI / Backup
0 InstallsI decided to remake my ui, so i looked around for inspiration Naowh's UI was probably the best one i've seen so far. If for whatever reason, you want my WeakAuras as well: https://wago.io/ZGGg1eEht
Except's • DPS UI
0 InstallsRedesigned my UI for use by DPS classes/specs. (https://discord.gg/011CGgxFqikk9Ih5K) I'm constantly working on the UI and am going to be updating this page as often as I can as well. If you have any questions...
Elvui profile
0 InstallsMy elvui profile made according to naowh's patterns
Mayz | Shadow Priest Elvu
0 InstallsA simple ElvUI Skin for Shadow Priests
ZerkinzUI Pro [v2.40][1080p] -- Performance-Driven Raid UI by Rank #10 West SHA
0 InstallsIf you want to support me, but are unable to spare any money, one thing you can do to help me is help advertise my UI on the WoW Forums, Trade Chat, etc.! I was...
Mortallon - ElvUI Profile "Centered Unit Frame Style"
0 InstallsMelee Friendly Profile Resolution: 1440p Post ElvUi Configs: Elvui Settings > Chat > General Tab > Voice Chat > Hide Voice Buttons Disable Right Loot panel Disable Totem Tracker Blizzard Edit Mode > Move Objective...
Piecez UPDATED (9.2.5)
0 InstallsFont: https://www.download-free-fonts.com/details/95922/itc-avant-garde-gothic-lt-medium Addons needed: AddOnSkin SharedMedia Addonsskin Details Weakauras is https://wago.io/p/Luckyone Cant upload the pictures for some odd reason! So here is a link to them! https://imgur.com/user/Fabiansterll/posts ---- Private string! IMPORTENT! IMPORT SAME PLACE AS...
喵仙人 ELVUI 配置 Meowcactus ElvUI Profile
0 Installs喵仙人基础 & 专业套组,是由喵仙人制作更新,适用于魔兽世界巨龙时代全职业的 WA 套组。 免费版:喵仙人基础套组,功能有所简化,但品质没有简化。发布于 WAGO 与黑盒工坊,供大家免费使用。 付费版:喵仙人专业套组,有着完整功能与最及时的更新。以电邮向订阅者持续发送全职业的最新版本。 订阅微信:meowcactus 打赏或订阅,爱发电:https://afdian.net/a/meowcactus 演示视频,哔哩哔哩:https://space.bilibili.com/4053358 ——————————————————————————— Meowcactus Lite & Pro Package, is made and updated by Meowcactus for all specializations in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Free version: Meowcactus...
StUI - Minimal Classic
0 Installs>>> THIS IS FOR CLASSIC - DO NOT USE FOR LIVE GAME <<< If you want this for the live game, you can find it here -> [ https://wago.io/tZsr1Nur- ] <- This is a recreation...
Retribution/Protection UI (Any melee dps)
0 InstallsPersonal UI backup. If someone wants to use, feel free. I will keep it updated. Works well with Ipse's WA's - Paladin link here -> https://wago.io/NyqCJuLtW If used by any melee dps, look for Ipse's...