World of Warcraft
13,382 Mods
Whiz - Restoration Druid Ui
0 InstallsRestoration Druid - Main https://wago.io/LOERckVws - Updated by a friend of mine - https://wago.io/hIzH3r8r7 Combo Points https://wago.io/-7mb0Fo_Q Druid Restoration - Buffs & Proccs https://wago.io/jsvlu4-uR Druid Restoration - Cooldowns https://wago.io/scJvXo9R9 Balance Druid Ui - https://wago.io/y8DXWSbiE Affliction...
Atrophy ElvUI profile
0 InstallsClean UI with a large hp bar. Raid frames are setup for raid leading and/or healing. Keybindings designed to use with a 12button MMO mouse.
ZiyUI - clean minimalistic layout
0 InstallsA clean minimalistic UI requires Elvui Shadow and Light The Unit frames are Shadowed Unit Frames and you need to install those throught the twitch client or the curseforge (or however you want) To get...
REICH UI HEAL v2.4 | 23:9 (2560x1080)
0 InstallsNEW PROFILE 16:9 Version(old) Change height on raid frame for 20ppl: 70, 25ppl: 56, 30ppl: 46 if you want old raid frames then swing versions from 10.02.18 v2.0 17.09.18| v2.4: -changes heal and absorb color...
Tank ElvUI by Rainon
0 Installs Hello World ! Поддержать рублём Weak Auras: Коллекция Collection Описание Description Class & Spec Ауры для классов или специализаций. Class and spec auras. Favorites Ауры других игроков, которые могут быть полезны. Auras by another...
Emarline's Healer ElvUI - Clean
0 InstallsMost things hidden outside of combat. Comes with fully configured raid and party frames. Uses class colors. Nameplates are disabled by default as I personally use KUI NamePlates, but they are configured, just go into...
LuckyoneUI Wrath - DPS & Tanks
0 InstallsProfile import strings for the most recent version of ElvUI Contact and Support • For questions join my Discord • Support me monthly on Patreon • Support me with a one-time Donation • Watch gameplay...
ElvUI Profile Rogue - Raikunz
0 InstallsRaikunz - Guild Paradigma (Azralon-US) If you want to see your cooldowns like mine, I'll link my weak auras: 1. Cooldown: https://wago.io/SJsbANnFX 2. Energy Bar and Combo Points: https://wago.io/HyDB0V2YX
[zUI] • Zippy's Classic UI (Mage/DPS) • ElvUI Profile [Classic+Retail] & AddOns/WAs
0 InstallsThis ElvUI profile defines the basis for my mage UI (24:10 ultrawide monitor, 3840x1600 resolution) and is enhanced by several AddOns/WeakAuras. The UI scale I use is 0.65. I'm am also using this UI in...
Mage - BFA - ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsLink to WA's: https://wago.io/ViuPmulha
KalUI: Resto Shaman ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsMinimal UI I made based off of the Meredan ElvUI profile. All Unitframes will reside inside of that space between Self, Target, & all the way down to your cast bar. Notice: This is scaled...
Wa's ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsFONT: https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=32093192&_ff=200 Plater Profile ElvUI Profile DF S2 10.1.0~10.1.5 DF S1 10.0.7 DF S1 10.0.7 cast Preiset Evoker Druid Monk Warrior DF S2 盾反技能 Hunter-Survival DeathKnight Paladin DemonHunter Warlock Warlock-Demonology 小鬼监视
hindesieUI / Updated for Shadowlands (1920x1080)
0 InstallsFonts/Textures: Main - Semplice Regular size 8 Unitframes Text - Action Man size 29 Texture - Melli ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Addons Required: • ElvUI • Shadow & Light • Kaliel's Tracker • BigWigs • Details
Teresita's Rogue BenikUI (update in progress for Dragonflight)
0 InstallsHello, for making this work you need ElvUI and the Addon Benikui -> https://wow.curseforge.com/projects/benikui-v3 If you don't like the black to black health backdrop you can change it in the elvui options. (see screenshot) !!!!...
Sylla ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsUsing Merathilis-UI https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/merathilis-ui send me an email if you need two accout profile (of Merathilis setting) you can touch me [email protected]
Zyke ElvUI v2.0 (1920x1080) - Updated for Shadowlands!
0 InstallsUPDATE: I have remade this UI for shadowlands using the newest ElvUI version (with minor changes here and there). I'm still not sure if this will be my main UI, i have multiple i'm considering....
ElvUI Profile - Sttiv - Clear
0 InstallsElvui clear profile for DPS
Combatchuck elvui Tank/Dps profile
0 InstallsBenikui addon needed for appearance certain features , But it is not required
0 Installshttps://wago.io/xpDKCVLaW for Combo Points https://wago.io/GPC9BmrYh for Energy https://wago.io/t9Gg92Wxe for Defensive CDs https://wago.io/UuclA8QJY for Left Defensive Buffs https://wago.io/Qmn7g4X45 for Right Defensive Buffs https://wago.io/hwHqgMWNa for Offensive CDs https://wago.io/1IKdxsv0- for Procs and DoTs https://wago.io/vCbB_DjJ8 for Plater profile
Neo's UI
0 InstallsUI have been moved! a more recent version of my UI can be found in my discord; https://discord.gg/ymS77uT If the UI looks off or if you import my UI from the dropbox link. Make sure...