- 1
#1107 opened by BlinksFly - 4
Message beginning with "#" gets cancelled out
#1106 opened by SelynCatto - 1
Full stop in default value for DiscordCommandFormat breaking invite link
#1105 opened by Dinty1 - 1
invite link problems
#1104 opened by elaineandsparky - 2
Question: Do you support BungeeCord?
#1102 opened by techyboy27 - 3
Question: Does DiscordSRV support Rich Presence for players?
#1101 opened by techyboy27 - 1
Suggestion: Messages from game to discord
#1100 opened by 1ntent1on - 1
Mi bot de discordsrv esta desconectado en mi servidor de discord.
#1097 opened by hie7oX - 1
Discord direct message
#1094 opened by burgersarefat - 0
Add support for more placeholders in nickname synchronization
#1093 opened by Billyjoe3000 - 0
Missing permissions for BOT causes incredible amount of spam in console
#1092 opened by farum12 - 1
[bug] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
#1091 opened by noahmanscher - 3
Filter out nicknames/discord names
#1090 opened by athyk - 5
Deprecated JDBC driver warning
#1089 opened by mindgam3s - 1
Discord Srv error ı use 1.13.2 paper
#1088 opened by kerkenez14 - 2
EDT timezone
#1087 opened by joeyk710 - 2
#1084 opened by s7an1slaw - 1
BungeeCord Support .
#1083 opened by ZionCage - 1
Server Stats in voice channel
#1082 opened by Naghell - 0
timezone settings
#1081 opened by timbo036 - 3
DiscordChatChannelColorTranslations gone in latest update
#1080 opened by Thornbush42 - 1
Commands not working
#1078 opened by giorno420 - 1
Minecraft rank sync to discord does not work
#1077 opened by lcbrakel - 4
Add the functionality to recognize RGB colors similar to "normal" colors in prefix
#1076 opened by LaurenceBarnes - 1
Store copies of yml files in separate folder
#1074 opened by Andre601 - 0
Grace period when kicking people after losing Discord connection
#1073 opened by Scarsz - 0
%date% returns a format incompatible with file names on dev build
#1069 opened by Dinty1 - 3
Adjust emoji replacement
#1068 opened by Androkai - 2
Feature requests
#1067 opened - 0
Dynmap message not being forwarded to the "dynmap" channel when specified
#1066 opened by RocketManKian - 15
My skin icon didn't update.
#1065 opened by Thedoczek - 1
Option for custom webhook message formats
#1063 opened by x86-39 - 3
Username with space causing DiscordSrv exceptions
#1062 opened by pwlgrzs - 1
Multi-line response. (I don't speak English)
#1061 opened by MaxFW - 1
DiscordSRV connection timed out
#1060 opened by Tosd0 - 9
Feature Request: Discord Economy Bridge + Add-ons Folder
#1059 opened by Fedefar1 - 2
DiscordSRV unable to start after restart of server
#1058 opened by Darlokt - 2
Feature Request: Whitelister
#1057 opened by Fedefar1 - 1
Encountered 429 Warning Spam in Console
#1056 opened by RocketManKian - 0
Feature Request: Channel specific formatting
#1055 opened by garagepoort - 3
The bot does not create webhooks for avatars.
#1053 opened by Shark-vil - 4
Add ability to toggle INFO-level messages in the console chat
#1052 opened by samthecodingman - 7
Suggestion: Add an option to Sync groups without including parents
#1051 opened by R4z0rX - 2
Bot does not display leave message on vanish
#1049 opened by johng3587 - 3
Vanilla Chat scoreboard bug 542 #5336
#1048 opened by PureVanillaFrance - 1
Vanilla chat colors
#1047 opened by PureVanillaFrance - 0
Suggestion: Add option to send playerFirstJoinMessage in it's own channel.
#1046 opened by Nesseley - 3
Player skin won't show up as the bot's image [BUG?]
#1044 opened by WolfyRed - 3
Vanilla Team Colors don't display in chat (1.16.5)
#1043 opened by Psora1 - 1
Minecraft Banned role feature
#1042 opened by Caily-E