- 6
Not getting the right tag
#259 opened by winnipeg21 - 5
Possible invis tag fix 1.8
#258 opened by EvilSlime - 3
NTE Groups
#257 opened by Jonnie2 - 3
fix for invisibility potions
#256 opened by PhanaticD - 3
Placeholder Not working
#255 opened by BenTheNoble - 0
Nickname disappearing and I disconnect reconnect :(
#254 opened by stanislasbdx - 1
Nametag not showing full size
#253 opened by MrPinguino - 0
LuckPerms issue
#252 opened by Sikatsu - 1
Request! Method to save a players nametag
#251 opened by TheSpeedCoder - 1
LibsDisguises not showing nametag
#250 opened by sjoerdtim - 2
The prefixes and suffixes in the tab are reset
#249 opened by DarkFort - 2
GlowAPI incompatibility. So I suggest ability to set glow color for players inside NTE: NametagEditAPI.setGlowing(player, color, etc)
#248 opened by ChefMC - 2
Long Tag Function
#247 opened by johnsoncui02 - 3
NTE wont work without MVdWPlaceholderAPI premium plugin
#246 opened by Someone-NEW - 1
Long Tags are Truncated
#245 opened by henrikbg - 1
Not working with MVDWPlacewoldersAPI.
#244 opened by CryLegende - 9
#243 opened by DIMC09 - 2
#242 opened by uzmanshafi - 1
Bug Long Tags
#241 opened by xMaZax - 3
MySQL-connections not closed
#240 opened by korhox - 1
NameTags not hidden when KitBattle players use the ghost kit?
#239 opened by wattywatty14 - 2
Bug with LongTags
#238 opened by CryLegende - 3
world issue
#237 opened by Feerko - 3
Support multiple lines
#236 opened by BoomEaro - 3
#235 opened by uzmanshafi - 3
Inherited permission issues with tablist.
#234 opened by johnsoncui02 - 1
Outline problem. (see the screen).
#233 opened by TheIntelloBox - 1
Continued problem
#232 opened by Pabsb - 7
Team specific sidebar compatibility for 3rd party plugins
#231 opened by Maximvdw - 6
Separation of prefixes in a tab and a head
#230 opened by DarkFort - 1
Unicode and Special Characters for Tags
#228 opened by MrDiggi - 2
[Bug] Nickname
#227 opened by Typheonn - 5
Problems with the Tag in Head
#226 opened by Vitauum - 2
Bug report
#225 opened by Pabsb - 4
Error NametagEdit Query Failed (tags)
#224 opened by DrejkBR - 5
Bug NametagEdit + MultiverseCore
#223 opened by xELITESx - 7
Error if I have a lot of characters
#222 opened by LagBug - 6
Error NametagEdit Query Failed
#221 opened by DrejkBR - 1
Cannot get to Distrobution Website
#220 opened by jacksoneshbaugh - 2
Plugin Do not work after installed MVdWPlaceholderAPI
#219 opened by yhrC - 2
Duplicate column name 'priority'
#218 opened by CandiMiiS - 3
LuckPerms support
#216 opened by Sikatsu - 1
Nametagedit Exception!
#215 opened by NixalBlaze - 7
[BUG] PAPI & MCore factions relational placeholders.
#214 opened by Flavourized - 2
Problem tab-list
#213 opened by Sony270 - 1
Player's passengers
#212 opened by Feerko - 0
API Issue
#211 opened by glowgrew - 4
#210 opened by DarkFort - 4
Name tagging anything shows the prefix? Whaaa...?
#209 opened by BelleGoBelle - 1
Name getting cut off
#205 opened by Wereld