- 2
Fishing Flag does not work?[BUG]
#638 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[Suggestion] Manage the weather in a claimed area
#639 opened by Melvout - 2
[Suggestion] Chunk selection, outset & inset
#640 opened by adfg4af4 - 2
[BUG] Mohist - If you try to block monster spawn -> Huge lags
#641 opened by Krosta8 - 4
[Suggestion] Add Slimes to the Monster category
#642 opened by Blueeyestar - 6
[BUG] Player can't teleport from region with "can-move" false
#643 opened by Krosta8 - 1
[BUG] Mohist - massive lags with BlockBreakEvent
#644 opened by Krosta8 - 3
[BUG] Does not allow to interact with the world
#645 opened by ChrisTVH - 0
[BUG] How does that work now with the secured chests
#646 opened by Blueeyestar - 0
little error with new Monster GUI [BUG]
#647 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
[BUG] [MOHIST] Creeper can destroy ArmorStand with fire on false
#652 opened by Krosta8 - 1
Translation for [Mobs Names in the new Monster-GUI
#648 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
[BUG] /rp reload has disappeared
#649 opened by aurel85 - 1
[Suggestion] Custom GUI flag spawn-animals/monsters
#650 opened by aurel85 - 3
Can randoms has see book?
#651 opened by Hebgbs - 1
[Sugestão] Venda/Compra de Terreno
#653 opened by michaelmatteus - 2
New Falg CanFish does not work when set to false[BUG]
#654 opened by CloudeLecaw - 4
outdated regions on Dynmap with own color + informer
#655 opened by CloudeLecaw - 16
[Suggestion] command or permission for deleting just own subzones
#656 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
[Suggestion] Rework of region naming
#657 opened by JokaJukka - 2
[BUG] Small detail with the spawn-animals flag
#658 opened by aurel85 - 0
[BUG] Esqueletos causando dano a armor_stand
#659 opened by llronaldoll - 0
[BUG] rp list does not work
#661 opened by Blueeyestar - 0
[BUG] Deads of new 1.16.1 mobs are missing
#660 opened by CloudeLecaw - 3
[Question] convertig UUId on serverstart
#663 opened by CloudeLecaw - 4
[BUG] Redprotect or Dynmap bug?
#664 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
Player can use X-RAY with Pistons and Composter
#665 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[Suggestion] Global disabling of some enchants in choosen worlds
#666 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
Allow Non-member tp Flag (Revisited)
#667 opened by SirReal314 - 0
Error with addon KillerProjectiles[BUG]
#668 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[BUG] Data too long for Mysql "tppoint"
#670 opened by Akr-on - 4
Killer Projektile[BUG]
#669 opened by CloudeLecaw - 7
#671 opened by Jorgegiral - 7
[BUG] Registering custom admin flags throws an UnsupportedOperationException
#672 opened by eirikh1996 - 1
[Problema] Pixelmon
#673 opened by vinasxz - 2
[Pergunta] Acesso em region para quem tem certa permissão/grupo
#674 opened by RoinujNosde - 1
[BUG] Players getting to spawn?
#675 opened by CloudeLecaw - 2
#676 opened by Mythrain - 0
New Regionflag or modified Flag for minecarts[Suggestion]
#677 opened by CloudeLecaw - 8
[BUG] Dynmap not working correclty on latest build364
#678 opened by CloudeLecaw - 0
[Problema] Nether/Hell Pixelmon
#679 opened by vinasxz - 1
pls add new weeping_vines and twisting_vines to can-grow flag
#680 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[Suggestion] Cool and necessary function!
#681 opened by shanklm - 1
#682 opened by CAWBxMercy420 - 2
[BUG] Private sign problem
#683 opened by NanoxGG - 1
[Suggestion] Change messages in chat
#684 opened by likimiki1 - 5
[BUG] Spawning flag
#685 opened by Melvout - 1
Error on trying to redefine a region
#687 opened by CloudeLecaw - 1
[BUG] Console Spamming
#686 opened by BlackID512 - 2
Subzone management should be added
#688 opened by CloudeLecaw