- 3
Server crash
#139 opened by robotnikthingy - 2
Bo2 and config ?!!
#140 opened by Aurazara - 1
An inernal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
#141 opened by Aurazara - 4
BO3 tile entities do not load from .nbt files (v2.4.8 and Craftbukkit 1.5 dev build)
#142 opened by Chrisknyfe - 1
Error On 1.5.1
#145 opened by N1T3SLAY3R - 2
SurfaceBlock with id > 127 doesn't work
#146 opened by hanspaerna - 2
/tc reload [world_name] does not seem to work. "you need to select world" every time.
#147 opened by Auxilium22 - 7
TerrainControl fails to create proper WitchHuts
#143 opened by jinks - 2
Crash after /reload
#144 opened by rutgerkok - 5
CPU Spikes if OP changes worlds or brand new user joins
#148 opened by corvusmc - 1
Internal Server Error
#149 opened by colosst - 4
HIGH: BO3 spawns incorrectly.
#150 opened by YLivay - 13
ReplacedBlocks ignores random chunks
#151 opened by Mysteryem - 4
Server Crash NullPointer
#152 opened by Esfekia - 10
MCPC with MinecraftForge v7.7.1.653 crashes at world generation
#153 opened by whisper2shade - 4
im lost ples help
#154 opened by BiteM18 - 27
MCPC+ (MinecraftForge v7.7.1.656) with Terrain Control crashes randomly
#155 opened by whisper2shade - 15
Server crash
#157 opened by Corsicaman - 4
"ReplaceToBiomeName:" not functioning
#156 opened by cliffnerd5 - 3
Water and lava doesn't flow in 2.4.11
#158 opened by spindyzzer - 1
Importing bo2 files
#160 opened by xKingOfChaosx - 1
Liquid replacement causes errors in Forge
#159 opened by zanotam - 4
TC won't start up
#161 opened by remiscarlet - 3
BO3: RandomBlock / Random NBT files
#162 opened by LanToaster - 11
TC don't generate ores
#163 opened by vvswarhead - 6
Second image for fromImage mode for height
#164 opened by DeathVader97 - 4
BO3: Rotation of BedBlocks
#165 opened by LanToaster - 14
BO3: Custrom Structures Cuts off Objects
#166 opened by LanToaster - 12
Null Pointer Exception
#167 opened by ThemistoclesVonEckenbrecher - 4
Config Sanitization
#168 opened by zanotam - 4
Confilct With bPermissions
#169 opened by the3rdnumber - 5
How create RANDOMLY creating chests?
#170 opened by windy31 - 1
Lost of CustomHeightControl values when in 8 bit mode.
#171 opened by SimSonic - 2
Bug with Multiverse-Core
#172 opened by minecrafterwork - 1
Single cross-version jar?
#173 opened by SimSonic - 0
Skylight problems
#174 opened by rutgerkok - 4
Craftbukkit dev build: 1.6.2-R0.1-20130709.000904-1 crash on startup
#175 opened by DecentM - 10
Unhandled Exception when creating new world with TC
#178 opened by Crucible76 - 2
Some error
#185 opened by DoctorBooooom - 18
/tc command not working after /reload
#183 opened by RetroMining - 23
/tc map
#186 opened by Jonas438 - 2
getSettingValueInvalidError java.lang.NullPointerException
#187 opened by oloflarsson - 6
Problems with diamond- and emerald ores generating in overworld.
#188 opened by orgiz - 3
help mobspawning error
#190 opened by guruflex - 5
One biome = Messed up
#189 opened - 4
Jungle biomes showing as black on biome map
#191 opened by CosmicVoyager - 10
/tc reload world causes lots of lag
#192 opened by ChrisLane - 4
"Plugin 'TerrainControl v2.4.14' lacks a default world generator"?
#193 opened by CosmicVoyager - 2
"Unable to find spawn biome" when creating world
#194 opened by CosmicVoyager - 16
/tc biome and f3 not matching up with land
#195 opened