- 2
Negative numbers with Essentails Eco
#77 opened by Geocraft - 1
Pay with items
#79 opened by Codisimus - 1
CurrencyCore Outdated Jar
#78 opened by coelho - 1
21:34:47 [WARNING] Vault 1.2.7 is out! You are running 1.2.6 21:34:47 [WARNING] Update Vault at:
#81 opened by UltraMC - 3
.7 breaks bPerm
#80 opened by freakyy85 - 3
economy linking not working with many plugins?
#82 opened by zach-all - 1
Vault shouldnt load before his dependences
#83 opened by zach-all - 3
Vault says towny is registered, but towny says otherwise
#84 opened by fultrim - 7
The latest (1.2.8) vault seems to cause lag.
#85 opened by pocketkings719 - 2
Error on new player joining server (vault-towny)
#87 opened by LlmDl - 3
Non working, Spams Logs With Java Errors
#86 opened by SuperPyroManiac - 1
Feature request: Prefix's and Suffix's from permissions
#89 opened by fletchto99 - 2
ItemInfo for potions
#90 opened by craftycreeper - 1
cant load pex
#96 opened by XYZ24324773 - 5
Dynamic Economy and PermissionsEX
#98 opened by sanguine-my-brother - 4
Vault Hooking into PermissionsEX_Chat, why?
#99 opened by NeoScooch - 2
Feature Request: Detection for SNAPSHOT in version string.
#100 opened by Diskmaster - 1
#103 opened by Wouter0100 - 1
Multiple Currency Support
#102 opened by alkarinv - 1
Group prefixes on Vault 1.2.9 not working
#106 opened by Zakor - 1
NullPointerException in Vault / Permission_PermissionsBukkit (1.2.8-b87)
#104 opened by zford - 5
New bPermissions API
#105 opened by ArrowInTheKnee - 5
Sleaker. Group Prefixes.
#107 opened by Zakor - 1
ico6 will not break on R5
#108 opened by greatman - 2
Vault.jar wont install
#110 opened by banthapoodoo - 1
Please add method getMoneyName() (see description)
#111 opened by Taien - 4
NPE with bPermissions
#112 opened - 1
Not going to keep GM up to date?
#113 opened by spydercanopus - 10
Error while loading Vault
#116 opened by greatman - 1
Error while loading Vault B128
#117 opened by andrewkm - 4
Negative EssentialsEco Accounts
#118 opened by bobbysmithyy - 1
Dont load :/
#119 opened by Kadyplaythatshit - 1
- 1
Group Manager + NoSuchMethodError
#114 opened by SamV522 - 1
Permissions(EX) problem
#115 opened by Sluijsens - 3
Can't add a player to a group in a specific world?
#121 opened by Lanuk1 - 1
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
#122 opened - 7
Vault reporting update when already up to date
#123 opened by thefowles1 - 4
Error for Craftbukkit R6 (MC: 1.2.2 )
#127 opened by XxCoolGamesxX - 4
Error occurred while enabling Vault v1.2.11-b130
#124 opened by liquidox - 5
Feature request: Array of Permission Nodes
#125 opened by Xcelsior91 - 2
R5: ConfigurationNode not defined any more
#126 opened by mkalus - 1
Feature Request: Messaging API
#128 opened by Rob4001 - 7
Problem with Vault update.
#129 opened by lmndk - 2
players can create signs without permissions
#131 opened by WoAnerges - 2
default permissions settings
#132 opened by WoAnerges - 3
Vault and iCo 6
#130 opened by Azenet - 2
Ordering Issue
#133 opened by Randude14 - 1
Per-world economy
#135 opened by codename-B - 4
Doesn't respond to PermissionsEx reload commands
#136 opened by kside