- 2
Suggestion: Output Priority
#63 opened by cjo9900 - 1
Heat exchanger incorrect worked with last IC2_exp
#62 opened by Neuromantix - 1
Mekanism Biofuel not accepted in Syngas Producer
#61 opened by leglerm - 2
Generators not accepting fuel
#60 opened by hugetacoHTML - 2
[Question] How to add custom assets files for custom materials?
#59 opened by OneEyeMaker - 3
Supporting Galacticraft fuel/oil?
#58 opened by zhs2 - 4
IfHavemod a good solution?
#57 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 5
Add Mekanism pipe support to ItemPush
#56 opened by rstat1 - 3
"OreDicting" Water Bottles and Buckets of Water allows you to generate free iron
#55 opened by SennaGehenna - 7
Syngas: sawdust/wood pulp = too much carbon?
#54 opened by GotchaGimmeThanks - 4
[Feature Request] OC / CC support
#53 opened by CrazyCodeUK - 2
Unable to make Advanced Pressure Value in Induction Smelter
#51 opened by utoc - 4
Turbine Modules not producing proper amount of RF
#50 opened by Skyler-Altol - 2
Not able to draw power from generator
#45 opened by sturmgewehr-44 - 4
Crash On Load Up After Updating To (Tooltip)
#44 opened by RoloEdits - 3
Signal "On empty power capacitor " does not work
#43 opened by twothe - 4
RF Output does not work with Energy Extraction Pipe
#42 opened by twothe - 3
[Feature Request] Redstone Control Module: On Pulse: Clear Internal Buffers
#41 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 2
Redstone Control Module only works with 'strong' signals
#40 opened by MyNameIsKodos - 1
Filter option for Pressurized Input Valve
#39 opened by Skar78 - 2
Feature request for Syngas Producer
#38 opened by cloakable - 9
Gasses/Fluids from other mods?
#37 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 3
Suggestion: Charcoal Production
#36 opened by Skar78 - 1
[Suggestion] IC BioGas in the Gas Turbine
#35 opened by nintendow131 - 2
Tiered turbines do not actually use their production values (in the gas turbine multiblock)
#34 opened by smbarbour - 6
Server Crash
#33 opened by ivardensphere - 4
Performance Issues Overall.
#32 opened by StoneLegion - 1
Is there anyway you can up this mod
#31 opened by Flukethoughts - 4
Add large scale fermentation/distillation
#30 opened by GotchaGimmeThanks - 4
Server startup error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError net.bdew.lib.sensors.SensorSystem.disabledTexture()Lnet/bdew/lib/gui/Texture
#29 opened by BakermanLP - 2
World corruption and crash with Heat Exchanger
#28 opened by firespark81 - 6
Unable to pump Steam INTO Syngas producer
#27 opened by GotchaGimmeThanks - 6
Crash report on server startup about net.bdew.lib.block.BlockRef.isValid
#26 opened by BakermanLP - 1
Obsidian NBT
#25 opened by Staegrin - 5
Steam turbines have a hardcoded fluid input limit?
#24 opened by slawr34 - 4
Placed an Adv. Gen. Block and crashed
#23 opened by KillerInc - 1
Fuel Tanks Can't connect to Steam Turbines
#22 opened by slawr34 - 6
Steam discrepancy
#21 opened by Staegrin - 1
Power gauges tooltips show MJ instead of RF
#20 opened by Staegrin - 9
Adding Steam as a fuel
#19 opened by slawr34 - 1
Crash after updating to bdlib-mc1710-
#18 opened by Staegrin - 11
BC Fuel problem
#17 opened by MinoCraft - 1
Website Issue: You link to the wrong github repository
#16 opened by Mengmoshu - 2
no pipe connecting to the generator
#15 opened by zortag - 6
Buildcraft fuel still isn't being accepted by the generator (0.9.6)
#14 opened by slawr34 - 22
Fuel Types not working
#13 opened by Harkole - 4
Crash on startup
#12 opened by KeepOnDigging - 3
Include GT power generator
#6 opened by BakermanLP - 1
Initial start doesn't create config files
#5 opened by BakermanLP - 4
Crash with the latest Extra Utilities
#2 opened by CascadingDragon