- 0
Please Update mappings from snapshot to stable_39
#320 opened by zeng-github01 - 3
Fluid storage bus could not read fluids in other networks properly.
#318 opened by YiRanMushroom - 0
Wireless Pattern Terminal Ore-dict substitution bug
#321 opened by NuanKi - 1
Cannot drag from JEI/HEI sometimes
#319 opened by YiRanMushroom - 0
Clientside crash on startup
#323 opened by ChromaPIE - 0
[Request]Add Wireless Interface Terminal
#325 opened by zeng-github01 - 3
crash game when search item on terminal
#326 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
[BUG] ME Interface Forcing stacking of non-stackable items causes some container items to duplicate.
#328 opened by KasumiNova - 1
Suggestion: Warn somehow when trying to use Processing Pattern with Molecular Assembler
#352 opened by serenibyss - 0
Fluid storage bus showing fluids not included in the filter
#333 opened by MatthiasMann - 0
Fluid dupe with ME Fluid Storage Bus and ME Fluid Terminal
#340 opened by TabakaSIM - 0
Right-clicking with items in your hand to drop one item at a time no longer works.
#348 opened by jk1895 - 1
The server side incorrectly loaded the client class causing a crash.
#366 opened by KasumiNova - 8
forge server crash with the newest release version (Exception in server tick loop) upd: CAT SERVER specified (maybe not only)
#365 opened by StunAndBlock - 0
Input search only recognizes first entry
#357 opened by omniv0x - 0
An import bus cannot import items unless the first slot they check has a valid location on the network
#358 opened by trittimo - 1
Game crash whith the 0.56.0 version, appliedintegrations compabitity problems
#369 opened by Robolightning - 0
Toast server crash in 0.56.1
#379 opened by Geometer1729 - 0
Meteor Loottable Config Option
#283 opened by ThePansmith - 1
Meteor Compass Target change
#284 opened by ThePansmith - 0
Add config to disable max types restriction on storage cells
#281 opened by joendter - 1
Crafting terminal texture issue
#282 opened by BagelsModCollection - 2
Smart Dense cables act like smart normal cables. (They only take 8 channels and then stop working.)
#285 opened by GavinFF-SS - 2
Severe FPS Drop When Performing Terminal Searches with P2P Connection
#286 opened by shane04111 - 11
Autocrafting randomly dies
#287 opened by C0D3-M4513R - 5
autocrafting reading incorrect storage values from system, items unextractable but presented with correct amount
#288 opened by masonbesmer - 3
Bug when transferring items with fuzzy cards
#289 opened by philogos - 3
Bug(characteristics) when transferring items with Redstone Card
#290 opened by philogos - 2
[Suggestion] Backport the Equal Distribution and Overflow Destruction Cards and ME Cell Upgrade mechanics, if possible
#291 opened by Desempregago - 9
The Recipe Stages "setPackageStage" doesn't work
#292 opened by Atricos - 1
FE-P2P Mekanism Compatiblity broken
#293 opened by Gandalf360one - 0
Crash NullPointerException
#294 opened by Niker323 - 3
Portable Cell can be put into itself
#299 opened by Irgendwer01 - 0
Bug with craft result slot in pattern terminal
#296 opened by Niker323 - 1
View Cells don't apply until inventory is updated
#297 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
Wireless terminal broken with 'Station cannot be located' message.
#300 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
[Request] 5x5, 7x7, 9x9 (Auto)crafting
#301 opened by Kuzibaba - 6
[Request] ModularPowersuits Powertool integration
#302 opened by Kuzibaba - 2
[Request] Bigger Crafting Co-Processors
#303 opened by Kuzibaba - 2
Autocraft intermediates for table crafted item causing error.
#304 opened by Silvernova115 - 0
JEI cannot automatically add items for crafting in Pattern Terminal, Server only
#306 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
Gliding into Spatial Pylon with Elytra causes UI whiteout
#305 opened by ByThePowerOfScience - 1
[BUG]JEI or HEI cannot automatically add some items(like diamond IronIngot GoldIngot) for crafting in Pattern Terminal, Server only(catservercore)
#311 opened by wangyu2333333 - 2
[Request] Bigger Crafting Co-Processors 1.12.2
#307 opened by Artiks54 - 1
Anihilation Plane being Enchantable
#308 opened by AndreCelso - 0
Auto restock card for pattern terminal
#310 opened by joendter - 2
[Request] Add Advanced Blocking Card
#313 opened by MicroObsidianBlock - 1
Server crash
#314 opened by zeng-github01 - 0
bug with config file
#315 opened by beecupbe - 0
Wireless crafting terminal adds player inventory twice
#317 opened by brachy84