- 2
Game Crashing because of patterns with invalid items
#6859 opened by NemEzanevem - 3
Security breaking doesn't really work
#6860 opened by Technici4n - 2
Crash AE2 sur 1.19.2
#6861 opened by AtlasGvnG - 0
[1.16.5] Charged Quartz Spawn Rate Config
#6862 opened by mohammedajao - 0
Use "Action Bar" for Feedback Messages Instead of Chat
#6864 opened by shartte - 1
Clean up Fluid Transform Recipes
#6865 opened by shartte - 6
Sustainable Fluix
#6866 opened by Senteth - 2
Charger eats my quartz
#6867 opened by SmoothBrainInsomniac - 0
Guidebook Smelting Recipe Support
#6868 opened by shartte - 0
Guidebook support for Transform Recipes
#6870 opened by shartte - 0
Guidebook support for Charger Recipes
#6871 opened by shartte - 0
[Guidebook] Add support to show specific recipes rather than auto-selecting them always
#6873 opened by shartte - 1
useTerminalUseLargeFont location error
#6875 opened by shane04111 - 2
Inscriber not rendering properly
#6888 opened by Trent2Luigi - 1
Modpack crashes because of AE2
#6877 opened by PossessedDevil - 3
AE2 Version for MC 1.19.3 Forge 44.1.++
#6878 opened by SubSonicEr - 0
Facades don't use correct biom colors
#6879 opened by Mari023 - 0
Investigate replacing BE NBT based directionality with Block State Properties
#6880 opened by shartte - 1
Wooden Crank not showing , found recipe online but would not let me craft
#6881 opened by DaddyTheGamer170720 - 1
Mouse cursor in between two buttons in ME Pattern Encoding Terminal causes button names to overlap
#6882 opened by D4RKTARGET - 1
Dense Eenergy storage not cratable some times
#6883 opened by Pultex - 1
Z-fighting in Dense/Smart Cables
#6889 opened by corhean - 0
Allow Combining Annihilation Planes in Anvils (to Merge Enchantments)
#6890 opened by VT-14 - 1
AE2 crashes my game
#6891 opened by Swazza810 - 2
[Autocraft] Allow process pattern to send items without stacking
#6892 opened by gurmiguel - 1
Enable Autocraft to partially or fully ignore the NBT of the finished items.
#6893 opened by KennysDaywalker - 1
[1.19.2]suddenly collapsed
#6896 opened by windy664 - 3
Bug with Wireless Crafting Terminal
#6897 opened by TomasGnG - 1
"Crafting job completed" toasts do not work if the terminal is in a trinket / curio slot using ae2wtlib
#6898 opened by Mari023 - 0
Guidebook Crafting Recipes don't show Amounts
#6899 opened by shartte - 0
Incompat Claims
#6900 opened by Flemmli97 - 3
JEI support for MC 1.19.3 Forge
#6901 opened by SubSonicEr - 0
Mek logistical transporters can't insert into p2p tunnels
#6903 opened by Technici4n - 1
Matter condenser does not generate energy from fluid.
#6904 opened by gjz010 - 7
Compatibility request: fire a PlayerInteractEvent.LeftClickBlock from PartLeftClickPacket
#6905 opened by desht - 6
Auto-crafting does not work if processing pattern contains items and fluids simultaneously
#6906 opened by ZekIzLoupriora - 2
crafting order dont work with craft result produced in storage connected by storage bus
#6914 opened by h1503 - 0
Jade Version ID needs a bump
#6909 opened by Raezroth - 0
Jade and TheOneProbe Need a update to versions
#6910 opened by YukiRainee - 5
AE2 13.0.8 causing critical error on starting MC 1.19.3 Forge 44.1.5
#6911 opened by SubSonicEr - 2
Energy acceptor only giving 8 channels when connected to controller
#6912 opened by iVintex - 1
Incompatibility causes crash on server 1.19.2
#6913 opened by URSFR - 1
[1.19.2] Quartz Gen when Meteorites are disabled
#6916 opened by itsdinkd - 0
old cells textures
#6915 opened by jailedfish - 0
Press dies on the inscriber are transparent in the back (need a back face)
#6918 opened by Sea-Kerman - 2
Website offline
#6919 opened by Hawk777 - 1
filter card for importers,exporters and storage buses.
#6920 opened by ThornIcy - 0
Use difference ingredient to avoid washing fluix cables to fluix
#6921 opened by Technici4n - 1
add warning / error message if a quantum entangled singularity doesn't have a frequency
#6922 opened by Mari023 - 0
Switching Items with the offhand doesn't work in ae2 GUIs
#6924 opened by Mari023