- 0
Camera Mod incompatibility issue [1.12.2]
#66 opened by DTA2YT - 2
Adding exclusions
#71 opened by luckeYpublic - 1
Blur mod not blurring the background help
#72 opened by phrogprince - 0
Blur mod not working :/
#74 opened by LolBoiLovzMankrft - 4
Fabric 19w12b Update
#28 opened by AyItsJayy - 0
Blur colors are broken.
#29 opened by LambdAurora - 2
Minecolonies support?
#30 opened by Pulz-TCP - 1
Game instantly crashes on 1.14.2 with Fabric
#31 opened by nfe213 - 5
SCP Lockdown Mod breaks blur
#32 opened by deadspidervenom - 2
Blur & CraftPresence conflicts
#34 opened by ox0Panda0xo - 2
Please support Forge (1.14.4)
#35 opened by sepsol - 0
Crash on launch with InformedLoad
#37 opened by magneticflux- - 5
No blur effect with better portals
#38 opened by jhammerberg - 1
[1.15.2] NoClassDefFoundError
#39 opened by BloCamLimb - 5
[1.14] Game Crashes without Logs when Opening Geolosys Field Manual
#40 opened by oitsjustjose - 1
[1.14] Crashes on launch (AbstractMethodError)
#41 opened by Renari - 3
[1.8.9] Exclusions List doesn't seem to work
#42 opened by LlamaLad7 - 2
- 3
Game crashes upon using this mod. Didn't change anything.
#47 opened by MagmaBro123 - 1
When using Optifine L5 The blur mod blurs the chat even though it is in the exceptions
#49 opened by BenMasel - 0
Incompatibility with Vic's Modern Warfare Mod
#51 opened by MrRedstoneA1 - 0
Add whitelist
#50 opened by Dekamir - 1
Incompatibility with Camera Mod - 1.12.2
#52 opened by VictorAlonsoo - 0
Config for Blur (Fabric) 1.16 does not show up in Modmenu
#53 opened by BrinCho - 0
Crash with X-Ray on 1.14.4
#54 opened by Murrlin - 0
No config options on Fabric
#55 opened by Madis0 - 2
Gradient settings keep getting replaced with the default
#56 opened by HipHopHuman - 0
#57 opened - 0
no blur in invntory 1.8.9
#58 opened by stereodutruc - 1
No blur but fade is working in Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons mod pack
#59 opened by Juanescacha - 1
Blur is not compatible with Hats mod
#60 opened by Maxion78 - 2
Insane lagginess on Linux on tabbing out fullscreen
#61 opened by RudiAusBuddeln - 0
Add config option to hide the dummy resource pack or hide by default
#62 opened by Foozey - 2
Add support for RGBA
#63 opened - 0
Blur algorithm optimization
#64 opened by stashymane - 1
Weird flickery GUI
#65 opened by Rsslone - 0
[1.12] Re-Rendering Blur Effect When GUI Updates
#13 opened by SnowShock35 - 2
[1.10.2] Blur is not working but fade is.
#14 opened by luanalatte - 2
The Blur effect doesn't work with Fast Render
#15 opened by agentdouble0 - 1
(1.12) Poof! crashes.
#16 opened by Migmag789 - 2
Doesn't blur rather just slightly darkens it
#17 opened by MisterQuiggly - 2
Minecraft doesn't start with Blur-1.0.3-13, MC 1.12.1 and Forge #2444
#18 opened by bl4ckscor3 - 2
Crash with Blur 1.0.4, forge 2452, MC 1.2.1
#19 opened by vico93 - 4
1.12.1 wont work
#20 opened - 1
[suggestion] Blur fade out on gui closing
#22 opened by SHsuperCM - 2
CPU fan going on a party
#23 opened by GreatestFool - 1
Can you make this for 1.8 ~ 1.8.9 ?
#24 opened by tomocrafter - 0
Changing the system time causes Blur to freak out if it's currently in a GUI
#25 opened by twilight-sparkle-irl - 0
[1.12.2] Lag with Tinkers Crafting Station
#26 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 1
How do I get the GUI ID?
#27 opened by Th3OneAndOnly