- 4
(Game Crashed) NullPointer onto render error
#3423 opened by FacrGetr - 0
Fluid in pipes going downward not needing pumps
#3421 opened by TinyDeskEngineer06 - 1
error in crafting andesite_casing
#3422 opened by funpurple - 2
[QoL] Make the start of a branching rail have a bar to indicate where to put signals
#3374 opened by RustyNova016 - 1
[BUG] Viewing Fluid Pipes at certain angles with Rubidium causes them to improperly render
#3375 opened by meawplex-plus - 2
Deployer crashing server
#3376 opened by MarquisXDeXSade - 1
Add Tuntables for trains please
#3377 opened by FyrfyX8 - 5
My world crashes when I open it after I made a mechanical bearing contraption
#3378 opened by Minecatr - 0
Display link cannot recognize stations with brackets in name
#3379 opened by Alphen95 - 2
Bug with lots of textures on Create Mod !
#3380 opened by SandaShiko - 2
Create crashes after placing multiple cogwheels and a display
#3381 opened by CatWillSCRATCH - 0
Deployer has set Filter/Deploy Direction
#3388 opened by Micolanjello - 5
weird rail glitch
#3389 opened by imlazytomakeausernamehelpme - 0
Deployers used to place blocks from schematic right click trapdoors on placement
#3382 opened by eilamg - 2
fan no longer genarate from magma or fire
#3383 opened by cookie622W - 0
Schematic and glue outlines not showing with Tempad mod
#3384 opened by GinDoyr - 7
Game crashes when assembly of train
#3385 opened by pyluaVR - 5
Missing crafting recipe crafting paradox
#3386 opened by legoflame - 3
Renamed Train Station Turns Into Unrenamed one and does not apply to the name
"Mounted Zoom Multiplier" persists into other worlds when not on train
#3404 opened by cem-yilmaz - 1
create keeps crashing for me when i switched to the newer version
#3390 opened by justawander - 1
Blaze Burner Ponder Crash
#3391 opened by GreninjaSan - 3
Keeps Crashing!
#3392 opened by GoldMuffinFox - 6
Train can't navigate after portal travel
#3393 opened by zoldmaki - 2
Failed to load correctly
#3394 opened by McSquizzleswag - 10
I updated to 0.5.0c and now I cant load any of my worlds
#3395 opened by Jimmy2048 - 0
putting a mechanical plow on a mechanical bearing contraption crashes my game
#3396 opened by Semisub - 11
JEI does not load certain item recipes
#3397 opened by Emoti-w-1337 - 1
Move Train Track
#3398 opened by Niffler77 - 0
Crazy trains
#3399 opened by CreeprVictor - 0
Display link not working on servers
#3400 opened by RPD1b - 0
Sturdy Sheet Should Accept `forge:dusts/obsidian`
#3401 opened by Peekofwar - 6
All casings are uncraftable in the newest versions
#3402 opened by AstroidAlex - 1
Make the camera rotate with the train!
#3403 opened by stanlabs - 0
Add Rail Stoppers & Make an Optional Toggle For Train Derailment
#3405 opened by MrPigeontheCoder - 1
Particles Inside Trains
#3413 opened by maxryan008 - 1
Outlines Don't Function
#3406 opened by Skipstreak - 0
add furnace Engen back
#3407 opened by cookie622W - 0
Portable Storage Interface w trains
#3408 opened by SortaGoodEl1 - 0
Steam engines in tandem should be separated 90 degrees from each other
#3409 opened by scylex-47 - 2
v0.5.0 Update Breaks Glue from v0.4.1f
#3410 opened by JackSlaski - 16
NBT tag that was too big
#3411 opened by FalseMSP - 3
Pistons do not move correctly on server
#3412 opened by lukasgabriel - 5
Make players keep their momentum when they jump
#3414 opened by maxryan008 - 2
Critical Attack Sound while Driving a Train
#3415 opened by mcbreakfast - 0
The world breaks
#3416 opened by firefly0314 - 0
Pipe texture broken
#3417 opened by bluemug97 - 1
the texture of the train disappears and is no longer loaded. When leaving the Chunk
#3418 opened by 0Komentator0 - 0
Game crush
#3419 opened by Copter533 - 1
Redstone signals ideas
#3420 opened by 5alidshammout