- 5
'Illegal Packet Received, Terminating Connection' when connecting to a LAN server.
#3943 opened by Shegglington - 0
Metal Girder display problem
#3942 opened by xuanlv797 - 0
Rotate 360 isn't work
#3941 opened by dope-maker - 1
Coloring Feature for Vaults, Chutes, Pipes & Tanks
#3940 opened by Knalli65HD - 3
Input water to steam engine
#3939 opened by set92 - 1
Allow heat sources from other mods
#3938 opened by set92 - 0
Copper Oxidation acceleration.
#3936 opened by Got-Spooked - 0
Ditchbulbs from the Undergarden can't be harvested
#3935 opened by AmberGoop - 4
Forbidden and Arcanus Broken Recipes/Mod Compat
#3934 opened by ModernGamingWorld - 0
Non-air backtank filling
#3933 opened by twu425 - 0
Silent Gems compat update
#3932 opened by Nachtflame - 5
Can't start server with create mod only
#3931 opened by Darhaal - 1
game wont start with optifine 1.19
#3930 opened by SILVA123451e - 0
Game crashing upon loading 1.16.5
#3929 opened by FiveEvan7 - 1
Power harvesting machine bug
#3928 opened by Etron9785 - 0
Minor gripes with the potato cannon
#3927 opened by twu425 - 3
Minecraft 1.19.2 not opening with Create installed
#3926 opened by Brewersgoat - 4
Still *WARP* to top of train when i try to leave my seat
#3925 opened by WillowKoishi - 0
Crash in Single Player Reported By players
#3924 opened by Zelioth - 1
Crash On Lauching
#3923 opened by Ashwanik936 - 0
railway doors
#3922 opened by BLAZINGKAT - 1
Conveyors not working 1.19.2
#3921 opened by HipfunnyKid - 3
[1.19.2] CTD With Create 1.19.2-0.5.0.f.jar
#3920 opened by MokahTGS - 0
Schematicannon Launching Aurora Crystal Blocks
#3919 opened by cmd276 - 0
train crash, derail and relocate bug
#3918 opened by RedstoneGyerek - 7
game crashes if i use optifne
#3917 opened by matukal - 2
Game crashes when I mine a create block
#3916 opened by Gerritsonn - 0
String does not become part of a train when assembled
#3915 opened by Bevan0 - 0
[Contraption: Train] If a carriage is too long, lighting bugs occur.
#3914 opened by matteodev8 - 3
Train schedule works only on display boards (lecterns,signs etc. dont work)
#3913 opened by stacode123 - 3
mechanical arm crash (NullPointerException again or still)
#3912 opened by UdoMorgenstern - 0
Random crash of singleplayer and multiplayer
#3911 opened by ilsella - 0
World randomly crushing in singleplayer and multiplayer
#3910 opened by ilsella - 0
random crash
#3909 opened by CMDRTranson - 1
train system make client crash:java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackEdge.getLength()" because "this.edge" is null
#3908 opened by WillowKoishi - 0
Movable structures disappear and sometimes peel off
#3907 opened by xvladqt - 0
Can't Interact with things in the back of the train
#3904 opened by TMCAtom - 0
Client crashes when Mechanical Piston pushes Belt away power source and then pulls back
#3903 opened by az689 - 6
1.19.2 .f crashes when launching game
#3901 opened by Imagination4u1 - 0
Deployer be able to hold right mouse button
#3900 opened by D1360-64RC14 - 1
Oculus mod causing CTD when attempting to break machines - create-1.19.2-0.5.0.f
#3899 opened by Ridley11 - 1
Boat contraptions
#3898 opened by WulfyTime - 0
Crash during world generation
#3897 opened by WulfyTime - 1
Spongepowered Mixin error when making a Forge 1.18.2 server
#3896 opened by leonlemon26 - 1
Max speed crushers advancement not working
#3895 opened by PaulerLeOne - 0
#3894 opened by SqdGoodlol - 2
1.18.2 crafting bug
#3893 opened by SniffSniff125 - 8
1.19.2 Fabric
#3892 opened by Deemitry88 - 1
Crashing mod
#3891 opened by VerkoSK - 0
Player is dismounted from seat on train assembly
#3890 opened by slava110