- 0
Light shines through solid blocks
#5600 opened by LostLyfe - 1
Assembled train has issues with the light
#5598 opened by windmill0609 - 3
Invisable Elevator On Death Bug
#5599 opened by eugenecarr1 - 18
Create is causing mods to load incorrectly
#5594 opened by Devilswarchild - 5
Create Trains causes game crash when you try to build them
#5595 opened by HenrikoMagnifico - 2
Client Side boot from server when Using treasure maps on Server.
#5596 opened by Prescayc21 - 1
[Suggestion] Copycat Trapdoor
#5597 opened by gh0stf1sh - 1
Server death due to Funnel and a bunch of entities.
#5636 opened by GitJhopa - 1
Game crash
#5637 opened by InFGG - 3
Low TPS due to
#5638 opened by GitJhopa - 2
List Filter item destroyed after clearing it from filter slot
#5639 opened by SebiZeti - 1
Make arrows and projectiles collide with moving contraptions
#5640 opened by zeid0ne - 2
Create mod crashing the game in JEI menu
#5641 opened by Kibaraty - 4
Game crashes when I place a shaft
#5642 opened by Tossbol - 1
Cannot place painting in train
#5644 opened by Amirust - 1
Unable to input items into basins using brass funnels
#5645 opened by DanPlus1 - 3
Train signal is no longer available
#5643 opened by Wuppertaler93 - 2
[1.19.2 Suggestions] Display Boards should display the contents of Item Vaults
#5601 opened by vizthex123 - 3
Unable to log into server with Create mod
#5602 opened by GitJhopa - 0
train track
#5603 opened by blackvccat - 4
Optional Separate Mod With Only Trains and/or The Contraption System
#5604 opened by Lilygabe - 2
Implement a way to register Fan Processing catalysts separate from Fan Processing Types
#5605 opened by Lgmrszd - 0
Add an Elevator Floor panel and improve elevator logic
#5607 opened by michelle1574 - 0
Horizontal fluid tank
#5608 opened by michelle1574 - 0
Adjusting the font size in the Display Board
#5609 opened by michelle1574 - 2
Creative Display Board
#5610 opened by michelle1574 - 0
Allow Selection to all functions(Not only stopping at a stations)
#5611 opened by RiverHYH - 1
Option to disable netherite backtank first person renderer
#5612 opened by Camotoy - 0
The departure of the world because of the contraption
#5613 opened by K0rS1z - 3
dynamic lights not illuminating chests
#5614 opened by napivevo - 1
Java.lang.RuntimeException: Tried to read NBT tag tjat was too big.; tired to allocate: bytes whre max allowed
#5619 opened by OrangeAlloy - 1
create-1.20.1-0.5.1.e crashing when paired with supplementarities-1.20-2.6.11 on Forge
#5615 opened by TheCreepyPirate - 0
Consistent Harvest levels for (metal) blocks
#5616 opened by Le6barbare - 0
Server crash
#5617 opened by invaderxan1 - 4
Integration with Flywheel Doesn't Work on MacOS (makes unplayable)
#5618 opened by IHeartDogs02 - 2
Cannot compile shader because 'flywheel:model' is not recognized.
#5620 opened by AskiDelta - 0
Make compatabillity with immersive portals
#5621 opened by CakeIsAlie1 - 2
[1.20.1] Create 0.5.1.d common.toml file empty! | No worldgen for either stones or ores.
#5622 opened by SupGamerNL - 0
no water chunk
#5623 opened by trimia - 0
Muli-Cannon Controller
#5625 opened by zaped212 - 0
New Redston Component: Pulse Debounce
#5624 opened by zaped212 - 9
Error on loading recipe with cherry wood/log from biomeOPlenty mod
#5626 opened by Yumilka53 - 0
Mechanical Crafter Recipe Sync - Mechanical Blueprint
#5627 opened by DevDyna - 1
[1.19.2 Forge] Create mod - crash server
#5628 opened by GitJhopa - 1
game version 1.20.1 has "main/ERROR]: Missing or unsupported mandatory dependencies:"
#5629 opened by 1amp0n - 1
1.19.2 Crash when using Supplementaries
#5630 opened by CinnYaBoi - 1
Superglue will not apply to adjoined blocks sometimes
#5631 opened by Barerock - 1
Train create crash
#5633 opened by wlX-Xlw - 3
huge performance issues with trains
#5634 opened by Yoshi-XD - 2
Schematic Cycle
#5635 opened by KaiHaruki