Create is causing mods to load incorrectly
Devilswarchild opened this issue ยท 18 comments
Describe the Bug
this is what I get when I load up the latest update for create
Reproduction Steps
load up my modpack and update all the create mods
MineColonies Dimensional Adventure-1.20.1 - 1.9.4.zip
Expected Result
I expected it to load everything correctly
Screenshots and Videos
No response
Crash Report or Log
Operating System
Windows 11
Mod Version
Minecraft Version
Forge Version
Other Mods
Ambient Environment (by Jaredlll08)
MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (by MrCrayfish)
Bountiful (Forge) (by Ejektaflex)
Silent Lib (silentlib) (by SilentChaos512)
Fetzi's Asian Decoration (by NotFetzi)
Iceberg [Forge] (by Grend_G)
Vampires Need Umbrellas (by focamacho)
FTB Chunks (Forge) (by FTB)
Embeddium (by embeddedt)
Comforts (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
Obscure API (Forge) (by Obscuria)
Jade ๐ (by Snownee)
Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
Ars Creo (by baileyholl2)
Modonomicon (by kli_kli)
Weather settings[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Stone Bookshelves (by jason13official)
SuperMartijn642's Core Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
Updating World Icon (by Cursed1nferno)
Apotheosis (by Shadows_of_Fire)
Oreberries Replanted (by Mrbysco)
TownTalk (by Raycoms)
My Server Is Compatible (by focamacho)
Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise)
Reap Mod (by henkelmax)
Merchant Markers [Forge] (by Grend_G)
Structurize (by Raycoms)
Stylecolonies (by Raycoms)
Mystical Agriculture Tiered Crystals (by Electrolyte)
Ultris: Boss Expansion (by limesplatus)
Crawl on Demand (by Talilon)
Mekanism Tools (by bradyaidanc)
Chef's Delight [Forge] (by redstone3game)
Nether's Delight (by lumpazl)
Nullscape (by Starmute)
GravelMiner (by BlayTheNinth)
Medieval Music[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Farmer's Delight (by vectorwing)
Vampirism - Become a vampire! (by maxanier)
Biomes O' Plenty (by Forstride)
Loot Integrations[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Adorn (Forge) (by Juicebus)
Magnesium/Rubidium Extras (by Anthxny)
Structure Gel API (by ModdingLegacy)
The Aether (by TheAetherTeam)
Blue Skies (by ModdingLegacy)
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Extended (by pamharvestcraft)
Caelus API (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
When Dungeons Arise - Forge! (by Aureljz)
Large Ore Deposits (by EnderLanky)
Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135)
Goblin Traders (by MrCrayfish)
Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr)
Create Crafts & Additions (by MRHminer)
Croptopia (by thethonk)
Cupboard (by someaddon)
Neat (by Vazkii)
EpheroLib (by thethonk)
CreativeCore (by CreativeMD)
Iron Furnaces [FORGE] (by XenoMustache)
Sophisticated Backpacks (by P3pp3rF1y)
Macaw's Windows (by sketch_macaw)
Macaw's Fences and Walls (by sketch_macaw)
Fastload (by StockiesLad)
Iron Bookshelves (Forge/Fabric) (by jahirtrap)
MES - Moog's End Structures (by finndog_123)
FastSuite (by Shadows_of_Fire)
Server Performance - Smooth Chunk Save[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Variant Crafting Tables [Forge] (by Kitteh6660)
Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] (by someaddon)
Pineapple Delight (by someoneice)
Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) (by tr7zw)
KleeSlabs (by BlayTheNinth)
Chunk Sending[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0)
End Remastered (by jack_bagel)
Enderite Mod (for Forge) (by pitti11)
Builders Crafts & Additions (Forge) (by MRHminer)
Iron Jetpacks (by BlakeBr0)
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Crops (by pamharvestcraft)
Mighty Mail (Forge) (by MrCrayfish)
Epic Knights: Shields, Armor and Weapons [Fabric & Forge] (by magistu_)
Dense Trees (by Mrbysco)
Architectury API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
Refined Storage (by raoulvdberge)
Easy Piglins (by henkelmax)
Twilight Forest: The Lost Blocks (by Kitteh6660)
Inventory Sorter (by cpw)
Fantasy's Furniture (by ApexMdr)
Polymorph (Fabric/Forge/Quilt) (by TheIllusiveC4)
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Trees (by pamharvestcraft)
Valhelsia Core (by ValhelsiaTeam)
Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Mod (by alexdaum1)
Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
TrashSlot (by BlayTheNinth)
Improvable Skills 3 (by Zeith)
Iron Chests (by ProgWML6)
ForgeEndertech (by EnderLanky)
Game Menu Mod Option [Forge] (by morimori0317)
Catalogue (by MrCrayfish)
Create: Ender Transmission (by Forsteri123)
Furniture Expanded [FORGE/FABRIC] (by clumsycat)
Moving Elevators (by SuperMartijn642)
Mo' Glowstone (by TheMasterGeneral)
JourneyMap (by techbrew)
fix GPU memory leak[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Pam's HarvestCraft 2 - Food Core (by pamharvestcraft)
Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc)
ZeroCore 2 (by ZeroNoRyouki)
Create Sifting (by oierbravo_mc)
Carry On (by Tschipp)
Diagonal Fences [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Ad Astra: Giselle Addon (by ์ง์ ค์๋ค)
Magic Vibe Decorations (Fabric/Forge) (by LillouArts)
Resourceful Config (by ThatGravyBoat)
Extreme Reactors (by ZeroNoRyouki)
Storage Racks (by Raycoms)
Ender's Delight (by Furti_Two)
Galosphere (by orcinus73)
Dragon Mounts: Legacy (by Kay9Unit)
Silent Gear (by SilentChaos512)
Ender IO (by crazypants_mc_the_second)
Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
Colorful Hearts (by Terrails)
Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0)
Liroth: Revamped (Forge) (by Decodinator_X)
Aquaculture 2 (by Shadow)
Puzzles Lib [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Star Wars Planets Ad Astra! [Forge/Fabric] (by TathanDev)
GeckoLib (by Gecko)
Shoppy (by thethonk)
Wormhole (Portals) (by SuperMartijn642)
Fast IP Ping (by Fallen_Breath)
Create Ore Excavation (by tom54541)
Create: Haven Qualities (by CathieMomRawr)
Tom's Simple Storage Mod (by tom54541)
FerriteCore (Forge) (by malte0811)
Endless Biomes (by MadoctheHadoc)
Dreadsteel (by DaddyUnion)
Why stacks of 16? (by LaidBackSloth)
Clumps (by Jaredlll08)
Tropicraft (by Cojomax99)
Immersive Aircraft [Fabric/Forge] (by Conczin)
Portable Crafting Table (by 00theblackwolf00)
Ocean's Delight (by scouter567)
Simply Light (by Flanks255)
FTB Ranks (Forge) (by FTB)
Framework (by MrCrayfish)
Exline's Furniture Mod (by exlinegames)
Atlantis (by mysticpasta1)
Unseen World (by sashakyotoz)
Titanium (by Buuz135)
The Aether: Redux (by Zepalesque)
Dense Ores - Abundant! (by NewJumperr)
Cyclops Core (by kroeser)
JadeColonies (by uecasm)
ExtraStorage (by 3divad99)
Create: Liquid Fuel (by Forsteri123)
Immersive Armors [Fabric/Forge] (by Conczin)
Lootr (Forge) (by Noobanidus)
FTB Quests (Forge) (by FTB)
Create: Structures (by FusionSwarly)
Cloth Config API (Fabric/Forge) (by shedaniel)
Forbidden and Arcanus (by cesar_zorak)
Durt's Nether Dungeons (by ListerrK)
Leaves Be Gone [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Forge Config Screens [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08)
Lucky's Cozy Home (by LuckyOwl)
Simple Magnets (by SuperMartijn642)
The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic)
Time Control (by Unixkitty)
Kotlin for Forge (by thedarkcolour)
Macaw's Trapdoors (by sketch_macaw)
Minecraft Transit Railway (Automated trains, planes, and more!) (by jonafanho)
SuperMartijn642's Config Lib (by SuperMartijn642)
FTB Library (Forge) (by FTB)
Create Jetpack (by possible_triangle)
playerAnimator (by KosmX)
Mekanism (by bradyaidanc)
Basic End Ores [Forge/Fabric] (by cScotPlay)
Collective (by Serilum)
Mystical Adaptations (by focamacho)
Sky Villages [Forge] (by y4z0n)
Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Diagonal Windows [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Advancement Plaques [Forge] (by Grend_G)
Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI)
Handcrafted (by kekie6)
Item Filters (by LatvianModder)
Structory: Towers (by botanydev)
Oculus (by Asek3)
Creeper Firework (by DragonsPlus)
Structure Essentials[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
Colored Bricks Mod (by pinary_pi)
Ars Nouveau (by baileyholl2)
Rune Craft (by XxRexRaptorxX)
Reborn Storage (by Gigabit101)
Macaw's Doors (by sketch_macaw)
Armourer's Workshop (by RiskyKen)
AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev)
RSInfinityBooster (by hexeptiondev)
Connected Glass (by SuperMartijn642)
Create (by simibubi)
[Let's Do] Beachparty (by satisfy)
Ars Ocultas (by mystchonky)
Mo' Glowstone Lamps (by TheMasterGeneral)
Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev)
Corail Woodcutter (by Corail_31)
Torchmaster (by xalcon)
Custom Portal API [Forge] (by mysticpasta1)
Additional Lanterns (by SuperMartijn642)
Dynamic View[Forge] (by someaddon)
Twilight's Flavors & Delight (by lcy0x1)
Underwater Enchanting (by Serilum)
Smelting Plus [Fabric & Forge] (by redstone3game)
Fast Portals (by gluegunner4)
Macaw's Paths and Pavings (by sketch_macaw)
Security Craft (by Geforce132)
Clean Swing Through Grass (by Raycoms)
PlayerRevive (by CreativeMD)
Library Ferret - Forge (by jtl_elisa)
Entity Culling Fabric/Forge (by tr7zw)
FTB Essentials (Forge & Fabric) (by FTB)
Controlling (by Jaredlll08)
Immersive Melodies [Fabric/Forge] (by Conczin)
End's Delight (by foggyhillside)
Better Treasure Map (by Raycoms)
Farming for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
Visual Workbench [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Configurable Despawn Timer (by Serilum)
MineColonies (by Raycoms)
LevelHearts (by FireController1847)
Packet Fixer (by TonimatasDEV)
Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic)
Easy Villagers (by henkelmax)
spark (by Iucko)
Allomancy (by legobmw99)
Searchables (by Jaredlll08)
Crabber's Delight (by AlabasterLeking)
Sophisticated Core (by P3pp3rF1y)
B.F. End Cities (by Anthxny)
Enlightend (by MuffinsQw)
CTD Core (by TheMasterGeneral)
Savage Ender Dragon[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
AmbientSounds 5 (by CreativeMD)
Resourceful Lib (by ThatGravyBoat)
Kambrik (by Ejektaflex)
ESSENTIAL Mod (by SparkUniverse_)
Guide-API Village and Pillage (by maxanier)
Corpse (by henkelmax)
Almost Unified (by AlmostReliable)
Lithereal (by TheLightBlueGame)
Immersive Paintings [Fabric/Forge] (by Conczin)
EdivadLib (by 3divad99)
Tome of Blood: Rebirth (by mystchonky)
Create Stuff & Additions (by Furti_Two)
Double Doors (by Serilum)
Apothic Attributes (AttributesLib) (by Shadows_of_Fire)
Nether Depths Upgrade (by scouter567)
Enchanting Infuser [Forge & Fabric] (by Fuzs)
Mysterious Mountain Lib (by sz0999312)
ModernFix (by embeddedt)
Deep Aether (by TeamRazor)
Multi-Piston (by Raycoms)
Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev)
Nosiphus Furniture Mod (by Nosiphus)
Biome Music[Forge/Fabric] (by someaddon)
AeroBlender (by TeamRazor)
Balm (Forge Edition) (by BlayTheNinth)
TerraBlender (Forge) (by TheAdubbz)
Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (by lordcazsius)
Tinted Campfires (by Cozary)
Player Companions (by Kaworru)
Cuisine Delight (by lcy0x1)
Farsight [Forge] (by someaddon)
Immersive Ores [FORGE/FABRIC] (by Block_Legend001)
Doggy Talents Next (by dashiedev)
Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
Better Villages - Forge (by jtl_elisa)
The Undergarden (by Quek04)
Corn Delight[Forge] (by sz0999312)
AppleSkin (by squeek502)
Create: Diesel Generators (by george8188262)
Excessive Building (by Yirmiri)
Amplified Nether (by Starmute)
Allthemodium (by ATMTeam)
Krypton Reforged (by Anthxny)
Additional Banners (by DarkhaxDev)
Stargate Journey (by Povstalec)
Wizard's Reborn (by MaxBogomol)
Macaw's Bridges (by sketch_macaw)
Physics Mod (by haubna)
Construction Wand (by ThetaDev)
Curios API (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4)
Jade Addons (Forge) (by Snownee)
Corail Pillar (by Corail_31)
FTB XMod Compat (by FTB)
Immersive Weapons Compatibility Bridge (by AnonymousHacker1279)
Inventory Essentials (by BlayTheNinth)
PneumaticCraft: Repressurized (by desht_08)
Aquamirae (Forge) (by Obscuria)
FTB Teams (Forge) (by FTB)
ShadowizardLib (by Mindoth)
Tree Harvester (by Serilum)
JourneyMap Integration (by frankv_)
Patterned Glass (by thenamesnano)
MVS - Moog's Voyager Structures (by finndog_123)
Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0)
Log Begone (by AzureDoomC)
SmartBrainLib (Forge/Fabric/Quilt) (by Scimiguy)
[Let's Do] Vinery (by satisfy)
Blood Magic (by WayofTime)
Chisels & Bits - For Forge (by AlgorithmX2)
Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (by Kreezxil)
Botarium (by CodexAdrian)
Refined Storage Addons (by raoulvdberge)
Better Furniture (by Gimbon)
Domum Ornamentum (by OrionOnline)
Neruina - Ticking Entity Fixer (by bawnorton)
Epic Samurai's - Ninja Expansion (by VPixelStudio)
Ad Astra (by AlexNijjar)
Werewolves - Become a Beast! (by Cheaterpaul)
Stack Refill (by Serilum)
FTB Quests Optimizer (by big_energy)
HammerLib (by Zeith)
Get It Together, Drops! (by bl4ckscor3)
EvilCraft (by kroeser)
Mob Despawn Timers (by Shadows_of_Fire)
Iron Bows (FORGE) (by popcornman200)
Basic Nether Ores [Forge/Fabric] (by cScotPlay)
Dark Mode Everywhere (by Buuz135)
Woodster (by Jusey1z)
Patchouli (by Vazkii)
Creeper Overhaul (by joosh_7889)
Lightman's Currency (by Lightman314)
Eccentric Tome (by EccentricVamp)
Mekanism Additions (by bradyaidanc)
Immersive Weapons (by AnonymousHacker1279)
Occultism (by kli_kli)
BlockUI (by Raycoms)
[Let's Do] API (by Cristelknight)
Additional Context
not sure why the crash is happening in the first place
create diesel generators and create ender transmission have not been updated. try removing them
also that doesnt explain why its causing crafttweaker to fail during modload
please update forge (see https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/) and if that does not fix it. attach the new crash report
I was told by the original forge dev team (now neoforge team) to not update past forge 47.1.3 due to everything after that version being broken or something along those lines
still crashed after updating to 47.2.0
crash report - https://mclo.gs/xr1vHie
another crash - https://mclo.gs/kp5IJJj
Please try again with the latest version of create and whatever mods are causing this problem. If the issue does not persist, please close this issue.
Please try again with the latest version of create and whatever mods are causing this problem. If the issue does not persist, please close this issue.
here is the latest crash report ( I have now updated my forge version to 47.2.1 since the neo forge devs TODAY, have confirmed its safe to do so.)
report the issue to them. it's really up to them to figure it out. but it is probably that they haven't been updated yet.
Id like to know what is specifically causing them to crash so I can report the issue to their respective places
The Create Liquid Fuel seem to be having a compatibility issue with a mod by the modid decorative_blocks. Not sure about diesel generators
ok liquid fuel now works, removed decorative blocks (port) cause it was causing an issue with textures for anything "chain" related.
howerver diesel generators didnt and it said:
but I sent in a report for it.
Ok, yea I would say your best bet would be to report it to them. Please close this issue as it is up to the add-ons to maintain compatibility with Create, not the other way around.