Creatures Expanded

Creatures Expanded


The Creatures Expanded: Fiery Fiends Update banner

WARNING! This mod contains some slightly gory creatures/monsters that some may find unsettling. If you think you will be affected by this, then i suggest that you click off this page.

1.19.4 and 1.18.2 will no longer be updated anymore, and 1.19.2 will only get backported at major releases (v3.0.0, v4.0.0, ect)

Requires GeckoLib!

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Currently has mod support for:

Modrinth page can be found here


This mod aims to add new unique hostile monsters, items and equipment to your game, whilst still keeping the mod balanced




The Gnasheart (plural: Gnashearts) is a variant of zombie with a mouth-like opening on its chest with teeth protruding from the inside of said opening. Gnashearts have 25 health and 4 attack damage. They also drop tooth fragments, which are used for crafting the shadowfang dagger.

The Gnasheart at night, next to a tooth fragment



The Prosperisher is a long-forgotten miner found deep in the caves. They have more health, damage and armor than normal zombies, and also wield stone pickaxes. If you are unlucky enough to let one get close enough to attack you, they will make you bleed, dealing damage over time. Defeating one will get you some items it mined long ago.

A Prosperisher in a cave near a lantern


The Anguished is a zombie variant that acts simularly to the prosperisher, but from the coldest places in the overworld, having succumbed to frostbite long ago. They aren't much stronger than normal zombies, only having slightly more health and natural armor, but when attacking, they inflict Frostbite on the player, slowly freezing them to death. They can drop rotten flesh and snow.

The Anguished in a snowy plains near a campfire


A powerful mutated zombie that can spawn rarely, these zombies are strong, having 60 health, 7 attack damage and high knockback resistance. They can pose a great danger to players who get cornered by them, as they can easily defeat a player in full iron in just over half a dozen hits. They can also occasionally slam the ground, damaging nearby entities, including other monsters. They can drop a large amount of rotten flesh, and rarely, a rotten arm.

The Abomination at night



A zombie residing underground, completely overtaken by dripstone. Due to the dripstone covering its entire body, it has highly increased health, damage and armor, and can be a challenging foe early on. They have a large amount of dripstone on one of their arms, allowing them to slam the ground, causing dripstones to rise from beneath the player. Defeating one can get you some rotten flesh, dripstone, pointed dripstone and the Rockbound Fist.

The Tremorgue in a dripstone cave

Radiant Ghoul

A zombie covered in glow berries, these zombies reside within lush caves, and have higher health and natural armor. When attacking, these zombies can summons roots from the ground, trapping its target, completely preventing movement. They also inflict poison when attacking with melee. Drops sticks, glow berries, rotten flesh and living roots.

A Radiant Ghoul in a lush caves

Fungal Ghoul

A zombie infected by brown mushrooms, these zombies can only appear underground, or in mushroom islands. Getting attacked by these zombies causes Fungal Infection, which deals lethal damage over time, and can spread to other nearby mobs. When attacked, they release a spore cloud, which also inflicts fungal infection. When killed, they can drop rotten flesh, brown mushrooms, and Infected Flesh, which can be used to create potions of fungal infection.

A Fungal Ghoul in a mushroom island at night

Undead Necromancer

A zombie that wields summoning magic. they use such magic to summon skeletons and zombies to attack their target. They also don't burn in the sun, due to the hood they wear. Drops rotten flesh, bones and purple wool.

The Undead Necromancer near a zombie and skeleton

Ocularus [UNAVAILABLE IN 1.20.1]


The Ocularus (plural: Ocularus) is a floating eyeball, said to be cursed to live eternally in a state of pain. Their pupil constantly flicks around whilst they are idling, potentially indicating a constant state of paranoia. Ocularus have 18 health and 3 attack damage, and they attack by screeching at their target (despite not having any mouth) causing blindness and slowness. However, Ocularus cannot fly, so building up is a good way to defeat them.

The Ocularus, in a plains biome at night


The Gloomweaver is a type of spider that adapted to dark environments, causing a dark aura around them at all times. Gloomweavers are particularly dangerous for their potent venom, and the ability to wrap their victims up in Gloomsilk Webs (which we'll talk about in a moment). They can drop Gloomstring, Spider Eyes, and Gloomsilk Webs.

A lot of Gloomspiders along some some Gloomsilk Webs

Brood Spider

A slightly larger than usual spider with spider eggs on its back. Brood Spiders occasionally drop a spider egg on the ground, which hatches after 5 seconds, releasing 3 Spiderlings. When killed, it will also drop an additional 3 more spider eggs. Drops string and spider eyes.


Small, weak spiders than can't climb walls

A Brood Spider near 4 spiderlings at night

Cryofang Spider

A spider adapted to cold environments, this spider is shielded by ice and snow that increases its armor points by 8, as well as increasing its knockback resistance. It can also inflict frostbite, similarly to the Anguished. During combat, they can also create an artificial blizzard, speeding up other nearby ice-related enemies, such as strays, anguished, and itself. They can drop string, spider eyes, snow and ice

A Cryofang Spider in a snowy plains


A spider found in nether wastes and basalt deltas, these spiders have high health and damage, and are similar to gloomspiders, being able to wrap players up in fiery webs, causing reduced movement speed as well as being set on fire. Drops spider eyes, flamestrands and inferno fangs.

A Pyrorachnid in the nether wastes

Crystalline Spider

A Crystalline Spiders are spiders which are adapted to the underground terrain, becoming more powerful as a result. Crystalline Spiders have 22 health, 4 attack damage and 5 natural armor points. These spiders have developed a much stronger exoskeleton, composed of rocks and minerals. They've also developed venomous fangs, similar to normal cave spiders. As a result of the crystals on their back, you're very likely to hurt yourself whilst trying to attack them, and don't bother bringing a bow; most projectiles simply bounce off its exoskeleton. They can also rarely come out of their caves to the surface. If you are daring enough to kill one, and you're lucky, you could get some of the minerals on their exoskeletons, and if you're very lucky, maybe even some diamonds.

Three Crystalline Spiders in a cave

Crystalline Golem

Crystalline Golems are rare golems found underground that are similar to the Crystalline Spiders in both appearance, and behaviour. They are like a much tankier version of the Crystalline Spiders, having 86 health, 6 attack damage and 7 natural armor points. This does come with a drawback, however. The crystals on their back are used for defense, but not for offense, therefore meaning that their crystals do not inflict damage to whatever hurt them. They are also much slower. They can drop much more minerals than Crystalline Spiders though, and even have higher chances of dropping diamonds

The Crystalline Golem next to an amethyst geode

Pyroclastic Boulder

Appearing in basalt deltas and nether wastes, these large magma boulders have very high health and damage, and can set players on fire. When attacking, they fall backwards and get stunned, allowing for a brief window for the player to either run away, or get some quick hits on it. Drops magma blocks, basalt, magma cream, blaze powder and magma chunks.

The Pyroclastic Boulder in a basalt deltas



A Gargoyle (plural: gargoyles) is a living stone statue which (unlike most mythological beliefs) flies around and hunts down livestock and players, taking their bodys to their home (most commonly caves) and nibble at them until the only thing left is bones. Gargoyles have 12 health and 3 attack damage. Gargoyles are not a very big threat to you, but if you leave your livestock vulnerable, you might wake up to a massacre. Gargoyles can drop gargoyle wings, which can be used to craft 2 phantom membranes, or if you're really desperate, you can eat it. It's not a very good food source, so only eat it when you really have to.

The Gargoyle and the Gargoyle Wing


The Shadowfiend (plural: shadowfiends) is a spirit made entirely out of shadows, which are highly aggressive and will attack players at any chance they get. Shadowfiends are a more uncommon foe, however, they are dangerous, with 30 health, 4 damage and don't take any knockback. Shadowfiends are very fast, and don't make any noise when they move, so they very easily creep up on players. If you can survive an encounter with one and manage to kill it, it might drop some shadow essence, which is used for making the shadowfang dagger

The Shadowfiend, next to a piece of Shadow Essence



The Graven (plural: gravens) is the skull of a raven, which has somehow grown wings. Appears to be brought to life by the same magic as skeletons. Gravens are found anywhere in the overworld, slightly more rarely than other monsters, and are usually never seen alone, as they travel in flocks. Gravens attack by swooping and pecking their target, and can't do much damage alone. But when they are high in numbers, they become a higher threat. Gravens can drop bones, and rarely, a graven skull, which can be placed as a decoration

The Graven at night, next to a graven skull

Gilded Zombie

A Gilded Zombie is a golden statue which has the appearance of a zombie, which has somehow been brought to life with some kind of dark magic. They are most commonly found in badlands, but can also be found very rarely in dripstone caves. Gilded Zombies have very high health and high defense, have high knockback resistance, and can deal a lot of damage when attacking, thanks to their weight. However, a downside to being so heavy is that they are very slow. Gilded Zombies can also drop gold and gold nuggets. They can also rarely drop Reinforced Gold Plating, which is used to make reinforced gold tools, and can very rarely drop a diamond. (Fun fact: The Gilded Zombie's arms are not held up because the designer who helped me come up with the idea wanted to make it feel like it was too heavy to hold up its arms for too long)

The Gilded Zombie inside of a mesa biome at night

Crumbling Skeleton

Crumbling Skeletons are skeletons that have wandered around for so long that they have started to deteriorate. Don't be fooled though, that is their strength! When attacked whilst at low health, they crumble, leaving behind their head and their arms. However, those body parts will, although very weak, will start attacking the player. Have too many of these around, and they can be hard to deal with.

The Crumbling Skeleton at night, along with the hostile crumbled body parts


A dangerous foe with high health, they only appear on rainy nights, and are able to see their target from high distances. When attacking, they will become invisible, and run away from the player. When they become visible again, they will begin attacking again. They can drop Mist Essence and bones.

The Miststalker standing next to some Mist Essence


A very powerful knight who lived long ago, now corrupted by darkness. Has very high health, armor and damage, and can charge at/away from players. If you can kill one they can drop Shadow Essence and Gloomsteel Scraps, which can be used to craft Gloomsteel Ingots.

The Gloomknight in the rain at night


A spirit appearing all over the nether (excluding warped forests), these creatures look rather weak at first, but don't be fooled! When attacking, they reveal a large, gaping mouth hidden within the shadows surrounding them, and use it to screech at the player, causing burning and blindness. Keep your distance! Drops coal and shadow essence.

An Embersmog in the nether wastes

Kamikaze Creeper

A creeper that was once used to blow up stone and terracotta to create mineshaft tunnels using the dynamite strapped to it, but now wanders the deserts and badlands, free of its captors. These creepers fear nothing, and will run towards the player at high speeds and detonate, causing a large explosion. Even if they are killed, the dynamite can still set off, still causing an explosion if the player was too close. In addition to deserts and badlands, they can be found in dripstone caves. They can drop gunpowder and TNT.

The Kamikaze Creeper near a railway in a badlands


Intelligent mushrooms that can be found roaming forests at night, these creatures don't mean you harm. (unless you hurt them first) They can be bartered with, giving different items in exchange for different offers.

(First item is the offer, and second is the reward)

  • Iron: Wheat
  • Gold: Ender Pearls
  • Diamonds: Emeralds
  • Steak: Iron

Just don't give them mushrooms.. they will become very angry..

Some Shroomarauders in a dark oak forest at night

Swamp Lurker

A powerful mob that.. well.. lurks in the swamp. It has high health and damage, but is rather slow. It can also move faster when it enters water, and doesn't take knockback. I wonder if it is hiding anything..?

The Swamp Lurker in a swamp at night



Dropped from Gloomspiders, it can be used to craft Gloomsilk or Gloomsilk Webs, as well as Gloomwool.


Crafted from 3 Gloomstring, it is used to create many versatile tools and weapons.

Gloomstring and Gloomsilk next to eachother

Gloomsteel Scrap

Dropped from Gloomknights, you can use 4 of them alongside 4 iron ingots to make a Gloomsteel Ingot

Gloomsteel Ingot

Made from Gloomsteel Scraps, or rarely dropped from Gloomknights, it is an alternative to netherite, with items made from it having various special abilities.

A Gloomsteel Scrap and Gloomsteel Ingot next to eachother in item frames

Mistspread Lantern

Can be crafted from 4 mist essence and a normal lantern, placing it will create a mist around the lantern, granting players in its vicinity Speed and Resistance

The Mistspread Lantern in an item frame and on an oak log


Drops from pyrorachnids, it is used to make the volcanic slingshot, or it can be used to make flamewool. Can make normal strind with 3 flamestrands and 1 water bucket.

Inferno Fang

A relatively rare drop from pyrorachnids, you can use two of them to craft the pyromantic dagger.

A Flamestrand & Inferno Fang next to eachother in glowing item frames

Magma Chunk

Drops from Pyroclastic Boulders, can be used to create flame traps or magma cream.

A Magma Chunk in a glowing item frame in a basalt deltas

Living Root

Dropped commonly from Radiant Ghouls, 4 of them are required to make a Rootgrasp.

A Living Root in an item frame in a lush caves



The Mistslicer is a sword made from gloomsteel ingots, gloomsteel scraps, gloomsilk and mist essence. It can deal much higher damage to gloomy mobs (Miststalker, Gloomspider, ect.)

The Mistslicer in an item frame near some Gloomsilk Webs

Volcanic Slingshot

A slingshot crafted from basalt and flamestrands, it can be used to hurl magma cream at foes, dealing mediocre damage and setting them on fire.

A Volcanic Slingshot in a glowing item frame in the nether wastes

Rockbound Fist

The Rockbound Fist can be obtained from defeating a Tremorgue, and has slightly higher stats than an iron sword, but also slower. By right clicking on the ground, the player can use the same ability as the tremorgue, and cause dripstones to rise from the ground, damaging nearby monsters.

The Rockbound Fist in an item frame in a dripstone cave

Shadowfang Dagger

The Shadowfang Dagger is a weapon that can be crafted using tooth fragments and shadow essence. it does 5.5 attack damage and has 1.8 attack speed, and has a special ability. Using its ability grants the player a new effect called Shrouding for 18 seconds, which allows for the player to be immune to any attack once. The ability has a 32 second cooldown though, so you can't use it to become invincible

The Shadowfang Dagger crafting recipe

Pyromantic Dagger

Crafted from obsidian and inferno fangs, it has the same melee stats as the shadowfang dagger, but can set foes on fire, and can occasionally create a small explosion that doesn't destroy blocks.

The Pyromantic Dagger in a glowing item frame in the nether wastes

Reinforced Golden Tools

Reinforced Golden Tools are created by combining Reinforced Gold Plating with normal gold tools in a smithing table to upgrade them. Upgrading your gold tools makes them even faster than before, have higher durability, have the same mining strength as iron, and even higher enchantability. They still don't have as much durability as diamond though, so be careful when instamining with them

The Reinforced Gold Tools inside of a badlands biome at night

Rotten Hand

A low durability weapon that has the same damage as a stone sword, but with less attack speed.

Flesh Gauntlet

Crafted with a Rotten Hand, 2 rotten flesh and an iron ingot, this weapon has slightly less damage than the Rotten Hand, but is very fast, as it has 2.9 attack speed, making the time between attacks almost none. Great for comboing enemies!

The Rotten Arm and the Flesh Gauntlet in item frames and an armor stand


Crafted with 4 living roots and 3 glow berries, this weapon has very similar stats to the flesh gauntlet, but with slightly more damage. Right clicking a mob that is on the ground causes roots to rise from the ground, trapping them in place. Be careful not to get trapped in your own roots!

The Rootgrasp in an item frame and on an armor stand

Staff of Weather Control

Allows the user to cycle through the different weather types, if they are exposed to the sky. Crafted from Sticks, Gloomsilk and Mist Essence

The Staff of Weather Control in an item frame near some Gloomsilk Webs

Gloomsteel Armor

A sidegrade to diamond armor. It has no knockback resistance, and less armor toughness than netherite, but makes up for it with each armor piece having a special ability

  • Helmet: Every 60 seconds, the player can press J (Can be rebinded) to summon a Soulbound Sentinel, which will fight for the player
  • Chestplate: Attacking enemies leeches life
  • Leggings: Allows the player to dash like the Gloomknight by pressing R (Can be rebinded)
  • Boots: Completely negates all fall damage

A full set of Gloomsteel Armor on an armor stand and in item frames

Shadowbound Cloak

Crafted from Gloomsilk, Mist Essence and Shadow Essence, if the player sneaks in darkness (night sky doesn't count), the player will become invisible, and granted increased attack strength. If the player attacks, or if the player is attacked, the effect will disappear.

The Shadowbound Cloak in an item frame and on an armor stand

Boots of The Miststrider

Crafted from Mist Essence, wearing these boots when it is raining or thundering will grant the player with highly increased speed.

A pair of Miststrider Boots in an item frame and on an armor stand


Gloomsilk Web

Can drop from Gloomspiders, or can be crafted with Gloomstring. Mobs that walk in these webs will be temporarily slowed when exiting the web. Swords and Shears are also ineffective at breaking them. These webs can also be thrown at enemies, wrapping them up in webs simularly to what the Gloomspider does.

A Gloomsilk Web in an item frame


Crafted using flamestrands, these blocks are similar to gloomsilk webs, except they ignite mobs that step inside, and also cannot be thrown. Swords and Shears are still ineffective.

A Flameweb in an item frame, as well as some placed flamewebs

Flame Trap

Crafted using iron ingots, magma chunks and gunpowder, these traps cause an eruption of lava when stepped on, causing fire damage. Can also be activated with redstone.

The Fire Trap being activated by redstone in a basalt deltas


Decorative block crafted from gloomstring.


Decorative block crafted from flamestrands.

Gloomsteel Block

Storage block for Gloomsteel Ingots.


Q: Fabric?

A: No. I don't port my mods to fabric anymore unless i previously supported them (like Runestones, Wolfys Extra Expansion, ect)

Or if you want the full version..

I don't support fabric on my newer mods due to limitations imposed by the software i use, and the fact that i also mod for myself, and choose to upload my mods to the public. If i simply continued to support fabric, then most likely, all my new mods wouldn't exist because of said limitations. So either way, you're not missing out on anything, are you?

Q: NeoForge?

A: No. Not even if i port forge to 1.20.4+.

Q: Will you backport to below/above 1.20.1?

A: No. Porting versions is buggy, annoying and generally unenjoyable. Modding is my passion project. If i dont enjoy modding, i won't mod.

Q: Can i port this mod to Fabric/Quilt/NeoForge?

A: Go ahead. All i ask is to credit me in the description and link to the original mod page.

Q: Can i use this in my modpack?

A: Sure, You can give credit if you want, but i won't enforce it.

Check out some of my other mods!

Extra Advancements logoRing of Flight logoMystica logoRunestones logoWolfys Extra Expansion logoDemolitions logoCharms and Medallions logoSkeleton Uprising logoThe Basic Loot Bags logoThe Additions & More logoThe Arcanic Armaments logoThe Born in Chaos Forgotten Content logoWolfys Magic Mirror logoThe Mob Charms logoThe Density logo