- 2
NullPointerException of some kind
#11 opened by prototype464 - 2
No footstep sound
#3 opened by FazbearFan426 - 1
Crash when using DWAEBH (1.18 preview datapack)
#4 opened by ImpSpy2 - 15
Client crashes upon clicking "Save and Quit" in game
#10 opened by Lorelando - 6
When server is closed, the client crashes
#9 opened by felinusfish - 4
Game crashes when exiting a minecraft world
#7 opened by 2003HondaAccord - 3
Earler fabric launcher version support
#8 opened by OreCruncher - 14
1.18 ?
#13 opened by Chuunkyz - 10
No Ambience Sound Muffling under water
#12 opened by DerLeole - 24
[1.20.1] Fabric backport of 1.20.4
#35 opened by Rebel459 - 1
[1.20.4] Improve handling of game state
#37 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[1.20.4] Swing sound plays in addition to bow/crossbow sound when loading arrow
#36 opened by OreCruncher - 2
[1.20.4] Support multiple mod loaders within the repo
#46 opened by OreCruncher - 4
[1.20.4] Incompatible with Sound Physics Remastered
#39 opened by rght925h - 1
[1.20.4] Add footstep accents similar to earlier versions of Dynamic Surroundings
#41 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[1.20.4] Add firefly particle effect similar to earlier versions of Dynamic Surroundings
#42 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[1.20.4] Add simple compass overlay when holding a compass
#43 opened by OreCruncher - 3
We Need This For 1.19.4
#49 opened by Labib9xTheDev - 4
[1.20.x] Minimal particle settings cause mod to crash when around waterfalls
#58 opened by Jafooleryy - 13
[1.20.X] Armor footstep accents with Presence Footsteps?
#55 opened by ArmoredFuzzball - 1
[1.20.x] Disconnecting and reconnecting will lose biome sound effects
#59 opened by OreCruncher - 1
[1.20.x] Footstep sound effects will not play when connected to remote server
#60 opened by OreCruncher - 1
Cannot invoke "org.orecruncher.dsurround.processing.misc.BlockEffectManager.tick
#15 opened by AlisterGontineac - 3
/execute run [...] does not work with any of the ds commands
#18 opened by y2k04 - 1
/playsound from command blocks does not work
#19 opened by prototype464 - 6
Game will not start
#20 opened by LuciusofLegend - 3
#21 opened by StockiesLad - 1
Some things missing from the forge version
#22 opened by eburnham18 - 1
Crash when it's raining (Optifabric/Optifine)
#23 opened by anUrbanGoose - 3
Properly escaping unicode in fabric.mod.json
#24 opened by PerikiyoXD - 4
Underwater sounds getting louder
#26 opened by bungee-boy - 0
Sound Duping Issues
#28 opened by KPaXz - 5
1.19 ?
#29 opened by Yexiaowei11 - 1
Crash on World Load: RandomBlockEffectScanner.tick() Null
#30 opened by Gamerbolts - 2
game crash
#31 opened by showierdata9978 - 2
Support for MC 1.20.4
#32 opened by Sven-vh