- 5
Unable to open doors holding Yeta Wrench
#3541 opened by 016Nojr - 4
Having to break and replace EIO power conduits upon chunk reload
#3542 opened by utoc - 1
[1.7.10] Dupe with Crafter and Tome of Alkahestry
#3551 opened by KendirkRS - 6
Farming Station not planting wheat
#3552 opened by richardmv - 9
[1.7.10] Sag mill output chance always high [Question]
#3553 opened by Skillotic0703 - 1
Fluid tank duplicates buckets
#3554 opened by graemecross - 1
[1.10.2] Wireless Charger Doesn't Charge Off-Hand Item
#3555 opened by oitsjustjose - 2
config not syncing between clien/server
#3543 opened by xannor - 2
Duplication bug on 1.10.2
#3544 opened by BubbaVB - 3
[Suggestion] Add the 'show range' button to the Farming Station
#3545 opened by FreneticScribbler - 2
Lava/water duplication bug with EnderIO fluid tank
#3546 opened by garlicinyoureye - 2
Cooking Lycanites raw meat leads to odd results.
#3547 opened by vdrake77 - 7
Insulated redstone cables no longer have an API
#3548 opened by josephcsible - 1
Incompatibility with Spice of Life textures
#3549 opened - 0
(Suggestion) IC2 rubber tree chop mode
#3550 opened by catt0 - 3
Alloy Smelter makes Electrical Advantage Solder out of EnderIO Tin Powder
#3558 opened by MokahTGS - 3
#3559 opened by JorVaCoding - 3
Missing translations
#3560 opened by MrAmericanMike - 4
Cape not hidden when wearing Dark Plate with Elytra upgrade
#3561 opened by Krasjet - 5
[1.7.10] Combustion Generator won't put out power
#3563 opened by JFMillerUSA - 4
[1.10.2] [Updated Report] Weather Obelisk Can't Connect to Fluid Conduits
#3562 opened by praetoras - 3
Don't load saved game after normally exit game
#3564 opened by Uroboros65 - 1
Localization Issues with Coordinate Selector and Creative Capacitor Bank
#3565 opened by LukewarmYeti - 8
Nutrient Distillation Issue
#3566 opened by LukewarmYeti - 1
[1.7.10] Advanced Item Filter not working
#3567 opened by JFMillerUSA - 2
1.10.2 cropConfig.json being completely ignored by farming station
#3568 opened by MysticAura - 1
[1.10.2] Crash on Server
#3569 opened by DoughnutDev - 3
Crash server
#3570 opened by origamerpro - 0
Chorus Flower not working with Farming Station in
#3571 opened by NickSProud - 3
[Suggestion] Invisible Facades
#3572 opened by 016Nojr - 1
[1.10.2] Zombie Generator unbreakable, breaking attempt causes client crash.
#3573 opened by Yandols - 2
[1.10.2]Key "R" is not work if enderIO installed
#3574 opened by RarogCmex - 4
[1.10.2] Crash on entering world
#3556 opened by Keridos - 9
[1.7.10] Nutrient Distillation
#3557 opened by CristinoValdigem - 5
RFTools Item Filter Machine pull items not working
#3580 opened by Keridos - 4
Suggestion: Make Vanilla Item Frames Paintable
#3581 opened by psychofad - 1
[suggestion] remote awareness / request filter
#3582 opened by istasi - 5
Ender IO block is not working
#3583 opened by mikefun10 - 2
Soul Binder bug
#3585 opened by samiscool51 - 1
Telepad Block
#3584 opened by HNGamingUK - 1
Suggestion: Dark Pick & Grass Paths
#3586 opened by ad9836 - 0
Log Reason For Recipe Removal
#3587 opened by martindiv - 4
Suggestion: Killer Joe + Mending, RF Vacuum Chest
#3588 opened by Yusunoha - 1
Dark Steel Armour Crash
#3589 opened by the-creamster - 4
Cotton Seeds from Pams Harv.craft not working correctly in Farming Station
#3590 opened by Keridos - 7
RF tool bar not showing up in UI
#3591 opened by Nammor - 4
[1.10.2] Dark Plate with Elytra (Flight and Toggle)
#3576 opened by SteveKnowless - 8
Capacitor Banks resetting output and input to 0 RF/t
#3577 opened by cwickes - 4
2 conduit-related crashes
#3578 opened by the-creamster - 1
lava bucket glitch with tank
#3579 opened by knoahj