- 5
Turning on Powered Spawner Causes Crash
#3916 opened by Megistus - 3
Soulbound items overwrite other items
#3917 opened by Yashimata - 1
Remarkable Capacitor toolpit cannot be read
#3918 opened by ExDomino - 4
[1.8+] Fused Quartz Glass implementation is very RAM/loading time unfriendly
#3919 opened by asiekierka - 2
crash on conduit rendering in 142 beta
#3931 opened by jdratlif - 2
morph o tool and insulated redstone conduit causing crash
#3932 opened by mahall1988 - 0
Changing an I/O on a conduit reconnects it to adjacent conduits
#3933 opened by Xiaminou - 0
Inhibitor Obelisk prevents teleporting even when set to "never active"
#3934 opened by Xiaminou - 3
out of memory
#3935 opened by Thunderheadz - 0
pls fix it
#3937 opened by deionandrade22 - 9
- 2
Question: How to use Inventory storage system
#3922 opened by Kaisoul - 12
Redstone Conduits and Bundled Cables
#3923 opened by Xiaminou - 2
- 2
Ender IO + EU & Farming Station
#3925 opened - 2
[1.10.2] Gas conduits are not available even though enabled and mekanism api present
#3926 opened by addrever - 16
EnderIO causes GSON to throw an exception when certain loot tables are serialised
#3927 opened by Daomephsta - 1
1.10.2 crash during world startup
#3928 opened by croftyraider - 4
Vacuum Chest should not attract items when not activated
#3929 opened by SharkWipf - 6
Ender IO and EnderCore RF API crashing on multiple versions
#3930 opened by nathansmeal - 5
Farming Station Failing To Harvest Specific (Vaild) Spots
#3941 opened by 7OOTnegaTerces - 2
Power Conduit Prioritys
#3942 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 43
conduits dont work correctly
#3943 opened by bigpod98 - 1
[Feature Request] Vaccum Chest Comparator support
#3944 opened by Xiaminou - 0
EnderIO crashing the Game?
#3945 opened - 0
Crash with ExtraUtilities
#3946 opened by MCEventHorizon - 3
Power usage rendering
#3947 opened by Elvarion - 5
Powered Spawner set to capture will auto break itself
#3948 opened by Meller127 - 2
Black Frame when placing Conduits
#3949 opened by davqvist - 2
conduit becomes invisible with redstone signal
#3950 opened by jdratlif - 4
Vibrant Capacitors losing "VIBRANT" thus making them worse
#3951 opened by Hoffs - 4
Yeta Wrench crashing client.
#3952 opened by alexandercool123 - 3
Fluid tank redstone control doesn't work
#3953 opened by jeridan - 2
Chickens Lava/Water Egg keeps filling Tanks beyond capacity
#3954 opened by tgstyle - 1
Crash Regarding Fuzed Quartz and Biomes of Plenty
#3939 opened by john01dav - 2
Farming station placing saplings in non applicable places
#3940 opened by chazwarp923 - 4
World Crashes upon loading....java.lang.ClassCastException
#3957 opened by Wibbbs - 0
[1.10.2] Lapis in Enchanter gets destroyed on pickup
#3958 opened by SnowShock35 - 1
Unable to spawn chickens from Chickens Mod
#3959 opened by TheAwayEnd - 2
Crash on load: Unknown config value 'staff settings:travelStaffEnabled'
#3961 opened by Thyriel - 3
Redstone conduits don't update properly when bulk-changed by non-conduit source
#3962 opened by SharkWipf - 5
Crash on load: Unknown config value 'item enabling:gasConduitEnabled'
#3963 opened by gkuba - 5
Dark Steel Elytra: falling through world when flying straight up
#3964 opened by SharkWipf - 1
Tinkers construct dusts/powder localization
#3965 opened by LukewarmYeti - 2
Crash on 1.10.2 with no other mods
#3966 opened by Razorfin8 - 13
Temperature requirements for Tcon Smeltry to make Glowgas/Molten Redstone exceed Lava's heat.
#3967 opened by ate0ate - 1
Crash with EnderIO and TiC
#3968 opened by Vampsku11 - 0
[Question?] Missing Mekanism gas conduits?
#3969 opened by ate0ate - 2
Crash upon player login on long running and usually empty server
#3970 opened by enricotagliavini - 1
Crafter Issues
#3971 opened by xannor