- 13
Conduit Facades let light through
#3868 opened by Xiaminou - 10
NBSP Issue
#3869 opened by Elvarion - 2
Client disconnected when opening vacuum chest
#3870 opened by diverscott - 3
Soul Binder - Cyberzombies
#3863 opened by Hirsu - 1
Sometimes crash on join
#3864 opened by tomelfring - 9
Random crash on game load - MissingMods screen
#3865 opened by robaimes - 1
#3866 opened by MiniDOBBS - 6
Enderman head rendering is rather heavy/slow
#3867 opened by way2muchnoise - 1
[1.7.10] Crash in TileTank.doPull
#3880 opened by NEckes - 1
Suggestion on version past 1.10.x of 5 Dec 2016
#3881 opened by jiuribu - 5
Energy Buffer does not display energy stored when pointing at the energy bar
#3882 opened by Xiaminou - 5
- 5
ME Conduits break after server restart if you disconnect a side
#3884 opened by Xiaminou - 3
Game Crash when using Wireless lights and Architecture craft
#3885 opened by help4tech - 3
Clearing Slice'n'Splice config in the 2x2 crafting slot
#3886 opened by noobyaran9 - 1
[1.10.2] Reinforced Obsidian Duplication Bug
#3887 opened by wstegema - 3
request for decoration block - breathing dimensional transceiver
#3888 opened by rahangar - 2
[enhancement] Creosote in Combustion Generator
#3889 opened by LafinJack - 0
Item Conduit randomly stops working
#3890 opened by DrC0ns0le - 4
Item Conduit dupe glitch with Storage Drawers
#3871 opened - 2
(Suggestion) Refined Storage Conduit
#3872 opened by JaRyCu - 27
[1.10.2]Item conduits randomly turning off
#3873 opened by Gebcrafter - 6
[Potential bug] Unchanging custom recipes
#3875 opened by Adam-Kay - 2
auto sorting and crafting crashes the game
#3876 opened by minimin1122 - 1
Crash when Killer Joe using SlashBlade Mod's blade.
#3877 opened by frank89722 - 14
Connection between Dense Cable and ME Dense Conduit renders as a ME Smart Cable connection
#3878 opened by Xiaminou - 4
Powered Spawners with no AI
#3879 opened by DigitalSketch - 5
Farming station gets stuck with low power input
#3893 opened by gmoff01 - 5
Feature Request: Multi button input for redstone conduits
#3894 opened by Damit84 - 6
[1.10.2] Yeta Wrench config terminates server connection
#3895 opened by 016Nojr - 1
Soul Machine painted stairs and slabs look like regular machines
#3896 opened by meerple - 5
Exception while updating neighbours
#3897 opened by mrkarp - 0
Any updates to [1.11]???
#3898 opened by ElderWraith - 6
[1.7.10] Yeta Wrench config terminates server connection
#3899 opened by Psithief - 5
[1.10.2] Tooltips not fitting on screen with GUI open
#3900 opened by p75369 - 2
Fuzzy Match tooltip clarification and inversion
#3901 opened by Simon-Bitdiddle - 2
Ender Rail missing
#3902 opened by digitalseraphim - 0
Filling a reservoir with a bucket from your off-hand dupes the bucket
#3903 opened by Zareks - 0
Slice and splice took suggestion
#3904 opened by ManMan36 - 1
Slice and splice tool suggestion
#3905 opened by ManMan36 - 2
Empowered Shear Duping
#3911 opened by Ravin890 - 4
Client Server Syncing Issue - Alloy Smelter
#3912 opened by LordSkittles - 5
[1.10.2] Capacitors won't allow items to attach directly
#3913 opened by Nargath - 0
[1.11] Class Not Found Exception on Client Load
#3914 opened by Codewolf - 0
Lots of XP into Obelisk causes stall
#3915 opened by Time6628 - 4
Pressurized Fluid Tank does not show up in JEI
#3906 opened by Xiaminou - 1
No way to set energy buffer on Dimensional Transciever
#3907 opened by Saereth - 2
Cant Put Broken Spawner Into Soul Binder To Change Spawner Type
#3908 opened by Maxstripe - 7
Powered Spawner not producing mobs
#3909 opened by TheVanoq - 28
Conduits and Facades become invisible
#3910 opened by Xiaminou