- 1
Can't rotate conduit facade
#4477 opened by Phantom329 - 2
Server crashing randomly ( Ender IO, actually additions ) Mc 1.10.2 Forge 25.11
#4476 opened by LnX-OrioN - 0
Capacitor Bank
#4479 opened by Seffkins - 0
Dimensional transceiver
#4480 opened by enot237 - 2
Problem with Dark Hekmet and Night Vision
#4488 opened by demycat - 0
Painted Blocks With CTM Break When Placed Next To Thermal Dynamic Duct
#4508 opened by Alzar - 2
[1.12.2]Energy Gauge bug
#4509 opened by Boshouko - 7
Item Conduit Isn't Working?...
#4510 opened - 6
Crashing with NuclearCraft?
#4511 opened by tomdodd4598 - 6
[1.12.2]Strange lags... i don`t know
#4512 opened by Rumaruka - 1
I believe this is a bug?
#4513 opened by Beric88 - 1
[1.12.2] CraftTweaker Recipes not working
#4516 opened by Bircko - 0
Side config of basic sag mill highlights inacessible grinder ball slot
#4518 opened by freshstrangemusic - 1
Game crash during Pre-initialized
#4519 opened by uuk0 - 0
You have mod sources that are duplicate within your system
#4520 opened by Ex3l3nd - 4
behaviour with the silicon from AE2
#4521 opened by Rundas01 - 4
[1.12.2] Omni buffer GUI outta line (EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.287-nightly)
#4522 opened by b0bst3r - 5
Stuff Missing sagmill recipy
#4523 opened by tyler489 - 1
Inventory Remotes in all creative tabs.
#4503 opened by brisingraerowing - 2
EnderIO 1.12 crashes at start
#4504 opened by Lyror - 4
Incompatibly with Diet Hoppers
#4505 opened by Ravin890 - 1
#4506 opened by theg280amer - 3
"Who Needs Jungles?" advancement awarded for organic black dye
#4531 opened by quat1024 - 1
[1.12.2] MC crash when opening wired charger GUI
#4533 opened by LordDiablo - 2
[1.10.2] Server crashes on every startup | Farmingstation
#4535 opened by Marcel40625 - 2
[1.12.2] Crafttweaker
#4524 opened by Bircko - 1
Suggestion for Attractor Obelisk
#4525 opened by BloshJ - 2
Item Conduits Not always respecting filters
#4526 opened by Moobien - 2
[1.12.2] NoSuchFieldError crash when loading EnderIO in a development environment
#4527 opened by desht - 12
[1.12.2] EnderIO tanks don't behave as expected (IFluidHandler#fill() method)
#4529 opened by desht - 7
[EnderIO-1.12.2-5.0.20] Simple Alloy Smelter doesn't accept some items
#4530 opened by VallenFrostweaver - 3
[1.12.2] Missing Texture
#4545 opened by Yhuxz - 2
[1.12.2] AdvancedRocketry + EnderIO = Crash
#4538 opened by slava110 - 0
Staff of Traveling has a Travel upgrade?
#4539 opened by Infinoid - 6
[1.12.2] Crash via Forge Fluid Handler at Cold Igniter
#4541 opened by PyroFlareX - 1
Forestry Integration Sans Bees
#4543 opened by Darkehart - 7
Liquefied Ender Pearls conflict with Resonant Ender
#4544 opened by Xiaminou - 11
[1.12.2] Forgetful Dimensional Transceiver
#4546 opened by andr9528 - 1
Crash when opening Wired Charger
#4547 opened by DoctorZoe - 3
[1.12.2] Killer_Joe "kills" Server. (Block Entity being ticked).
#4548 opened by Gyromax - 1
Power system used
#4549 opened by TobiasDeBruijn - 3
inventory panel using gui class server side
#4567 opened by deceet - 2
[1.12.2] JEI crash
#4551 opened by bramw0 - 1
Minecraft crashes after i place a Power Monitor
#4552 opened by Whatever1024 - 0
Some (other)mod's pipe/s connect to facades when they shouldn't
#4554 opened by TheQuadShot - 7
[1.12.2] Troubles connecting to a server: OutOfBoundsException in ByteBuf.
#4555 opened by MarkL4YG - 2
cannot display I/O or "usage progress bar" on horizontal planes of Capacitors
#4558 opened by TheQuadShot - 1
Conduit issue with OpenModularTurret
#4559 opened by DEX47 - 7
Can't charge dark steel equipment with wired charger
#4560 opened by SirGoldenTaco - 2
[visual bug] dark bow doesn't render when drawing back on offhand
#4561 opened by MasterBuilder747