- 10
Client/Server Entity Mismatch (Take 2)
#114 opened by sonicer105 - 8
[Mod interaction] khndrel keght spawns from ender quarry + world hole upgrade
#113 opened by kotoroshinoto - 2
[Suggestion] Ender Wither
#112 opened by agowa - 0
[Suggestion] Taming Mechanic for Enderminy
#111 opened by mikeloeven - 0
exp bar glitched
#110 opened by ArmyOps - 2
Dire Slime Spawning Suggestion
#109 opened by zzApotheosis - 0
[Configuration Request] Option to allow Direwolves to spawn under normal mob conditions
#108 opened by thephoenixlodge - 1
Its all about aesthetics
#107 opened by zHawky - 0
odd crash with living update thing
#106 opened by kreezxil - 1
Dire Slimes (Khndrel Keght) causing slowdown with Ender Quarry
#105 opened by RoyCurtis - 6
Client crash - at net.minecraft.entity.ai.attributes.RangedAttribute.<init>(SourceFile:14)
#104 opened by ProsperCraft - 1
Client crash - java.lang.ClassCastException: crazypants.enderzoo.charge.EntityPrimedCharge cannot be cast to net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase
#103 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
[Suggestion] Ender Item Conduit GUI Enhancements
#101 opened by Petethelich - 1
Creative tab looks weird
#100 opened by Adaptivity - 7
Information for Mob Khndrel Keght?
#99 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 2
[Suggestion] Config: Powered lights RF/tick cost
#98 opened by arkcane - 2
Computercraft support for Capacitor bank
#97 opened by bgalde - 1
[Suggestion] Whiter skeleton
#96 opened by michelegargiulo - 0
Squid spawn not effected by ender zoo
#95 opened by shone-zmaj - 2
Server Crash with Gas Pipe
#94 opened by StrayCargo - 1
Ender io and Botania compatibility (dont know why it went to ender zoo :( sorry just close it here.)
#93 opened by Bellwar - 10
Concussion Creeper Teleporting Player to Void
#92 opened by AmmolS - 0
Request: Powered travel anchor
#91 opened by Xules01 - 3
Spawn Control doesn't seem to honor biome filters
#90 opened by Mictali - 2
Wither Cat weird texture
#89 opened by jmfe10 - 2
Dire Wolves still spawn in all light levels Enderzoo
#88 opened by Xyrys - 4
Farming station just dissappearing
#86 opened by Mjir - 2
Occasional Crash With Bad Entity
#85 opened by Amaxter - 2
[Mod Compatibility] [Enhancement] Painted Mystcraft Crystals
#83 opened by BarbasTheDog - 1
Ender IO viewer perspective (POV) option?
#82 opened by spazchicken42 - 2
Armor Weird ness and blocks
#81 opened by ashly138 - 0
Server crash when completing a itemduct network.
#80 opened by Properpeanut - 2
Killer Joe and Redstone Arsenal's Sword
#79 opened by K4N0 - 7
Wither Cats (This is definitely not right...)
#78 opened by SniperHauss89 - 1
dread potion effect from abyssalcraft mod conflicts with potion of decay
#77 opened by abidoang - 2
Disable wither cats, client crash
#76 opened by Beefuser12 - 1
enderio wiki down!
#75 opened by devander - 1
#74 opened by b0bst3r - 1
Crash on world startup
#73 opened by MnMaxon - 1
Dire Wolves spawn in well-lit bases
#72 opened by rivveste - 3
Wither Cat Spawning Weirdness
#70 opened by Thiana - 1
Concusion Creepers can Teleport you past bedrock
#69 opened by Dracohuman - 1
Secure travel anchor can eat or duplicate items
#67 opened by McFrugal - 3
#66 opened by demethan - 1
Crash report - conduit facades
#65 opened by DCBond - 4
cant change spawn config
#64 opened by dmtryzhkv - 1
occasional NPE on attempting to place ME conduit into bundle
#63 opened by Katalliaan - 1
- 6
Mob Enabling/Disabling Bug []
#60 opened by irkedIsaac - 1
Conduit Facades SPAMMING Error Msgs in Console
#59 opened by chloeprince