- 0
Problem changing horse and Polar Bear spawn rates
#169 opened by Santvarg - 0
Inv Tweaks middle mouse click chest sorting crash
#168 opened by the-creamster - 0
Owl features
#167 opened by Sean-Amor - 0
1.11.2 Port
#165 opened by xbony2 - 5
EnderIO Crafter
#164 opened by jrwizzard - 0
#163 opened by ktole1999 - 1
Server crash in minecraft 1.10.2 seems to be either ender io or biomes o plenty.
#162 opened by felixnigh7 - 0
[1.10.2] [Bug] Staff of Traveling teleporting other players
#161 opened by Baarn - 0
Photovoltaic Cell Null Texture
#160 opened by voidedWarranties - 3
[1.10.2] Add Wither & Decay enchanted book recipies to the EnderIO enchanter
#159 opened by TechAsh - 4
EnderZoo compatibility with JourneyMap's Icons
#157 opened by Xiaminou - 1
Dupe bug
#156 opened by QuantumNebulae - 1
#155 opened by RichardEHarris - 0
crash with rf api
#154 opened by mightydanp - 0
[Feature] BiomeFilter = All!
#153 opened by Unrepentant-Atheist - 1
[1.10.2] [Bug/Enhancement] Owl Death Noise
#152 opened by SnowShock35 - 1
[1.10.2] [Bug] Unable to use spawn egg on existing adult owls to create baby owls
#151 opened by SnowShock35 - 0
[1.10] suggestion: use lead on owls?
#150 opened by Terpo - 4
[1.10.2] [Bug] Fallen Knight render in wrong place
#149 opened by Dijkstra1-zz - 0
[Bug] Mod compatibility: wither potion has leaping
#148 opened by karakufire - 1
Item Conduit Bug
#146 opened by dovahkiin4991 - 0
Crash with Farm and Terraqueous Trees
#145 opened by MokahTGS - 0
Recipe not showing in Multiplayer
#144 opened by dabigmoose - 2
1.10.2 - Wither Cat Crash
#143 opened by Peach774 - 2
[1.10] FallenKnight entity crash - Ticking World
#142 opened by praetoras - 9
Client Crash
#141 opened by APolarBaer - 7
1.9.4 version on server with forge 1.10 immediately upon entering world from client crash
#140 opened by JohnRohner - 26
[1.9.4] Khndrel Keght spawning from Slimy Grass
#138 opened by Mohron - 0
[1.7.10] Ticking Entity: Fallen Knight
#137 opened by perfect007 - 0
[1.8.9] Owl hoot volume config option is in the "dire slime" section
#136 opened by lehjr - 0
[1.9.4] [EnderIO-1.9.4-] Scooping lava crashes the game.
#135 opened by Kazzamkablam - 2
Server crashing from owls EnderZoo v1.9-1.2.38
#134 opened by BlueSilverXIII - 2
[EnderZoo] With [JourneyMap 5.1.5] Owls showing on JourneyMap as hostile mobs.
#133 opened by Insufficient-Charge - 3
Reinforced Obsidian + Thaumometer = Crash
#132 opened by ThePixelbrain - 5
Primed Concussion TNT renders as owl.
#131 opened by TheOnlySilverClaw - 1
bug with ic2 exp
#130 opened by dinios - 3
Haunted SAG Mill
#129 opened by NewEpochGaming - 2
Experience obelisk
#128 opened by OldManCraft - 3
No hostile mobs in world
#127 opened by miiichael - 0
Found a typo in MobSpawnEventHandler.java | Priority low.
#126 opened by srs-bsns - 2
nutrient distillation
#125 opened by barkos - 6
Wither Potion Recipe
#123 opened by Shahelion - 5
Concussion Creeper explosion near bedrock is bad!
#122 opened by firebrim - 1
Suggestion - New ME Conduit type or new funtionality
#121 opened by UberAffe - 3
[Question] Add support for Mattocks for Khendral Knights
#120 opened by 016Nojr - 2
[Bug?] The Dirt slimes (Khndrel Keght) 1.8.9
#119 opened by Bellwar - 3
Crash on v1.8.9 Server
#118 opened by kwpugh - 0
NPE selecting Yeta Wrench on hotbar
#117 opened by shortybsd - 2
#116 opened by chloeprince - 1
Conduits and Conduit Facade's not appearing.
#115 opened by Thevett