- 0
New mob suggestion
#58 opened by NJM1564 - 1
Server wither cat crash
#57 opened by AnonymousPuppy - 3
Enchantment issue with fallen knights.
#56 opened by Neodark7 - 1
Abundant broken spawners
#55 opened by joshbogs - 1
Suggestion on Power Conduits
#54 opened by Unatan63 - 0
Request: Add a 'example' vanilla mob to the SpawnConfig_user.xml
#53 opened by TymonDomanko - 0
Request: Spawn Control by Coordinates?
#52 opened by rihlsul - 0
Killer Joe's and Vacuum Chests work through walls and doors.
#51 opened by Ayrrow - 15
Bug with potions
#48 opened by Sunconure11 - 3
Wither Cats randomly spawning in Overworld Spawn
#46 opened by edyounis - 12
Crash only when trying join to server
#45 opened by gb5hrh6t - 2
- 8
Enchantment issue with fallen knights.
#42 opened by Claycorp - 0
Wither Witch ignores Aversion Obelisk
#41 opened by nrllewellyn - 3
MFR Slaughterhouse unable to kill Wither Cats
#40 opened by TotalHamman - 2
Server Crash - Shooting Twilight Forest Mobs with Ender Bow
#39 opened by pattplayz - 2
Wither cats immune to ExU spike damage
#38 opened by sitedyno - 1
concussion creepers effects hit everyone on a server not just the person hit
#37 opened by kurokuno - 2
Config needs configurable enchantment ID
#36 opened - 0
Wither Witch spawn rate is really high & ignoring group size config
#35 opened by skermajo - 5
NPE on loading previous world with disabled Wither Cats
#34 opened by Macropyre - 2
Trying to stop bats from spawning
#33 opened by Staegrin - 1
Crash when changing configs to not spawn without disabling mobs
#32 opened by parcel31u - 3
Server Crash - Grinder kills horse
#31 opened by Sir-Will - 0
disregard, wrong mod
#30 opened by Slickdrac - 9
Unknown server crash
#29 opened by BBoldt - 1
Single player game crash - item filter actions
#28 opened by ockerspock - 2
EnderZoo spawn control by dimension
#27 opened by rhoark - 1
Conduit and Machine become invible with Optifine 1.7.10 HD U A4
#26 opened by Exymat - 0
Conduit and Machine become invible with Optifine 1.710
#25 opened by Exymat - 6
Ticking Entity Wither Cat
#24 opened by Dominance - 1
Wither Witch spawn rate a bit high?
#23 opened by ShadowDrakken - 1
Server Crash
#22 opened by cauliflower69 - 1
Wither Cats kill you and don't leave a grave
#21 opened by Mezzle - 0
crash if fallen knight ends up in a cart
#20 opened by seebs - 4
Item conduits
#15 opened by harley9699699 - 2
(Suggestion) an item to put conduit facades on
#13 opened by AiwendilCiunio - 0
Power values for fully levelled up Armor
#12 opened by triwithms - 0
Hit box for the wither cat is not very good
#11 opened by CrazyPants - 1
Concussion Creepers spawn on Mushroom Island.
#7 opened by JillSwift - 3
InvocationTargetException on server side
#4 opened by marcin212 - 2
Mod Conflict - Enviromine
#3 opened by ShadowDrakken