- 1
[Feature Request] Claim height limit
#123 opened by rabrunos - 0
suggestion - autoname claims and set enter/leave messages by default
#122 opened by pahanakun - 2
maxClaims is 500, but goes over 500 if you buy claims.
#121 opened by Namihyeon - 0
Adding item based currency
#120 opened by MJRamon - 2
[Feature Request] Vine Growth & Leaf Decay Permissions
#119 opened by Mr-Sea-Monster - 0
[Feature Request] Add primary lang file
#118 opened by HonzaVinCZ - 0
Feature request: creative flying permission
#117 opened by pahanakun - 2
Server Crashes (or does nothing with more mods enabled) when trying to sell/buy claim blocks with Gunpowder
#116 opened by pahanakun - 1
1.18.1 Support in Curseforge
#115 opened by RiverC - 1
Player getting Stuck in Minecart when entering Property with No Entry Permissions.
#114 opened by StoneLegion - 4
[Bug, Flan Forge, 1.18.1] ComputerCraft turtles completely bypass land protection
#113 opened by HonzaVinCZ - 2
1.18.1 Support
#111 opened by RiverC - 1
OPENCONTAINER false not working
#110 opened by Hypn0iid - 1
Claims not working below 0
#108 opened by Jlibb - 0
Canstay off sub claim yeets you fully out of main claim
#107 opened by AstoriaWinters - 12
Please mix into World#canPlayerModifyAt to include a claim check
#106 opened by Technici4n - 2
[1.18] Flan Crashes while Loading world
#105 opened by Carterpersall - 3
Locked drops affected by hoppers and water
#104 opened by Seercat3160 - 1
Expanded Storage not protected under claim
#103 opened by itsdinkd - 2
bump to 21w38a
#102 opened by PortableGames - 1
Not compatible with FLAN
#101 opened by itsdinkd - 1
[Feature Request] Add bonus claim blocks permission node
#100 opened by elhertz - 0
Plugin.yml startup error with PaperMC
#98 opened by ph1lt0r - 1
/flan teleport doesnt work for other players who has permissions
#97 opened by CatboardBox - 6
[Crash] When adding Potion effect via menu it crashes the server.
#96 opened by ThebigTijn - 1
[Feature Request] add greetings and farewell messages
#95 opened by elhertz - 0
[Feature Request] permission to be in survival mode inside claim - set to adventure mode if denied
#94 opened by elhertz - 0
/setHome errors 100% of the time (but does still work)
#93 opened by CozzyBro2 - 0
[Feature Request] command to use all possible unused claim blocks
#92 opened by elhertz - 1
[Feature Request] add "<number>x<number>" feature to "/flan addClaim"
#91 opened by elhertz - 1
[Feature Request] add "maxClaimAmount" option to limit the amount of claims per player
#90 opened by elhertz - 1
[Feature Request] option to disable claim particles
#88 opened by Soham52 - 1
Lag caused by flan checking getClaimAt() in ClaimStorage
#87 opened by Wesley1808 - 1
Universal Graves Compatibility
#86 opened by Soham52 - 1
Flan 1.6.1 breaks "lockDrops": false, option in config to turn of drop protection
#85 opened by NOOTLORD - 10
Bewitchment cauldrons
#84 opened by VoidLock92 - 0
[Feature Request] Only protect players claims when they're offline
#83 opened by UndeadKitten - 2
[Feature Request] mod compat Money and Sign Shops
#82 opened by Caltinor - 2
Cannot launch with flan installed anymore.
#81 opened by AchalS-iglu - 2
Others can not use "Gunpowder Signshop" in the claim
#80 opened by JackMeds - 1
Suggestion or question
#79 opened by schuberty - 1
Config to disable passive claim blocks.
#78 opened by dandin87 - 1
list admin claims returns an error
#77 opened by wh0oo - 1
list admin claims
#76 opened by cherie535 - 3
Interacting with entities inside a claim causes a server crash
#75 opened by cherie535 - 4
crash on startup with new flan 1.5.3
#74 opened - 1
Claims Are Useless Due To Sticks, And Golden Hoes
#73 opened by Atchbo2001 - 0
- 2
[1.17] Players with no permissions can interact with the Dragon Egg inside a claim and teleport it away.
#71 opened by Gbergz - 0
Claimtools (like the stick and golden hoe) completely dodging claim permissions.
#70 opened by Wesley1808